Retrograde motion: explanation
to United nature theory (Wave theory)
Tejman Chaim Henry
Motion of
space time curvatures (A. Einstein’s theory) that create condensed energetic
swirl which expel electric path that by swirling motion create wave (quantum
M. Planck) formation (Tejman’s United nature theory).




condensed energetic
swirl expel electric path that create second gravity swirl
My explanation
These NASA pictures are the
basic evidence of nature (energetic matter) behavior. They are clearly
explain the motion of energetic matter by two different behaviors (paths)
that by different swirling motion create continue quanta formations. Electric
path (red) push-disperse energetic matter that create new small (quanta)
waves formations and magnetic swirl (blue) collect this matter.
More beautiful explanation for
“retrograde” motion than these pictures can not be.
For more explanation see



Energetic matter moving by space time curvatures and by dint of its
swirling and spinning behaviors create open continue quanta formations and.
exactly like known retrograde motion.
Wave formation: (quantum).The energetic loop to the right (of both
pictures) pushes outward, while the magnetic-gravity loop (left) pushes the
energetic matter inside.
- Mars
retrogrades for 72 days every 25.6 months.
- Jupiter for 121
days every 13.1 months.
- Saturn for 138
days every 12.4 months.
- Uranus for 151
days every 12.15 months and
- Neptune for 158
days every 12.07 months.
The period between such
retrograde motions is the Synodic
period of the planet.
These NASA picture in horizontal position:
NASA pictures taken from internet
Motion of energetic matter by
electric and gravity behavior (pushing-pulling [gravity] forces).
These apparent
patterns caused by retrograde motion do not occur each evening. The
patterns would appear if you charted Mars' position in our night sky over
several months' time
More pictures:
Different retrograde motions (swirls):
Pictures familiarly to every
Retrograde swirl of celestial
Every quantum formation small as
large have the same like behavior (A. Einstein).
Every stabile formation must
have quantum behavior.
Different open quanta



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The same behavior of energetic
matter of two semi (loops) swirls:




Mot. in hurricane.
Mot. of electricity
Motion in DNA
Motion in DNA
The motion of high energetic
matter in hurricane (gravity swir) is classical example for everything, for
every stabile quantum formation.
The same behavior of nature



Continue electric path create different quantum (Schwarzschild)
Every swirl (knot) gravity quantum
formation (Schwarzschild swirl like white hole)
force (red lines) transferee energy to weak force (blue swirl-knot-energy
storage) and together establishes sophisticated quantum creation (open and
unclosed quanta formations nobody guesses like this, is the quantum behavior
and all nature.
nature can explain retrograde motion.
motion of space-time curvatures (A. Einstein) creates condensed formation
(Quantum, M. Planck) that creates everything. This is the basic creation for
The first volume of the book, United
Nature Theory: Wave Theory (Grand Unified Theory) is catalogued in the
American Library of Congress as TX 5-572-750 SBN
978965-555-093-1 Author: Dr. Chaim Tejman And in Israel’s Hebrew
National and University Library document number 0065261. Copyright © Mishlat,
Scientific prints. Ltd. 2001.
Volume 2. ISBN: 965-90627-0-2.
Thoughts on Wave Theory: The book exists in Israel’s Hebrew National and
University Library as Document. No. 0095747 .and in Library of Congress TX
6-448-819 Author: Dr. Chaim Tejman. Edited by: Avi Aronsky Copyright
© Mishlat. Scientific prints. Ltd. 2003
BOOK III: ISBN 965-90627-1-0.
Quantum Universe Author: Dr. Chaim Tejman The book exists in Israel’s
Hebrew National and University Library as Document. No. 0118706 and in
Library of Congress TX 6-448-819. Edited by Nir Sitvani Copyright ©
Mishlat Scientific prints. Ltd. 2005
Volume 4: The Creation of the
Universe by Quantum Evolution. ISBN: 978-965-90627-2-0 The book exists
in Israel’s Hebrew National and University Library as Document. No. O02652466
and in Library of Congress TX 6-828-776. Author: Dr. Chaim Tejman. Edited by
Arami Eyal, Shay Tejman. Copyright © Mishlat Scientific prints. Ltd. 2006
Volume 5: Theory of Everything E v o
l u t i o n of Universe. Author: Dr. Chaim Tejman. Edited
by: Noa Tejman-Yarden. ISBN: 978-965-90627-3-7 The book exists in Israel’s
Hebrew National and University Library as Document. No. O02578910. And in
Library of Congress Copyright © Mishlat Scientific prints. Ltd. 2007
The website of books located at the
following url:
The United Nature Theory
-Tejman (I found in internet) that is including curriculum of some famous
This article may copied but please citate the source.
Tejman Chaim Henry Jerusalem 15/1/2008 Book
Dr. Chaim Tejman. Copy right © 2008–01–02
All rights reserved.