Hypnosis definition.
By adding to quantum, brain, energetic matter, enlarges [distend] its
time space {A. Einstein’s theory} that enlarges hidden memory frames to see
them clearly [come to light].
Chaim, Henry Tejman.
Emeritus, Jerusalem university..
United Nature
Theory-Wave Theory
Brain, semi closed
hay energetic, quantum formation
Hypnosis: the brain, quantum, in the highest
phase transition.
Low energetic old Brain
High energetic young Brain
Hyper [surplus] energetic Brain- Hypnosis
Hypnosis- by different methods rises the energetic
level of brain and aspire frames of genes in which the thoughts are located.
This helps to receive different things hidden frames in the brain and bring
us to virtual word.
is like time machine
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Copyright: Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry. June. 2010
Theory of everything.