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Grand Unified Theory
Wave theory
United nature theory
Theory of everything


Life: Formation, explanation.1

By United nature theory-Wave theory.


The primary virtual sophisticated substance is living

Energetic matter (force) and is not a surprising then, that all living formations are a sequence of this primary force.

Different Life formation in different circumstances appears in every suitable condition, in all places and all the time. Nature (energetic matter) by itself is a living mercurial active formation.

Her I bring example of one of the different ways of living formations.



Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.

United nature theory-Wave theory



“Logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world;
all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it.” Albert Einstein 1933

( )

Starts only from experience , carefully observation and understand it sophisticated, ingenious behavior.     Tejman.


J-B. Lamarck and C. Darwin start evolution by formed living formations but this process begin with creation of quantum Universe. 

[M. Plank's quantum, A. Einstein's gravitational wave and C.Tejman's wave formations that are only synonyms of this ingenious nature formation, quantum that is the basic creation for everything].


In every place in the Quantum Universe, where conditions are suitable, appears life creations which are beyond our imagination.

Only nature may explain its sophisticated, amazing ingenious formations.




Chandra X-ray image of M84. Credit: X-ray (NASA/CXC/MPE/A.Finoguenov et al.)

 Radio (NSF/NRAO/VLA/ESO/R.A.Laing et al); Optical (SDSS)



These pictures don’t need explanation, only understand by some imagination.


Metaphase stage:




















It is very hard recognize between galaxies and cells division.

Metaphase stage: pictures of galaxies .

Picture 1: Ring Nebula M 27. Picture 2: M 27. Picture 3: Monoceratos. Picture 4: Nebula NGC. 7742. Picture 13:  Butterfly Nebula P. 112/3


Summary :

J-B. Lamarck and C. Darwin stat of evolution with formed  living formations but this process begin with beginning quantum Universe formation. 

[In every place in the Quantum Universe, where are suitable conditions, appears life creations that are beyond our imagination.

Only nature may explain its sophisticated, amazing ingenious formations.


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© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry. Nov.S 2008

The theory of everything.