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Grand Unified Theory
Wave theory
United nature theory
Theory of everything



Graviton, Dark matter,

The serial of: Unified forces by quantum.

Einstein’s dream of unified forces

Definition: . Graviton:  Two side open high energetic scattered swirling string, with perpendicular semi loop gravity spin.

That needs a lot of observations and common sense for understand the ingenious, sophisticated, amazing and wildest behavior [Heisenberg uncertainty principle] of the NATURE, which is still beyond our imagination.

I known, that United Nature Theory [alike C. Darwin’s works] that describe the NATURE from earliest stages of matter creation is not favorable for some scientists, but that is the reality.  

Graviton: Primary phase transition between space [fabrics] and quantum formation like solar system between galaxy and atom quantum. 



This form may be the smallest and as the large scatering creations

Black hole:

 big graviton.

tanjeev.wordpresscom swirling gravitonexpel

The Cone  nebula.outdoors galaxies

Dispersed interacting fluctuation [quantum mechanics] regional swirling “space fabrics” [A. Einstein], create scattered open massless swirling, electric strings-path, gravitons, as space time dust, dark matter, raw substance, [background independent] for different creation and by spaces time curvatures [A. Einstein] create also large formations.

Spaces time curvatures [A. Einstein] by peculiar swirling revolving, curved rotation motion by strings-path forces’ create different condensed formations where all events [background dependent as in Standard Model] take place.

The most condensed by spaces time curvatures [A. Einstein] is black hole which by two perpendicular swirling spins forces [like gravity strings behavior] by pulling and condensed forces create quantum formation [where graviton is background dependent].

Graviton, open, swirling string primary creation for all, mediated, scattered interactions in universe.                                                        

 Every electric open scattered string, graviton, where electric spin dominate, strong swirling force, have electric spin swirl. In curled semi closed graviton in low energetic stage the magnetic gravity spin dominate

Perpendicular main forces electromagnetic Perpendicular main forces electromagnetic

space curvatures Swirling motion of electric strring-path Perpendicular main forces electromagnetic Quantum two semi loops plus and 0

Chaim, Henry Tejman. Emeritus Jerusalem university

United Nature Theory-Wave Theory

Accepted ideas today by physics:

In physicsmassless, the graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity in the framework of quantum field theory. If it exists, the graviton must be (because the gravitational force has unlimited range) and must have a spin of 2 (because gravity is a second-rank tensor field.

] In the Standard Model framework, the gravitational interaction is mediated by gravitons, instead of being described in terms of curved spacetime as in general relativity 8] String theory predicts the existence of gravitons and their well-defined interactions which represents one of its most important triumphs. A graviton in perturbative string theory is a closed string in a very particular low-energy vibration state.

The scattering of gravitons in string theory can also be computed from the correlation functions in conformal field theory, as dictated by the AdS/CFT correspondence, or from Matrix theory. An interesting feature of gravitons in string theory is that, as closed strings without endpoints

Unlike the force carriers of the other forces, gravitation plays a special role in general relativity in defining the spacetime in which events take place. Because it does not depend on a particular space time background, general relativity is said to be background independent11] In contrast, the Standard Model is not background independent. In other words, general relativity and the Standard Model are mutually incompatible.

In modern physics theories, forces are carried by particles. An example is the photon, a mass less particle that carries the force of electromagnetism. 



Science, together with observations and a lot of common sense help to understand the nature.                   

. On basis space pictures and scientific works I try explained the graviton. Gravitons created by scattered fluctuated space and space time curvature as high energetic swirling revolving-rotation path-string behave like open gravity swirl, like quantum semi loop spin. 

The smallest gravitons as unclosed swirling electromagnetic string with gravity semi loop spin are created by electric and gravity semi loop and are absorbed by opposite semi loops [known in physic as transmitter of forces].

Large gravitons as black hole created by space time curvature transfigure space fabrics to maximum condensed swirling electric string path electro magnetic force basic creation for quantum formation.

Small gravitons no stabile creation are dispersed or cached by quanta nets and are raw energy for quantum formation.

Large formations are relative more stabile time [nothing in nature is for ever. everything is created and dispersed and only by evolution is for ever ]. Large formations are nourished by dispersed gravitons, space time curvatures and by dispersed their own quantum scattered gravitons that create ingenious behavior-self existence-circle vicious.

Graviton is open swirling semi loop of curved swirling spacetime forward rotation motion [string-electric path, strong electromagnetic force] which by different sizes and spins create different creations as may be, Casimir force, sparks, bosons, Higgs particle etc. Conclusion: Graviton string of electric strong force, by swirling motion create two perpendicular spin forces with gravity perpendicular spin behavior is absorbed by opposite semi loops [called in physic carrying, transmitter forces for all intermediate reactions] is one of the primary basic creations.    


Space time curvatures create 1] condensed formations and 2] dispersed formation to swirling

perpendiculars  energetic path strings forces]..

Pict: Dispersed gravitons by swirling motion of electric strings-paths,

Graviton: The  important creation of energetic matter circulation, which appears by scattering space time curvatures [A. Einstein] , by dispersion and disintegration of quantum formation [M. Planck] by phase transitions [C.Tejman].Gravitons may be

small or large depending of source Energetic matter dispersed by swirling space

time curvatures as curled strings-energetic paths, [A, Einstein]. Create open

curled electric semi loop which by swirling motion create second perpendicular swirling semi loop [force] without Schwarzschild white hole w-z particle, which is responsibly for closed quantum formation and that is the reason that is not

closed and not stabile quantum formation and easy disperse. With other gravitons

coupled lo enlarge energetic capacity [example Van de Graaff generator].

To graviton two swirling perpendicular [gravity spin] forces: electric [pushed]

and attraction force and gravity- swirling curled   [like gravity semi loop behavior] that give him the spin of 2 (gravity the second-rank tensor field.]

Gravitons In galaxies cached [trapped] by quantum nets, pushed and swallow [sucked] back to quantum swirl [vortex]as high energetic raw matter as high energetic substance for quantum and other creations. The most concentration appears around the “mouth” of swirl black hole.  Pict. below: Graviton high energetic, curled swirling electric strings appears by scattering space time curvatures, and as dismantled by quantum and by different energetic formations. Graviton created by electric swirling string -path with repulsive and attraction behavior, create high energetic condensed curled semi loop with gravity spin behavior. 

Only nature show and explain its endless

ingenious sophisticated behavior !

[that is one of its stage behavior]

Description of pictures: Infinite interacting fluctuated regional space fields [quantum mechanics]

in hyperspace create space time curvatures   [A. Einstein] that by swirling revolving, rotation and

curled motion create different energetic space time formations include quantum-vortex and

dispersed gravitons. Graviton is swirling electric path which by revolving rotation motion create unclosed active energetic formation with electric path behavior that means

attractive and repulsive and by continue swirling appears unclosed high energetic [in contrast to

closed electron formation]. Because is high energetic, that is reason that is masless. Gravitons behavior depends by its space time condensation and space geometry[spins] interactions. All quanta formations include our body expels and absorb gravitons all time           


The swirling space time curvatures create different high energetic curled semi loop formation with gravity behaviors

See full size image See full size image See full size image

Using NASA'schandra.









schoolsobser vatory


Swirling behavior of energetic matter create different formations


See full size image

The Cone Nebula

The Giant Elliptical

Galaxy Credit:nasa

The large graviton [pict. the Cone Nebula] expel [like Van de Graaff generator] condensed electric path-string which create galaxies quanta formations..                                          

 Quantum [regional swirl] 3 D M-bubble, M. Planck, curled formation created by regional space time curvatures.

Max Plank: quantum constant [equilibrium of energetic forces]. Formation of everything.



Black hole radiation

Energetic-electric part of quantum symmetry

Magnetic-gravity part of  quantum symmetry


 Quantum-Gravitational wave 3 D strings  [ of all quanta formations]-–Space time geometry- bubble - A. Einstein,

Albert Einstein’s space time curvatures-equation.[quantum formation]

G_{\mu \nu} + \Lambda g_{\mu \nu}= {8\pi G\over c^4} T_{\mu \nu}


Einstein’s equation 3D


Visual Einstein’s and Tejman’s quantum space time curvatures 3D

Galaxy two semi loops quantum


A. Einstein equation describe the relation between the geometry of a four-dimensional, semi-Riemannian  manifold representing spacetime on the one hand, and the energy-momentum contained in that space time on the other. That is exactly two semi loops quantum formation. creation of everything, Einstein did that! But without visually explanation of the quantum as appears in nature was the reason that He continue search for this creation and United Nature theory by introduction two behavior and phase transition of every quantum formation [include living formations] explained this Einstein’s ingenious equation as quantum appears in nature with all forces.. .

Quantum C.Tejman: Composed by 3 D bubble stringsenergetic paths, which by time swirling rotation and revolving motion create strings  wave formation of electro and gravity semi loops720 – two perpendicular spins forces] two semi perpendicular loops of gravitational wave as really appears in nature. 

             M. Faraday: create first laboratory quantum formation, by two main perpendicular energetic rigid forces ruled by absolute quantum Newton’s time.



Every  formation organic and non organic to be stabile must be quantum formation

Other important equations of quantum behavior.



Schrödinger’s equation:


Faraday’s equation:


Maxwell equation:

Planck’s equation:         

Einstein’s  equation:

       The de Broglie equation   f =E/h,  or  E= fXh


Everything created by three sophisticated constant active media

Time, space and energy are waved together. 

Each has its own properties and behaviours; one cannot exist without the others.  Theoretically, each of them has no beginning and no end, and they are all one entity but are changeable, depending on different phases of energetic matter in which they appear and decay together. .

These three media - time, space and energy create sophisticated wave-quantum-formation which has beginning and end creates- everything 

The three constant active media, time, space and energy create condensed energetic/ space/ time formations mainly by Einstein’s space/ time curvatures.  Condensed energetic space I colled ENERGETIC MATTER.


Energetic matter {C. Tejman}}≈ “Condensed energetic, space, time”

 created by space fabrics [Casimir forces, Van der Waals forces, gravito dark matter]. Which by space time curvatures and revolve-rotation motion, {space time geometry-Einstein}  created two semi {two unclosed semi loops {720˚}=six quarks, wave formation {Tejman} quantum {Planck}, wave- particle {Einstein, de Broglie}


The ways of sophisticated quanta formations are endless.

They are created  “simple” and “instantly”

Example: one of ways of quantum-bubble formation and its behavior.

Perpendicular main forces electromagnetic Perpendicular main forces electromagnetic

space curvatures Swirling motion of electric strring-path

Perpendicular main forces electromagnetic


Quantum two semi loops plus and 0

It’s hard to believe the simplicity of the creation of quantum [two main perpendicular forces, by two semi perpendicular loops 720 ]. That create [+] and [0] Plus [+] electric path disperse andcondense. Minus [0], gravity swirl which by condensation of energetic matter, create quantum gravity semi loop and all forces. They are in constant competition and complement each other [they are not opposite forces only perpendicular]. And they are always together in all phase transitions in superposition [Schrödinger’s ingenious idea, cat paradox].  

: I try “explained” theoretical the sophisticated structure of atoms quantum..

Basic energetic swirl (the foundation of the wave) resembles the black hole, blck the spots on the sun, [ like Kerr swirl in galaxy and proton in atom] which are so energetic that swallow light.

The energetic[Kerr swirl-mixed all forces times] and expel  electric swirling path with all times forces [genes]. Strong electric force - path on its line disperse energetic matter [forces time] outside [future continue recycling force time] and by swirling and rotation motion to inside quantum creating a nets inside and outside of quantum with  small different quanta embedded in nets quanta forces-times]. The nets create rigid structure for quantum formation and outside defended of quantum formation and by swirling motion of energetic paths remitter dispersed energetic matter and gravitons back to quantum circulation. On the end of expelled main electric path [from Kerr swirl] its swirling path create second swirl [Schwarzschild-white hole] which also mixes all forces times and expelled as gravity swirling paths [perpendicular forces-times]. In an electric path forces time is extended, in gravity paths the time and forces shrink [condensed]. Quantum may be condensed as neutrino or large as universe.

Theoretically draft: of quantum formations..

Interacting fluctuation of regional “space fabrics” create spaces time curvatures which by peculiar swirling revolving ad rotation motion create regional swirls [vortex], which by continue swirling revolving and rotation motion create very condensed formation “black hole” and the most condensed place called singularity by continue swirling rotation and circular motion expel maximum condensed paths-strings “electric path-string [strong force ] which by the same continue swirling motion create Schwarzschild swirl-white hole [w z particle],which create  gravity-magnetic space time forces [weak force] electron and dispersed gravitons that are swelled back by vortex  to black hole, [called protons in atom and black spots in sun]. This [circular-vicious] circulation of condensed space time matter [space fabrics-A. Einstein] create regional high condensed energetic space time quantum [gravitational wave] formation.                   

with all forces.


 In different phase transitions these forces, size and behavior are changed but equilibrium [balance] of the forces in the two semi loops quantum formation are always proportional guarded. Quantum nets by swirling motion remitted dispersed gravitons

That are two main behavior of quantum: 1] creation [building formation] and   2] dismantled of quantum [circular vicious creation] and by evolution create new quanta formations. The hyper universe created by infinite quanta evolution [not beginning and not ends]. That is the most ingenious, amazing sophisticated NATURE creation, still beyond our perception. 

The basic creation for everything [stabile formation] is two semi loop-wave-particles quantum formation 

Quantum (photon)

Gravitational wave- particle

Two semi loop-wave particle-quantum

Max Planck

Albert Einstein

Chaim, Henry Tejman




Every formation, small or large in order to be stabile must be quantum creation  [M. Plank, A. Einstein] in which the energetic matter, by constant swirling,-living motion, circulate in closed -circle vicious from one semi loop to second semi loop by changing forces by space time geometry [EINSTEIN-Tejman] and graviton.

All forces are created by ONE condensed main space swirl with created electric strong force-path, which by swirling, revolving, rotation, unidirectional forward motion create second  Schwarzschild swirl [gravity] that create space time curvatures path, electron path and different scattered condensed formations [ include gravitons] and together form two perpendicular semi loops.


Every segment, of forces [ path- ] in quantum, hold its spin, momentum and its specific all space dimensions.  

  Every force-particle belongs to its specific quantum space segment geometry and every elementary particle is only a part of quantum force-paths-strings network formation.

The quantum [two semi loops wave formation] by its endless networks directions of forces-paths-strings

  in space quantum geometry create endless formations and behaviors with all 11 dimensions.

The quantum, [all spaces netting by string-path-forces] is rigid two semi loops wave formation with absolute quantum[ I. Newton ] universe-time and relative [ A. Einstein’s inboard quantum]times.

 Only NATURE, alone, explains its sophisticated behaviors but all scientific works helps to understand the NATURE. More, ingenious and beautiful creations can’t be. The UNT wave theory that unified all forces by quantum is only beginning to endless nature works.

The most ingenious secret of NATURE is its simplicity of creations and behavior. 

Graviton discution.

The standard model forces and particles are created by quantum formation except graviton which appears everywhere.

United Nature Theory 

U.N.T.:  Fluctuated regional space create space time curvatures that by swirling revolving and rotation motion create different condensed energetic space time formations, regional swirls condensed quanta and by scattered  gravitons different formations.

United Nature Theory-Wave Theory explained that graviton is creation by swirling fluctuated spaces, and scattered segment of energetic swirling space time curvatures paths-string [A. Einstein] and of quantum by dispersed scattered electric and Schwarzschild curvatures swirls strings-paths.

Graviton dark matter created by space time curvatures, regional swirls and-quanta cached [trapped] by quanta energetic swirling nets that is the reason that is more condensed appears near quantum  black holes and galaxies formations.  

Space time curvatures and Schwarzschild white hole swirl create dispersed scattered small curled swirls that create the most condensed space time swirls formation with gravity second-rank tensor field because they have a spin of 2 (gravity is a second-rank tensor field [like electron spin] of perpendicular swirling behavior to strong electric force.

Graviton: open swirling string with gravity quantum semi loop behavior, create by swirling curled motion different energetic condensed space time creation.

Interacting, fluctuated space fabrics fields by condensed space time] creates space time curvatures and wave vortices-quanta  formations



Hyperspace Kerr-Schwarzschild swirls. Schwarzschild swirl.- explanation NASA          

Space time curvatures; create black hole Kerr swirl which expel electric path strong force , basic creation to quantum formations.

NASA pictures from



Space time curvatures by swirling, rotation and revolving motion [gravity spin create condensed [Kerr] swirls as black holes and others creations that continue created et sequences quanta..

 The very condensed swirling space [fabrics] is pushed force [Le Sage 1724-1803 idea] and created swirl that pull [suck] everything in vicinity to inside its formation even light-photons  [that is the reason of name black hole].

The black hole-Kerr swirl graviton can swallow the surplus of energetic matter, only by small amounts packages] of energy. Excess energy, gravitons are concentrated near the mouth of the swirl. black hole utilize gravitons for its own energetic formation and expel as new quanta formations [Future time] .

   The black hole by continue swirling motion, pull [suck], and continue push, everything to inside of the swirl. The pushing-pulling is so strong force [in centre] that nothing can escape.


Continue swirling motion strengthening the “space” to most strong condensed force that in maximum condensed segment-singularity-expelled as swirling electric path [strong force] which by swirling forward motion create second swirl. The second swirl, Schwarzschild [white hole], which creates the energetic space time curvatures [A. Einstein] that scattered to gravitons. Scattered gravitons are swallowed back to space swirl [black hole] and create again circle vicious –quantum formation.                                      

Pictures of energetic matter behavior and explanation by United nature theory.

Magnetic field or lines of flux of a moving charged particle
Behavior high energt open quantum

Earth regional Kerr swirl.

unified all forces by gravity 2

Earth NASA      unified of all forces by gravity quantu 3

Kerr  NASA    gravity  quantum4unified all forces5


Quantum perpendicular energetic path nets strings forces are more condensed near quantum formation, that is the reason that concentration of gravitons near black hole is greater.

Einstein space time continuum picture

http://www.cosmology-unified. et/Gravity.Anomalies.htm





Space time curvatures create condensed energetic formations [vortices-quanta] which by all direction strings-energetic-path forces

create two semi loop quantum formation. Constant active quantum creation with Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle have not define border so the energetic path –strings which defended quantum formation to spreads around quantum and the distancgravity is a distortion in spacetime

e dependent of quantum energy and the contact with other quanta.





Aurora. Explanation by UNT:  1] Earth regional swirl [red] expel energetic path that create second swirl Schwarzschild [white hole]. 2] Schwarzschild swirl [blue], create energetic space time perpendicular curvatures. [A. Einstein], that scattered to gravitons [dispersed, scattered like fog, clouds] that are swallow back by regional Kerr [earth] swirl , Graviton have a spin of 2 gravity, a second-rank tensor field-which is perpendicular to strong force. Gravitons are swallowed [ pull ] by earth swirl and also pushed to swirl by swirling space around earth. That is circulation of “space fabrics” in gravity wave [circle vicious] quantum formation.   

1-5 Space time curvatures, like curtain, around open gravity quantum swirls with a fog of falling gravitons.



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Go to fullsize image NASA unified of all forces by quantum

unified of all forces by quantum gravity2

Arnar Valdima...  


Arnar Valdima...

www.caerolus unified of all forces by quantum

U.N:T? is only beginning. to understand gravity-wave and all forces


The behavior of energetic matter by spine, revolve and circulate motion, create a closed [two semi loops, circle vicious] that is the

QUANTUM  FORMATION  [life cycle].

The Universe is created by quanta formations and

Infinity: by quantum evolution [life cycles- open circles vicious].

These pictues needs a lot of common sense and imagination, to understand the endless QUANTA formations and more imagination to understand the unbelievably, creative, behavior of “NATURE” that create everything.

One picture is worth a thousand words.

From black hole grand graviton expelled high energetic open quanta formations 

More beautiful picture and important can’t be


Pict. from SKY & telescope  august 2008 p 14

Looking Down the Throat of a Black Hole Jet.

Black body    radiation-

Max Planck [two semi loops-quantum]

The main force [red path] is always unidirectional forward pushing swirling string force-path.  By its peculiar motion, create open semi closed quantum formation.

GRAVITY swirl pulling-pushing sucking force, pulled everything in its vicinity. [gravity is pushing pulling, sucking force].

i j k m
Electric [red] strong force by swirling motion create perpendicular weak force [magnetic –gravity] blue Swirling motion Create  two forces causes to appearanc of quantum formation. This  swirling motion of electric path create “white hole” Schwarzschild swirl that create graviton ,    


Dispersion of gravitons by different formations.

vi0310_02_5_h f

the center of the vortices on Venus that looks familiar — because they've seen it in tropical cyclones on Earth



from Big Bang

Gravitons after quasar explosion Some time after

Cloud behavior. Beautiful explained the circulation of energetic matter in every place by circle vicious of Nature.

The energetic strong force create central swirl and around space time curvature-clouds

likegravitons] [see introduction to cloud formation Tejman]  

Basic “space” swirl create a lot of similar gravitons-clouds [condensed energetic space time curvatures-static electricity] It is not merely empty space, as small feather like formations have been observed that point inward towards the direction in which the energy is heading ( picture, left). Other example, when we place two sweaters together, their shared energetic space [space time curvatures-gravitons] is larger than the sum of their individual spaces. The energetic matter circulate in common swirl. When separated, their energetic level (space) is diminished and excess energy is expelled as visible sparks-strong force. That means that static electricity is stored by gravitons [by common swirl and gravitons around like clouds]. space time curvatures [gravity part of quantum].Beautiful example by nature of open circle vicious-energetic matter circulation.,


Van de Graaff generator

Canine Styles Striped Cashmere Collection

 cashmere sweater 

Go to fullsize image RoqHolida

 static electricity discharge


Electric pushing force created by gravitons and dispersed vice versa - circle vicious.

The mysterious space is around us included gravitons [small space time swirling curvatures]

Everything of nature appears around us 

Go to fullsize image

Go to fullsize imageBy jrtadje on

Including space fabrics [gravitons].

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Dispersed gravitons

Several million volts of electricity posing with the image in its original context.

Dispersed sparks-gravitons.

Graviton: Curled dispersed string-energetic path, spark gravitons [pictures from yahoo].                                                                                                 

Static electricity overflow of gravitons give sparks [pictures from yahoo].                                                                              

  Static electricity maybe the basic source to research the “status nascent”

of the basic substance that create everything, gravitons.

Gravitons are independed [autonomous] scattered formations,

The best example of static electricity are the two sweaters together [example as before],

collect, shared energetic space-strong

force in form of gravitons and shared as large graviton [space time curvatures-gravity

  quantum semi-loop by gravitons]. When separated, their energetic level (space)

is diminished and excess energy is expelled as visible sparks-strong force.

That may explain that static electricity is stored by gravitons on formations that can

accept energetic matter and overflow expel as spark, glitter. That disperses to

gravitons again differ to magnet..                                                                                                         

  Magnets are magnetic because of things called "domains." Domains are like mini-magnets [connected with particles of quanta formations]  the large magnet - when they all line up perfectly, you get a noticeable magnetic field. When they don't, the domains cancel each other out, and hence, do not create a magnet.
Alternatively, electromagnets are created via moving charges in a coil of wire (electric current).

Perpendicular main forces electromagnetic Perpendicular main forces electromagnetic

space curvatures Swirling motion

 of electric strring-path


Perpendicular main forces electromagnetic


Quantum two semi loops plus and 0

Every graviton electric open string, strong swirling force, have electric and magnetic spin swirl. In graviton the magnetic gravity spin dominate.

   Pict. Scattered dispersed gravitons.

Courtesy of NASA

Auroras                                                                                       Solar prominence       Atom explosion.  

 Space strong force glitter, energetic path created by gravitons and dispersed to gravitons and other.

The beautiful spectacle of aurora by dispersed gravitons.

 That needs a lot of imagination and observation but that is the same like behavior.


Scientists have spotted an S-shaped feature in the center of the vortices on Venus that looks familiar —

because they've seen it in tropical cyclones on Earth.Researchers from the United States and Europe spotted th

e feature using NASA's Pioneer Venus Orbiter and The European Space Agency's Venus Express. Their new d

iscovery confirms that massive, swirling wind patterns have much in common where they have been found — on Venus, Saturn and



Space time curvatures and “falling” gravitons.


Example of some forms of spice time curvatures behavior.

and scattered gravitons;  

Yours gravitons are excellent 

Yours gravitons are pfu pfu !

Every energetic creation expel and receive gravitons.

Static electricity, Aurora, Volcano, Lightening, Earthquake, Cloud formation, Whether, UFO are created by Gravitons

 Static electricity: [Maybe in future that will be important earth energetic source]. Space time curvatures and gravitons have ability accrete to every formation that can enlarge its energetic capacity in form energetic-electric regional swirl. Excess of energy expels as electric path-spark [electricity]. 

 See example two sweaters together, describe before [organic matter] shared, collect a great amount

of gravity wave space force in form of spice time curvatures [gravitons].

Classics gravitons experiment.



This sophisticated substance which is around us creates everything !

DARK MATTER.Created mainly by gravitons, coupled and cached by quantum nets as raw matter for quantum energetic circulation.

   Cosmic microwave maybe gravitons background radiation

Figure 1: The distribution of dark matter obtained from a large numerical simulation. Note how the dark matter is clustered into dark matter halos, which are connected by a large filamentary network. It is form simulations like these that astrophysicists have obtained a detailed understanding of the abundance and clustering of dark matter halos. This particular simulation is performed by the Virgo consortium, including scientists from the Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics (see Jenkins et al. 1998, Astophysical Journal, 499, 20-40) /2002/highlight0206_e.html 


Dark Matter is a mysterious, unobservable form of matter that some scientists believe fills our universe.  Some thought they’d found evidence of its existence in mysterious peaks of radiation emanating from the center of our galaxy.

But now Science Daily is reporting on a study which disproves that /2009/08/03/


Graviton: Ideas accepted today in physics and byUNT

1] A theoretically deduced particle, postulated, as the quantum of the gravitational field. UNT Quantum: Two semi loops closed formation. Graviton:  Two side open high energetic swirling string, with perpendicular gravity semi loop spin appears in quantum and out-.  

2]According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, accelerated masses (or other distributions of energy) should emit gravitational waves, just as accelerated charges emit electromagnetic waves. Exactly as by UNT, Gravitons  are scattered dispersed as wave particle by accelerate space time curvatureand fluctuated spaces.[see pictures of nature]


3]And according to quantum field theory, such a radiation field should be quantized; that is,

its energy should appear in discrete quanta, called gravitons, just as the energy of light

appears in discrete quanta, namely photons. See also Elementary particle;

Gravitation; Quantum field theory; Exactly as UNT, gravitons [energy] appear in discrete

quanta like gravitational part of quantum but also maybe large depending by

energetic source as space time curvatures[A. Einstein]

4]In physics, the graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity in the framework of quantum field theory. If it exists, the graviton must be massless (because the gravitational force has unlimited range) and must have a spin of 2 (because gravity is a second-rank tensor field.

  Exactly as UNT. In quantum formation graviton it’s the discrete swirling open high energeyic semiloop- particle of gravitational condensed behavior like gravity semi loop wave formation of a spin of 2 [gravity force paths-strings]  is massles. 

5] In the Standard Model framework, the gravitational interaction is mediated by gravitons, instead of being described in terms of curved spacetime as in general relativity.

UNT show that both ideas are correct and complement each other Gravitons are curved spacetime and mediete all forces in quantum formation,

6]In the classical limit, both approaches give identical results, which are required to conform to Newton's law of gravitation. In UNT both approaches give identical results and conform to Newton's s law of gravitation

7] Some proposed theories of quantum gravity (in particular, string theory attempt to address this issue. In string theory, gravitons (as well as the other particles) are states of strings rather than point particles, and then the infinities do not appear, while the low-energy behavior can still be approximated by a quantum field theory of point particles. In that case, the description in terms of gravitons serves as a low-energy effective theory. Ingenious idea and UNT show that gravitons energetic path-forces [as all forces] has all behavior depended of energetic capacity [phase transitions],

8] String theory predicts the existence of gravitons and their well-defined interactions which represents one of its most important triumphs. A graviton in perturbative string theory is a closed string in a very particular low-energy vibration state.

 Ingeniously right, in low phase transition the gravity semi loop is very condensed and like closed The vibration of  graviton appears by swirling motion of energetic path-strings forces of graviton and by its energy capacity..

The scattering of gravitons in string theory can also be computed from the correlation functions in conformal field theory, as dictated by the AdS/CFT correspondence, or from Matrix theory. An interesting feature of gravitons in string theory is that, as closed strings without endpoints, In low phase transition the gravity semi loop is very condensed but not closed [as electrons or neutrinos]  See the structure of graviton [by UNT] that can explain this idea.

vi0310_02_5_h curled strings with openS endpoints

9]gravity is such a weak force, could provide a potential explanation for dark matter

Graviton with  spin of 2. with coupling properties of dark matter.

 Dark matter composed by gravitons.

10] Unlike the force carriers of the other forces, gravitation plays a special role in general relativity in defining the spacetime in which events take place. Because it does not depend on a particular space time background, general relativity is said to be background independent. Graviton has all possibilities depending of phase transition. 11] In contrast, the Standard Model is not background independent. In other words, general relativity and the Standard Model are mutually incompatible.  UNT explain that gravitons are inside and outside of quantum formation depending of spacetime curvatures and quantum[gravity force.The both ideas are exactly compatible. Only nature explain gravitons behavior.  12]Whether this theory should be background independent or not is an open question. The answer to this question will determine if gravity plays a "special role" in the universe Gravity created by quantum space string  network  strong force] and our Universe is quantum formation ruled by quantum rigid networks that create absolute Newton’s time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Definition Gravity: Gravity created by Quantum networks formations for self defense [of internal and external energetic problems] 

13] In modern physics theories, forces are carried by particles. An example is the photon, a mass less particle that carries the force of electromagnetism. (This is discussed more in chapter .

 UNT: All forces and time appears in every particle and string- segment of quantum formation. Graviton, string strong force carries allforces.

 14.) The graviton is the name given to the particle that would carry the force of gravity. It has never been detected, but is required if gravity is to be understood in the same way as the other fundamental forces. This way of thinking about the nature of gravity is different from the geometrical description in Einstein's general relativity. See the picture of graviton that exlain and unite all ideas.

15] Graviton: The graviton is the exchange particle for the gravity force. Although it has not been directly observed, a number of its properties can be implied from the nature of the force. Since gravity is an inverse square force of apparently infinite range, it can be implied that the rest mass of the graviton is zero

UNT graviton scattered electric swirling string force from electric and gravity semiloop and absorbed by opposite semi  [exchange particle] but also absorbed back by its owm semi loop. So the graviton is passive scattered particle and moved by quantum forces as exchange particle

16] The idea of gravitons emerged in the early part of the 20th century, after Einstein’s general theory of relativity introduced the concept of gravity waves into the scientific arena. The recent quantum mechanical development of the wave-particle duality of light and matter (which holds that both photons and the basic elements of matter exist dually as waves and particles) was extended to the idea of a gravitational wave, which, the theory predicted, should behave as a particle, as well. Thus, the idea of a graviton- a massless particle that transmits gravitational force- was born.  UNT. Exactly explain this idea by quantum two semi loops formation that is exactly open wave particle.

 17]These unobserved particles would travel at the speed of light (the fastest that information can possibly be carried, a result of Einstein’s special theory of relativity). Graviton open wave particles would travel at the speed of light.

 18] They also have two units of spin (a property of most subatomic particles which describes how the particle will behave in a magnetic field). Spin is assigned in units: some units of spin cause the particle to act repulsively, while others are attractive. A proposed spin of 2 in the graviton means that there is no repulsion between gravitons, only attraction, which supports our observation of a solely attractive gravitational force (any other spin value would imply that gravity could work as a repulsive force

UNT: graviton is passive particle and coalescence by swirl forces but as electric open string force of gravity perpendicular spin has both properties [repulsively and attractive]

Graviton swirling string, in low energetic stage have two units of spin (a property of most subatomic particles]

 19] Gravitons can interact with each other as well as other particles: when two gravitons interact with each other they exchange a third messenger graviton. The ability for gravitons to affect other gravitons complicates the mathematical aspect of graviton interactions, and thus the potential to measure the graviton, a great deal.

Gravitons coalescence interact with each other as well as other particles[see example of static electricity are the two sweaters together [example as before], collect, shared energetic space-strong force in form of gravitons and shared as large graviton [space time curvatures-gravity  quantum semi-loop by gravitons]. When separated, their energetic level (space) is diminished and excess energy is expelled as visible sparks-strong force other graviton.

Other explaination, static electricity stored by gravitons on formations that can accept energetic matter and overflow expel as spark, glitter. That disperses to gravitons again.                                                                                                           

20] On Pushing Gravity Georges Le Sage's and Fatio Duillard's pushing gravityWith a universal field of very high speed, and very tiny particles, and a simple quantized absorption law for these particles, as they interact with matter, then one can deduce Newton's inverse-square law as a Le Sagean pushing gravity.

              Gravitons is swirling unidirectional forward force[but have pushing-pulling behavior]

 21]On Pushing Gravity  by  D. A. Linwood Department of Mathematics . University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, Tennesee   

22]Preface. If one accepts the existence of a universal  field of very high-speed, and very tiny particles and a simple quantized absorption law for these particles, as they interact with matter, then one can deduce Newton’s inverse-square radius law of “attraction” between masses, as a Le Sagean pushing gravity.

Exactly the gravitons behavior [see U. N. T.]  

23] Introduction. The elementary particle field that is postulated is made up of an extremely large number of very small particles moving in random directions, and with random momenta.  The quantized absorption law proposed is as follows: When a particle of the field (a graviton) passes through a mass, M, it follows a straight line path, of length L.  If a graviton is absorbed by a mass at some point along that path it transfers momentum to the mass.  The average number of absorbed gravitons passing through a mass M, along a line of length.

Scattered extremely large number of very small gravitons particles moving in random directions, and with random momenta are absorbed by a mass as raw energetic matter. .

24Gravitons are proposed quantum particles that form gravitational fields. Just as electromagnetic fields produce photons, which can be seen with image intensifiers, physicists believe that gravitational fields produce gravitons. However, because the gravitational equations proposed by Albert Einstein are nonlinear, unlike the linear electromagnetic particle equations, gravitons cannot (according to current theory) be observed directly. But scientists are convinced that gravitons exist, because their presence leaves perturbations that are observable, even if the particles themselves are not. Gravitons are supposed to have a rest mass and charge of zero, and a spin of 2.

We are wrapped up with space                             fabrics static electricity.




U. N. T.Graviton is swirling electric path which by revolving rotation swirling motion create unclosed active formation by electric path that means attractive and repulsive behavior depending by their space time geometry contacts with gravity spin behavior. Our bodies expel and absorb gravitons all time

 25]In an analogous manner, in a quantum field theory of gravity two massive particles interact gravitationally via the exchange of a quantum of the gravitational field--a virtual graviton. Gravitons couple to the source of the gravitational field, mass. A graviton is emitted by one massive particle, and absorbed by the other, resulting in the familiar gravitational force between the particles.

A graviton's properties are such that its exchange results in the gravitational force. It, too, is massless, as gravity's range is infinite. It is a spin-2 boson; if it were of spin-1, gravity, like the electromagnetic force, could be either attractive or repulsive.

But here a crucial difference between gravitons and photons emerges. Einstein's mass-energy equivalence implies that gravitational potential energy--the energy stored in the gravitational field--must itself act as a source of that field. Thus, although they possess no mass, gravitons do couple to gravitons. It is this self-coupling (among other things) that makes the gravitational field so difficult to quantize. UNT: gravitons. are self coupling [see the picture above and explanation]   In fact, no fully consistent quantum theory of gravity yet exists. UNT: gravity appears by quantum formation.  26]suppose gravitons don't exist. Why is gravity's travel (or propagation in this case, i suppose) limited by the speed of light? Gravity is predicted by GR to travel at c. Also Einstein's postulate extends to "no information can be transmitted faster than the speed of light". Since gravity is a form of information about one massive object (as opposed to massless) or energy to another massive object/energy it stands to reason that it should adhere to such limitation. And, Sergei Kopeikin and Edward Fomalont in 2002 measured the effects of Jupiter's transition accross a line of sight of a distant quasar and found the speed of gravity to be between 0.8 and 1.2 times that of light. This result is still being debated but so far it is the best that has been done,  UNT: gravity [information] as Newton’s absolute time appears instantly in quantum formation by quantum electric nets whatever its size.exactly as Einstein's postulate extends to "no information can be transmitted faster than the speed of light". Since gravity is a form of information about one massive object-quantum.

27 String theory predicts the existence of gravitons and their well-defined interactions which represents one of its most important triumphs. A graviton in perturbative string theory is a closed string in a very particular low-energy vibrational state. The scattering of gravitons in string theory can also be computed from the correlation functions in conformal field theory, as dictated by the AdS/CFT correspondence, or from Matrix theory

UNT: A graviton is swirling[vibrate] high energetic string  unclosed formation, graviton in a low-energy vibrational state closed string .29] An interesting feature of gravitons in string theory is that, as closed strings without endpoints, they would not be bound to branes and could move freely between them. If we live on a brane (as hypothesized by some theorists) this "leakage" of gravitons from the brane into higher-dimensional space could explain why gravity is such a weak force, and gravitons from other branes adjacent to our own could provide a potential explanation for dark matter. See brane cosmology for more details.Dark matter composed mainly by gravitons.

30] Unlike the force carriers of the other forces, gravitation plays a special role in general relativity in defining the spacetime in which events take place. Because it does not depend on a particular spacetime background, general relativity is said to be background independent. In contrast, the Standard Model is not background independent. In other words, general relativity and the Standard Model are mutually incompatible. A theory of quantum gravity is needed in order to reconcile these differences. Whether this theory should be background independent or not is an open question. The answer to this question will determine if gravity plays a "special role" in the universell

UNT graviton appears in quantum formation and out so both ideas are right.  

  United Nature Theory exactly fitting the description of graviton and string theory                                                      

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SUMMARY: Graviton:  Two side open high energetic scattered swirling string-path, with perpendicular semi loop gravity spin.



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© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry.  November 2009

Theory of everything.