Creation of life by quantum formation like everything from beginning by quantum creation. Quantum: condensation of energetic space time [Einstein] swirl-circular vicious-vortex creation. Chaim, Henry Tejman Dr. Jerusalem. Emeritus, Jerusalem university. United Nature-Wave theory
Creation of life and even our spirit appears by Quantum 3 D –M-bubble, M. Planck, curled formation by regional space time swirl . Max Plank: quantum constant [equilibrium of energetic forces]. Formation of everything.
Quantum-Gravitational wave 3 D strings [ of all quanta formations]- –Space time geometry- bubble - A. Einstein, Albert Einstein’s space time curvatures-equation.[quantum formation]
A. Einstein equation describe the relation between the geometry of a four-dimensional, semi-Riemannian manifold representing spacetime on the one hand, and the energy-momentum contained in that space time on the other. That is exactly quantum formation. creation of everything, Einstein did that! But not imaginate visually the quantum as appear in nature and United Nature theory by introduction two behavior and phase transition of every quantum formation [include living formations] explain this ingenious equation as quantum really appears in nature . Quantum: Composed by 3 D bubble strings –energetic paths, which by swirling rotation and revolving motion create strings wave formation of electro-magnetic and gravity semi loops720 – two perpendicular spins forces] two semi perpendicular loops of gravitational wave as really that appears in nature. [C.Tejman]. The first laboratory quantum formation create M. Faraday, with two main perpendicular forces,
Every stabile formation organic and non organic to be stabile must be composed by two perpendicular forces [no symmetric vortices-but equilibrium of quantum energetic forces] – wave- quantum formation and go through endless phase transitions. . The quantum creation [vortex of regional condensed energetic space time] from beginning, by phase transitions return again to the space [circular vicious of the quantum behavior. .Different equations appears of the quantum formation, however all Ingenious equations of so ingenious scientists describe the same, sophisticated quantum. The answer is simple: quantum appears by endless shapes, sizes, formations and by endless phase transitions changed their shape and the proportions [nor balance]of all forces. United Nature Theory explains the natural quantum behavior as it really appears in nature and unites all these ingenious equations. Only one force by space time curvatures create swirl-vortex-circular vicious [that create two perpendicular forces which really is one electromagnetic force, which have two behaviors, electric and magnetic. From Tejman’s equations of everything we see that the two main forces[vortex] are the basis of sophisticated quantum creation. Forces Left semi loop=[Quantum1=1constant]=right semi loop The Tejman’s equation of everything explain that the balance of the two semi loops [forces] of quantum formation must be in all phase transition, in equilibrium 1=1 [ however the forces and the shapes are changed by the two semi loops ]..
Main phase transitions: explanation. Every organic and non organic to be stabile must be quantum formation. High
Phase Transition: Space time enlarged
{energetic semi loop In hyperspace, energetic matter (energy, space and time) propagates endlessly, while the magnetic-gravity loop (matter) almost disappears {nearly 0} . The gravity appears only by condensation of energetic space time by Einstein’s space-time-curvatures that creates regional swirl of condensed gravitational strings wave [like hank] . A. Einstein {quantum M. Planck} two semi loops[3x2 quarks] wave formation [Tejman]. 2. The Duality Phase: {time light-photon} The phase transition of a photon is in a state of duality whereby the magnetic loop equals [equilibrium] the energetic loop, which equals 1=1. In this phase, both loops are balanced and therefore the photon has the longest time lifespan. Left, gravity-magnetic behavior-- Both, together, are wave-particle--- Right, electric behavior 3. Low Phase
Transition-High Magnetic, gravity semi loop [time condensed]. In this phase, the magnetic loop is induced to compliment the energetic loop by accelerating the pace [oscillation] at which it spins. This helps maintain the equilibrium of the wave. Moreover, energy, space, and time are most condensed in this phase, as the magnetic properties (loop) gain the ascendancy like neutrino and neutron stars. In fact, this is exactly what transpires in a nuclear bomb, as extremely condensed units of energy, space and time are released by the explosion. Quantum
constant: In different phase transitions the proportion of forces are
other. In high electric phase transition electric semi loop of space, the greater the force of gravity; in other words, the more energy condensed in a given area, the stronger the force of gravitation by curled motion to inside of energetic matter in quantum formation. Only one sophisticated force by quantum formation create endless formations. I think that I do not have to add an explanation to these pictures and idea behind the pictures of different quanta creations. Pictures of quanta formations as they appears in nature.
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Different forms of energetic matter condensation and vortices creation. Motion of energetic matter in different galaxies [quanta] by energetic path strings formation.
Motion of energetic matter in DNA formation (red: energetic paths; blue: magnetic paths)
Living closed organic formations like cyclohexane, Condensed energetic matter inside this formation like galaxy N.1512 .
Metaphase stage: Phase transitions of organic and non organic quanta formations. Quanta formations react simultaneously with all its 11 dimensions to impulse.
Anaphase stage:
Morula stage:
Blastula tage:
Cells division=phase transitions! Photos taken from space: Some celestial pictures are like ovum divisions and all quantum formation has the same initial beginning and behavior. Nebula, between organic cells have the like picture and that needs explanation. Metaphase stage: Picture 1: Ring Nebula M 27. Picture 2: M 27. Picture 3: Monoceratos. Picture 4: Nebula NGC. 7742. Picture 13: Butterfly Nebula P. 112/3 Anaphase stage: Picture 7: Supernova 1572. Picture 8: Cats eye. Morula stage: Picture 1: Trifid Nebula NAC 6814. Picture 2: Hen Nebula 1357. Blastula stage: Picture 1: N.1512. Picture 2: The Hoag Ring Galaxy. Metaphase stage: I would like to mention that all life creation is quantum formation resembling primary formation; this is described in the following pictures Evolution of organic and not organic formation from beginning outcomes by phase transitions. evolution of species outcome by Lamarck’s idea and natural selection of Darwin. The Universe is the most ingenious sophisticated creation of the masterpiece that is still beyond our imagination. Summary: The United Nature Theory is only beginning path of the ingenious sophisticated masterpiece creation.
This paper may be subject to copy, but please cited the source. © Copyright: Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry. August-2009 Theory of everything. |