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Oxygen-O atom structure 

This like “simple” formation” is the most sophisticated creation.


Wave theory-United nature theory


For understand atomic structure we must

to team up laboratory and nature observations.



Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.


OAtomic Number:8

·                     Group: 16

·                     Period: 2

·                     Series: Nonmetals

Structure of Oxygen

·                     Atomic Radius: 0.65Å

·                     Atomic Volume: 14cm3/mol

·                     Covalent Radius: 0.73Å

·                     Cross Section (Thermal Neutron Capture) sigmaa/barns: 0.00019

·                     Crystal Structure: Cubic

·                     Electron Configuration:

1s2 2s2p4


·                     Electrons per Energy Level: 2,6

Shell Model
graphic of Oxygen's shell model



·                     Ionic Radius: 1.4Å

·                     Filling Orbital: 2p4

·                     Number of Electrons (with no charge): 8

·                     Number of Neutrons (most common/stable nuclide): 8

·                     Number of Protons: 8

·                     Oxidation States: -2,-1

·                     Valence Electrons: 2s2p4

Electron Dot Model

Chemical Properties of Oxygen

·                     Electrochemical Equivalent: 0.29847g/amp-hr

·                     Electron Work Function:

·                     Electronegativity: 3.44 (Pauling); 3.5 (Allrod Rochow)

·                     Heat of Fusion: 0.22259kJ/mol

·                     Incompatibilities:

oxidizable materials

·                     Ionization Potential

o                  First: 13.618

o                  Second: 35.117

o                  Third: 54.934

·                     Valence Electron Potential (-eV): -20.6


Physical Properties of Oxygen

·                     Atomic Mass Average: 15.9994

·                     Boiling Point: 90.33K -182.82°C -297.08°F

·                     Coefficient of lineal thermal expansion/K-1: N/A

·                     Conductivity

Thermal: 0.0002674 W/cmK

·                     Density: 1.429g/L @ 273K & 1atm

·                     Description:

Colorless, odorless, tasteless gas

·                     Enthalpy of Atomization: 249.4 kJ/mole @ 25°C

·                     Enthalpy of Fusion: 0.22 kJ/mole

·                     Enthalpy of Vaporization: 3.41 kJ/mole

·                     Flammablity Class: Non-flammable gas (Oxidizer)

·                     Freezing Point: see melting point

·                     Heat of Vaporization: 3.4099kJ/mol

·                     Melting Point: 50.5K -222.65°C -368.77°F

·                     Molar Volume: 14 cm3/mole

·                     Optical Refractive Index: 1.000271 (gas) 1.221 (liquid)

·                     Pysical State (at 20°C & 1atm): Gas

·                     Specific Heat: 0.92J/gK

o                  Discoverer: Joseph Priestley, Carl Wilhelm Scheele

o                  Discovery Location: Leeds England (Priestley)/Uppsala Sweden (Scheele)

o                  Discovery Year: 1774

o                  Name Origin:

Greek: oxus (acid) and gennan (generate).

§               Atmosphere/p.p.m.: 209500

§               Sun (Relative to H=1E12): N/A

o                  Sources of Oxygen:

Obtained primarily from by liquification and then fractional distillation of the air. Annual world wide production is around 100,000,000 tons.

o                  Uses of Oxygen:

Forms almost 21% of atmosphere. Used in steel making, welding, water purification, cement. It is also required for supporting life and combustion.

o                  Additional Notes:

Oxygen is the most abundant element on the surface of the earth. 



The structure of like

H. Atom

I describe  on

Basis M-51 galaxy.

Small and large      formations must have

The same behavior.

{A. Einstein}

This galaxy clearly

show two different swirls connected by two energetic path and is completely independent wave

{Quantum} formation.




The structure of like H. Atom 

Helium atom

Lithium atom structure  

Beryllium atom structure



See H, He, Li atoms {Tejman}.



Beryllium atom structure 



Boron atom structure


Boron atom structure


Carbon atom structure



 Carbon atom structure


Nitrogen atom


Oxygen atom  




Every atom-quantum is composed by two perpendicular

sem-loops: electric and magnetic. 




Every atom-quantum-wave formation {bubble -10 dimensions} is composed by two swirls {electric and magnetic} connected by energetic paths.

This like “simple” formation” is the most sophisticated creation.


© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry August 2007

The theory of everything






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