W and Z bosons
Unified field theory
Small or large quantum must be similar (A. Einstein)
Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.
United nature
theory-Wave theory
Only nature can
explain the bosons behavior
One of the ingenious ideas of
the 21st century was the unified theory
of electro magnetic and weak interactions by Steven
Weinberg, Sheldon
Glashow and Abdus
Salam. They postulated that not only W bosons are necessary to explain
beta decay but also some Z
bosons that have not been known. Their discovery at CERN in 1983 has been
a great success for human thought and approved the ingenious idea of those
three great physicians.
Their genius work claimed that
atomic particles were mathematically impractically approved. Laboratory
researches proved that it is a masterpiece formation. Only united nature theory can
explain this ingenious work and again, approve the ingenious Einstein’s
postulate that small and large quantum must have the same behavior.
We see a lot of different
formations in the sky, laboratory researches and in every day’s life. But without
understanding their behavior, we are passing through without noticing them.
Sometimes, accidentally, we find an explanation. But without astronomical and
sky laboratory observations it is impossible to comprehend the nature’s
ingenious sophisticated behavior.
The united nature theory
includes the behavior of the universe and is trying to give us a basic
knowledge on how to understand nature’s behavior. In this work I will try to
put all the puzzle pieces together and to build the nature’s behavior puzzle.
I will try to explain in a way that reminds us of Darwin, Lamarck and Mendeleev’s works.
The nature behavior is so
ingenious and sophisticated that it is still hard for us to percept it. The
blue print for everything is quantum (Max
Planck), Also known as Gravitational wave (A. Einstein) and wave
formation (C. Tejman’s). Up until know it was extremely hard to explain the
quantum formation and only the wave theory, by observation of natural
object’s behavior, came to conclusion that it composed of one energetic
matter (condensed energetic space time which created everything).
The revolving rotation energetic matter creates a closed
formation. The motion of energetic matter clearly shows of Schrödinger’s super
position by electric matter motion in electric
In 1808, a French army engineer, Étienne Louis Malus (1775 -1812),
discovered polarized
It was seen that some plastic devices
polarize light waves in a transverse position, while others polarize light
waves perpendicular to one to other. In whole light, those two forms always
appear together and it is easy to split them into two rays (polarized).

my explanation I try to show that this motion appears in two perpendicular
plans like electricity motion and energetic matter motion (see my work
photo motion).

matter motion from different observations and researches.


see that small and large formations (Einstein postulate) behave in the same
mode, although it has different shapes.


splitting energetic formation, we always get two behaviours of energetic
creates only one energetic substance (force) that creates everything else.
This substance, as we see and know from natures behaviour, appears in every
place around us .One of the most prominent pictures, is an energetic matter
concentration which expels energetic paths that resembles lighting (as seen



beautiful pictures show this energetic matter behaviour. The pictures below
explain how this one energetic matter creates energetic paths.
energetic space time - Tejman's United nature theory) by creation of
energetic paths like these lightings, create quantum formations that form
all other known formations.
The one energetic matter, like lightning,
known as the “strong force” revolves and rotates in energetic swirling paths
that create two behaviour motions, which together create a closed wave
formation (quantum).
The picture below
is an attempt to explain the formation of energetic wave (quantum) from
this one strong force.



formation (quantum), according to the united nature theory.


In photon formation
(quantum – Planck), this one energetic matter is in equal proportions. That


The beautiful
picture of solar prominent from the Hubble space telescope which explains
wave (quantum formation).
One picture is
worth more than thousand words.


Illustration of a gravitational
wave activity.
Red = rigid electric paths.
Blue = perpendicular gravitational wave.
prominence- gravitational wave (NASA)
We need a lot of imagination in order to understand this
wild behavior of energetic matter which is a gravitational wave (quantum
formation – Planck). This behavior always obeys natural laws and that is its
sophisticated ingenious behavior that creates formation that is beyond our
wildest imaginations.
Most of the ingenious creations that are energetic matter
(quantum formation) are even can not be imagined.
we split atoms we get two semi-loops. The extraordinary
explanation for the two semi-loops lies in sky observations. We see that
every semi-loop has paths which connect between them. From atom structure
(see my atomic
structure paper), we can see that it is one energetic path, by swirling
and rotating, creates all atomic formations also known as particles (maybe
a resembling idea to the String theory of Brian Greene). It is
not surprising that when we split atoms this one energetic path can generate
a lot of different formations, depending on what energetic part of the path
is affected. Every splitting wave formation part of energetic paths revolves
and rotates (Schrödinger’s
cat - superposition).






Geometrical space
of energetic matter’s motion.


Every piece
of splitting energetic matter (atomic particles) immediately creates closed
wave formation. Because energetic matter can circulate only in closed
formations, it is very hard to investigate those subatomic particles
because they immediately disappear from electric fields. This occurs because
energetic wave formation is a closed formation without any signs of charge (charges
means space geometry behavior of particular parts in gravitational waves)
creates subatomic particles before the creation of closed wave formation.
Creations from electric semi-loop can come to relations or repels other
geometrical space particles, but geometrical space from gravitational
semi-loop are only repulsive subatomic particles and creates more
gravitational wave formation (see wave theory – creation of closed formations).



Every semi-loop
that is from one path formation (string) has three quark formations that I
explain as energetic lines and central swirl. In those same energetic matters
in the opposite semi-loops have different behavior and that are other
quarks (which were predicted by Gell-Mann Murray).
This energetic wave is tantamount to one quant that is
composed of two semi-loops with the following conditions:
(A) Energetic semi-loop
1) The energetic, "electric force" faces outside and radiates
(disperses) energy outside. Moreover, it readily comes into contact with
energy from other energetic formations (pushes and pulls energetic matter.


One semi-loop = 3
Two semi-loops =
6 quarks
2) The magnetic path maintains the energetic semi-loop (superposition).


Explanation of
superposition of both energetic paths – the ingenious idea of
Even the smallest
piece of energetic matter in super position state like Schrödinger’s
3) Central formations (quark), such as the Kerr swirl or proton,
contain a "strong force," which directs the distribution of energy
in all wave formations.
(B) Magnetic
4) The magnetic-gravitational semi-loop boson possesses an
external path that radiates both inside the loop and throughout the wave
formation which is in a superposition mode.
5) The energetic semi-loop (quark) serves as the glue for the magnetic
semi-loop ( boson).
6) Central gravitational (quark), boson, forces like the
Schwarzchild swirl, which are referred to as the "weak force," are
in fact quite strong, but only affect limited vicinity.
We can thus see that one basic
substance of energetic space creates two semi-circles by dint of its
revolving and rotating movement along an energetic path. The energetic paths
in each of the semi-circles contain varied dimensions (space time geometry)
or directions, which engender different forces.
The wave formation may be split, for example the atom
(every formation, including the atom, have the same structure as their
ancestor) and they become two semi-loops in which those three main parts of
the one strong path force can not be existed any time (only the wave
formation is stable) and they immediately create a wave formation.
Three semi-paths
(quarks): three in the energetic semi-loop and three in the magnetic

I have been searching the atom structure for many years,
and in different sources and researches. The best explanation at last is a
galaxy picture by Stephen Quintet that explains in the best way the atom
All of the atomic and the subatomic particles were built
by this picture that, for my opinion is the closet to reality.
Nevertheless, we still have a lot of work in order to understand it
We would not be able to reach by any means such as
computers or mathematical methods, this formation (quantum) or similar ones
that has been created by nature itself.



Stephan’s Quintet
Explanation of
Stephan’s Quintet galaxies
The hydrogen atom


Galaxy M-51
Explanation of
hydrogen atom behavior
I have created an illustration of atom’s formation based
on the photograph of Stephan’s quintet and other galaxies
1. Proton behaves like Kerr swirls 00
2. proton positron paths.
3 positron (cloud, swirl); 450.
4. Neutron , 900 , like (Schwarzschild swirl)
5. Neutron electron paths. (In galaxies paths of stars ,
planets atom formation etc.)
6. Electron (clouds). 2700 ,
7. Electron orbits around proton. (Feynman “Sum over
Proton – Neutron wave formations 900. .
Electron – Positron 900 wave formations.
Description of atom (gravitational wave).
Proton, like Kerr swirl, black hole propels energetic
pathway which by revolving and rotation motion, this one energetic path
creates additional three atomic particles form closed formation, bubble









Electric current in a wire.
Blue: magnetic flow.
Red: Electric flow.


The flow of
electric and magnetic matter in DNA formations
It is hard to imagine that all organic formations have to
behave according to the blue print formation.
from sky pictures that show different phase transitions can we put the
puzzle together.


wave behavior:

semi-loop behavior (from sky pictures)


All the small
and the large quantum formations
must have the
same behavior.
A. Einstein
These beautiful space pictures clearly show that Schwarzschild's
swirl have entering paths ( ) and exiting paths ( ) and
between them a swirl formation ( thought to be neutron or a “white
hole”) that changes space geometrical matter behavior in one continuous
energetic path (string). Some physics mentioned that we have some formations
that can transfer us from one world to another; maybe “white hole" is suitable
for this idea.
You need a fertile imagination to see that all these things
are actually the same, because the energetic matters motion cannot repeat
itself on the matrix formation – Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.
Wave Theory proves that Weinberg’s, Glashow’s and Salam’s
work concurs with Einstein’s prediction that small quantum formations must
have the same quantum formations as the larger ones. My paper proved that
quantum mechanics and the general relative theory (Einstein) have the same
physical principal, and that united nature theory connects between Planck’s
and Einstein’s ideas into one reality.
The ingenious works of that Weinberg’s, Glashow and Salam
show that Einstein’s predictions that small and large quantem formation must
have the same behaviour.
© Copyright Dr.
Tejman Chaim Henry October 2006