Einstein’s relative time - Einstein’s relative wave {quantum} velocity. Newton’s absolute time - Newton’s rigid quantum “signal-velocity”. Velocity inside quantum is absolute { rigid } and also relative-waves. Rigid quantum Universe ruled all its formations by rigid quanta formations that move on their energetic path, like in army. The Mastery is Absolute {Newton’s time}.
An Explanation According to the Wave Theory. {United Nature Theory} http://www.grandunifiedtheory.org.il/
Tejman Chaim, Henry. Jerusalem .
Only nature can explained this sophisticated, ingenious creation that is beyond our imagination.
Only One creation form everything and these primary visible formations are “Space fabrics or condensed space, time or space, time, curvatures – A. Einstein. Energetic matter – C. Tejman {constant active, moving, condensed energetic space time, that by revolve and rotation motion create, wave – particle {quantum formation} that create everything. The three constant active media - time, space and energy - are waved together. Each has its own properties and behaviours; one cannot exist without the others. Theoretically, each of them has no beginning and no end, and they are all one entity but are changeable, depending on different phases of energetic matter in which they appear and decay together. Velocity, travel: transfer matter or signal from place to other place by these three media . These three media - time, space and energy create sophisticated wave-quantum-formation that create- Everything.
Faster-than-light-prediction 1.
1. By light {photons, quanta}stream from Earth to the Moon and back Moon to Earth take 1⅓ seconds x 2 because the light stream travel by quanta {waves} {Einstein’s relative time}. 2.The time of LASER beam from Earth to the Moon and back Moon to Earth take only about 1⅓ seconds {+} to traverse that distance because electric energetic path, trajectory, from earth to moon is Absolute {Newton’s time}.
Faster-than-light-prediction 2 .
Please try by seismograph read solar events {eruptions etc.} and with telescope after 8.3. minutes see what happen on sun. Sun and earths are one rigid quantum formation and every strong event on the sun immediately sentient on earth {Newton’s absolute time, “velocity”-signal} but light stream{photons, quanta} arrive only after 8.3 minutes {Einstein’s relative time, velocity}.
Faster-than-light-prediction 3
Inflation was proposed in January, 1980 by Alan Guth and was given its modern form independently by Andrei Linde, and by Andreas Albrecht and Paul Steinhardt. Wave Theory{United Nature Theory} explain this phenomenon by quantity{amount, force}of energetic matter that was ejected as rigid path from the big bang source. The stream of energetic matter, was ejected in a rigid manner that resembles the string of a violin or like LASER stream - (absolute Newton’s time} by electric pushing force that in an instant achieve every distance that depend only from the quantity of energetic source. From distance of gravity path, remnants of the first wave { quantum} formations , we can calculate the big bang force {energetic source}. The electric energetic path which creates wave {quantum} formation disperses but gravitational semi loops persist a long time.
Faster-than-light- prediction 4.
The circulation of energetic matter by electric paths in rigid quantum {that is like network formation} is faster than photons-waves {quanta} velocity { Einstein’s relative time }. Example: in atoms, solar systems, galaxies and universe that are rigid formations the signal appears simultaneously in every corner of quantum formation.
Faster-than-light-prediction 5
Aurora is rigid quantum formation
We clearly see the stream of energetic matter, was ejected in a rigid manner that resembles the string of a violin or like LASER stream - (absolute Newton’s time} by electric pushing force that in an instant achieve every distance that depend only from the quantity of earth energetic source and perpendicular we see gravitational waves {like courtin waving path - Einstein’s relative time-velocity}
Faster-than-light-prediction 6
From earth-moon quantum formation and tide and low tide of sea water we can learn the sophisticated behavior of quantum formation. This Earth-moon quantum formation is untapped source of quantum research.
Copyright: Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry, April 2008 http://www.grandunifiedtheory.org.il/ The theory of Nature {of everything}.