Hydrogen-H, atom structure
By United Nature Theory.
Hydrogen atom is the smallest, basic, stabile, unclosed quantum,
wave-particle formation.
Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.
United nature
theory-Wave theory
The smallest particle was named in different ways : quantum, photon {Max Planck}
Wave-particle, Christian Huygens, Isaac
Einstein, Louis de Broglie.
Gravitational wave, space fabrics, condensed space time {Albert
Wave formation - energetic mater={condensed energetic space time} , the smallest
unclosed quantum formation, large heavy photon {Chaim Tejman}.
.Hydrogen Atom.
Atomic Number: 1
Atomic Mass: 1.00794 amu
Melting Point: -259.14 °C (14.009985 K, -434.45203 °F)
Boiling Point: -252.87 °C (20.280005 K, -423.166 °F)
Number of Protons/Electrons: 1
Number of Neutrons: like WZ particle{ Steven
Weinberg, Sheldon
Glashow and Abdus
Salam} because H atom is high energetic passerby from photon not stabile
wave particle to stabile wave particle{quantum} .
Classification: Non-metal
Crystal Structure: Hexagonal
Density @ 293 K: 0.08988 g/cm3
Color: colorless
of Energy Levels:
Energy Level:
Date of Discovery: 1766
Discoverer: Henry Cavendish
Name Origin: From the Greek words hudôr (water) and gennan
Obtained From: water, air mines, oil, gas ect.
Atomic radius 0.79 very large relative to his number with, large
of energetic matter
that is important for “life” creation.
main atom is important for the “living” creations because of it’s large
energy capacity.
Half Life
Stable by molecule formation
12.3 years
Date of Discovery: 1766
Discoverer: Henry Cavendish
Name Origin: From the Greek words hudôr (water) and gennan
Obtained From: water air mines, oil, gas .
The most energetic quantum-heavy photon.
United Nature Theory –
The wave theory tries to join nature observations with laboratory researches
according to explain this ingenious sophisticated behavior of the basic
substance that creates everything.
The primary and basic creation of this substance {space
fabrics-energetic matter} quantum-wave formation is composed from two basic
forces that are always in superposition {Schrodinger cat} and the forces
change according to the phase transition.
The photon {not a stabile} and hydrogen {stabile} atom
are the smallest quantum formations exist.
Like every wave quantum, which is composed from two
“semi loops” wave formation, the H. atom is also composed from “two
semi-loops” {swirls}.
1. The Kerr swirl ejecting electric path that is
ascending strong force.
2. Schwarzschild swirl with it’s weak serpentine
curvature path motion.
Every quantum composed by two main forces, strong
and weak.
The Solar prominence ascending and descending a
Solar prominence, {behavior}.
Different solar prominences.
Quantum wave

When we split gravitational
wave we separate the two semi loops which are two quarks (+-) that
immediately create wave formation for continuous one energetic matter flow.
Only quantum as stabile
two semi-loops formation can
continue exist
That means H atom must have two components electric and magnetic
Quantum behavior






One quantum wave formations




galaxies 51 NASA
Galaxy M- NGC-
Feynman’s “the
sum over paths method”
Feynman’s ingenious
works show two parts of energetic behavior.
Stabile wave {
quantum } formation.


Stefan’s quintet galaxies model for atom H
Explanation model.
The explanation of Stephan's Quintet galaxies help
us to Describe better the atom , (gravitational wave).
I have created an illustration of atom’s formation based
on the photograph of Stephan’s quintet and other galaxies
1. proton behaves like Kerr swirls 00
2. proton positron paths.
3 positron (cloud, swirl); 450.
4. Neutron , 900 , like (Schwarzschild swirl)
5. Neutron electron paths. (In galaxies paths of stars ,
planets atom formation etc.)
6. Electron (clouds). 2700 ,
7. Electron orbits around proton. (Feynman “Sum over
Proton – Neutron wave formations 900. .
Electron – Positron 900 wave formations.
Description of behavior
Hydrogen atom, (gravitational wave).
Proton, like Kerr swirl, black hole propels energetic
pathway which by revolving and rotation motion, this one energetic paths
creates additional three atomic particles form closed formation, bubble
Every particle in the wave atom paths has its own
geometrical space formation, gravitational field trajectory and what we call
charges that are gravitational fields, specific for every particle.
Einstein solution was crafted ingeniously by Riemannian
geometry, Gaus curvature, Richi curvature, gravitational wave. Wave theory
shows the way nature confirms these predictions of Einstein 100 years ago.
Tejman equation
of quantum energetic matter behavior.

Schrodinger quantum equation.


Feynman’s “the sum
over paths method"
Feynman, Schrodinger and Tejman
clearly show that Quantum totality { M. Planck} has two space geometry
{ A. Einstein } for
continue energetic matter circulation.
Hydrogen is a classic unclosed {C. Tejman} quantum
{M. Planck}, Gravitational wave { A.
Einstein } formation.
Description of Hydrogen atom behavior. {side

1 hydrogen atom
View from side
3 e. path circulation
From the
proton {red} arise energetic path {red} which by revolving and the rotation
motion creates another particle of space geometry 45˚ relative to proton
and we call to this part of atom ‘positron’ {red}. Before the positron
transferee to a neutron it swells with energetic matter {plasma}. That is
because neutron can accept only small packets of energetic matter.
{blue, 90˚ to proton} is a thick particle, it storages atoms energetic
matter. The surplus of energetic matter is expelling as electron path and
also as energetic matter by space time curvatures {A. Einstein} to the inside
of the atom. On the end of the electron path, the energetic matter {H.
Tejman} accumulate as wavy cloud 270˚, relative to proton, that's
because the proton also swallow small packages of energetic matter from the
electron for continuing the circulation of the energetic matter in atom . Electron-wave-cloud
is a part of gravitational semi-loop together with the neutron.
Proton, which its behavior is
like the black hole-Kerr swirl. It can swallow only the surplus of energetic
matter, and the escaping-electron continue its circulation for the next alike
This circulation of energetic
matter {atoms metabolism} is a living process of hydrogen quantum formation
{see paper "sleep"} and all quantum formations.
The electron path is very long
with a large ellipse circulation The circulation happens on the atomic
energetic matter {plasma} and not within empty space. This hydrogen space is
fulfilling with small space time curvatures {A. Einstein} {or Casimir
force}. The wild behavior of the energetic matter cause the electron’s path
circulation, not to circulate like matrix formation { Feynman’s “the sum over paths method” or Heisenberg's Uncertainty
Principle }
The surplus of energetic matter
from around it, enlarge atom capacity and electron path circulation. Though,
a quantum formation created once can’t grow anymore, {except living
creation’s where surplus of energetic matter is stored between molecules} so
the surplus of energetic matter must be expel. Every atom can hold only
specific surplus of energetic matter for itself {Van der Walls forces}.
the expelled surplus of energetic matter {photon} appears by characteristic
for its atom. Expelled energetic matter immediately create wave-quantum-
formation –photon {third law of thermodynamics-Tejman} and the atom return to
it’s ground {basic} energetic level formation.
The electron of atom is connected
to neutron by a long energetic path and the last part of it’s is the wavy
free cloud bounced, like pendulum, of a clock. Which closed intermittent H
atom, {quantum formation} for continuing atomic energy circulation. That is
the reason that I call to the atom unclosed wave-quantum-formation. If
we heat the atom it’s energetic matter capacity will grow and the last
particle electron come to contact with neighbor atom’s proton and share
intermittent with neighbor electron common energetic paths. We call that Covalent
binding. According to disconnect this bond we must also add
energetic matter to enlarge more of the electron’s path and their loss
neighbors protons.
All energetic matter formations
{particles} in H. atom are in superposition,. {Schrödinger’s idea }.
The quantum formation is the strongest closed structure formation that was
ever known.
View from up on H.
The neutron in H aton is high energetic- WZ particle {Steven
Weinberg, Sheldon
Glashow and Abdus Sala

The structure of
H. Atom
I describe on
Basis M-51 galaxy.
Small and large formations must have
The same behavior.
{A. Einstein}
This galaxy
show two different swirls connected by two energetic
path and is completely independent wave
{Quantum} formation.
Her I bring
beautiful work of Josef George.
1) Density of space matter
Her I bring
picture from Joseph George where he beautifully explain hydrogen atom.
this work Josef George show that H atom ii nit empty formation..
The same picture as in 5 page
taken from two telescopes.
The structure of H Atom I also describe on basis
Stefan’s quintet galaxies.. Small like atom and large like galaxies
formations must have the same behavior. {A. Einstein} This galaxy clearly
show two different swirls connected by two energetic paths and is completely
independent wave {quantum} formation and their entire space is not empty.
Collision ? Discussion:
Her I bring original works for discussion:
The shapes
of galaxies are influenced by their neighbors and often, galaxies

to United Nature Theory that is one classical wave-quantum-formation.
path is clearly visible{2WZ} Prediction-Please search for electric –energetic
path {1}
unusual shape of the Cartwheel Galaxy is likely due to a collision with one
of the smaller galaxies on the lower left several hundred million years ago.
This image combines data from four different observatories: the Chandra X-ray Observatory (purple); the
Galaxy Evolution Explorer
satellite (ultraviolet/blue); the Hubble
Space Telescope (visible/green); and the Spitzer Space Telescope (infrared/red).
[+ more]
The Milky
Way is itself on a collision course with our nearest neighbor, the Andromeda
galaxy. Even though it is the same age as the Milky Way, Hubble observations
reveal that the stars in Andromeda's halo are much younger than those in the
Milky Way. From this and other evidence, astronomers can infer that Andromeda
has already smashed into at least one and maybe several other galaxies.
Another example:
Andromeda Island Universe
Credit & Copyright: Robert
According to United Nature Theory that is classical

windywood.exblog.jp/970950/ Galaxies NGC 2207 IC 2163

According to United
Nature Theory that is classical wave-quantum formation That is beautiful
picture of
beginning quantum
creation. The right
I suppose Is high
energetic Kerr swirl
and left Schwarzschild
gravity swirl.
Around gravity swirl we
see energetic
path with stars
formation. .
United NatureTheory is
only beginning
of additional idea to
existing and still
can’t explain exactly
behavior of energetic matter. pic.↓ NGC 2207 IC 2163
Her is WZ particle of theirs galaxy formation
Please search for beginning galaxy semi-loop.
They are two arms. One is electric path and second
The space of young
formation is very large and with time its more and more condensed and then we
can see both semi loops together..
Space fabrics {A.
Einstein} is source for everything.

NGC 3359 is a spiral galaxy with an open spiral pattern
and a bar, so it is classified as type SB(rs)c. It is located in the
constellation Ursa Major (the Big Bear). The strong blue color indicates
that vigorous star formation is
This paper is food of
though for a lot of scientist.
Hydrogen atom is
atom for “Living” creations by its large energetic
Hydrogen Atom is the basic smallest, stabile. unclosed quantum, wave- particle,
© Copyright: Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry. August
The theory of everything.