Grand Unified Theory United nature theory Theory of everything |
United Nature theoy open works theory, basis for new ideas and theories.
Tejman Chaim, Henry, Tejman Dr. Jerusalem. Independed researches of United Nature-Wave theory-Grand Unified theory
Everything created by peculiar swirling strings activity [created by still mystery space fabrics A. Einstein] which by protons and neutrons quarks creates everything[Tejman]. Many theoretical physicists, including Stephen Hawking, Edward Witten and Juan Maldacena, believe that string theory is a step towards the correct fundamental description of nature: This paper is only simple NATURE description like Copernicus, Darwin, and Mendel and maybe can help to to many scientific works, This peculiar condensed strings motion is blue print for everything! .By peculiar swirling of strings, appears 3D fluctuated unidirectional motion to all directions and creates everything. Important picture of solar prominence [google] of condensed strings plasma].
Only NATURE explained alone the peculiar sophisticated motion that creates electro-magnetic quanum force of everything.
. Pict. of very condensed strings formation composed by adhere individual strings of unidirectional motion. This motion forward unidirectional of individual string of swirling fluctuat retrograde behavior is the most ingenious sophisticate nature creation.. String adhere by their fluctuate vibrating field.
The string by its peculiar swirling motion creates from 0 to 8 closed formations.
That is the first closed creation [quantum] formation [positronium ] of circulation given space created by strong force . Primary strings Double bubble quantum. That is the most primary fluctuated swirling creation. Swirling string create on both ends bubbles [double bubble. That is the first closed creation [quantum] formation [positroniu]. Strings are created by space fabrics from the smallest [near 0] to very large Maybe Zero-point energy 1913, by A. Einstein, Otto Stern, using formula. Max Planck are these strings activity.
Zero-point fluctuated energy are crated by strings. Which by peculiar swirling motion [swirl] create proton quark which by continue this peculiar motion create neutron [swirl] quark [positronium] with opposite neutron direction cause to string fluctuate, from one quark to the other and vice versa, changing the shape, By this swirling fluctuation motion create positronium different shapes from 0 to like 8 closed quantum formation of two swirls [quarks] PositroniumCarl Anderson 1932 Stjepan Mohorovičić 1934 and experimentally discovered by Martin Deutsch at MIT in 1951 and Bethe–Salpeter equation that is first fluctuated strings quantum. First strings creation, was proton quark model predicted independently by physicists Murray Gell-Mann andGeorge Zweig in 1964.[5] The original Gell-Mann–Nishijima formula is:
Two quarks as appears in NATURE Every quark have other behaviors however they are created by the same substance and by the same strings. Their behavior is changed by spin, condensation, frequency ect. Together create quantum formation and everything. First creation by string is proton quark [for understanding NATURE behavior needs a lot of imagination because that is sophisticated creation]
The mallest strings are the most swirling vibrate energetic creation of spin +1. Appears and disappears. Penetrate everything. Larger strings, ropes path composed by the smallest strings are larger waves and less vibrates.[Heisenberg's uncertainty principle], That are different ways of quantum formation by strings. . Proton strings quarks together with strings creates gravitons formations That is beautiful picture of huge gravitons creation with “black” ho by strings
Dark matter, condensed by strings and protons quarks, create many gravitons. By continue swirling motion these gravitons creates huge gravitons.
The dark matter collected strings and gravitons absorb everything from vicinity include light; They have very high “energy” capacity by condensed gravitons strings. Because they have only proton’s quark and they can’t emit “energy” . Energy” emission, transfers only by different wave neutron quark formation. By continue swirling motion these huge gravitons condensed strong dark matter from vicinity create black hole and expel quanta galaxies [quanta-matter-mass]
This like simple creation is the most sophisticated NATURE creation Black hole We see the horizon move by swirling motion.. That is endless of “black” holes creation by strings, gravitons concentrations. From the smallest proton strings, quark to very huge and living creations ass ribosome nucleus cell. The one huge graviton by peculiar swirling motion create two main swirling path. One central very condensed by strings with thin horizon [strong force] and around less condensed swirling path [weaker force] with large swirling horizon. These two parallel forces create sophisticated creation of DNA [double helix-quantum] of open, semi closed or closed quanta formations. That is the most ingenious, sophisticated NATURE creation. Small and large quanta creations have the same behavior [ A. Einstein]
Strings quarks are blue print for evrything
Carrots are beautiful explanation for gravitons behavior.
Proton and Neutron quark together create quantum creation..
Black hole create different kinds of quanta. Pict of open quanta formations
This kind of open quanta create life genome. Every condensation of strings gravitons create DNA
Ribosome: [maximum strings condensation] create DNA quantum-wave closed quanta by two quarks
Galaxy M-51 explained closed quantum formation by both quarks.
That is endless creations by strings and quarks, quanta formations
1] closed gravitational wave [also atom structure]. Rt. graviton strong force create black hole of two swirls quantum formation. 2] Closed quantum formation by two quarks strings i=6NTDVMClNsmyafK Our mind activity also appears by strings quarks.
clearly show that by positron emission thermography. Quanta formations by different phase transitions disperse to space fabrics or create new formations. Quarks disperse by [string both quarks] waves open quanta.
Important quanta [two forces quarks] equations.
The de Broglie equation f =E/h, or E Tejman’s equation of everything:
Equilibrium of all energetic forces-times in quantum two quarks formation in all phase transitions Electric semi loop bubble strong force= proton quark. Magnetic semi loop bubble weak force=neutron quark
United Nature theory is open theory [for every one] because we are only on beginning of the understanding amazing, beautiful, ingenious, sophisticated NATURE behavior and I all time change and adapt by new works and discovers. That is creation beyond of our imagination. © Copyright: Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry January 2015 Theory of everything. The pictures from google.