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Grand Unified Theory
Wave theory
United nature theory
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Neutron creation: that means quantum formation.

Explanation by: United nature theory – Wave theory.


Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.

Emeritus of Jerusalem University

United nature theory – wave theory


The creation of neutron is very..very simple,

but its behavior and creations are still beyond our understanding and needs a lot of imagination.

That is magnum opus and more than fiction.

In different phase transitions the structure of “neutron” is other

But energetic behavior similar.

 Only nature explainer, the bosons neutrons Schwarzschild, swirl behavior

 Schwarzschild swirl in galaxy = neutron swirl in atom [lowest phase transition]

Neutrons semiloops behavior.

  cannis major nebula

cannis major nebula


Ttifid nebula 


Kepler's Supernova

According to United nature theory, Wave theory these Universe creations are like WWZ Boson wave particle neutrons in different phase

The neutrons creation is like “very” simple but creations beyond imagination.


These like simple swirling semi loop are neutrons. By rotation, swirling and twisted motion of electro-magnetic strong force string path to all direction, appears quanta formations with all 11 dimensions

solarcycle.gif (2978553 bytes) 


NATURE together with scientific works it’s amazing, ingenious, sophisticated behavior. It’s beyond our imagination. solarcyc2.jpg (54837 bytes) 

At sunspot minimum, the magnetic field is relatively straight like lines of latitude. Because the equator rotates faster than the poles (differential rotation), as time goes on the field gets twisted. During the course of 11 years, the magnetic field becomes so twisted and tangled that some of the field breaks through the Sun's surface causing sunspots. The process of tangling is stopped when the system suddenly relaxes to the straight lines and the sun's overall magnetic field reverses for the next 11 years.   (from    see by visual explanation the beautiful pictures in Google These swirling tangled energetic magnetic path create in atom-neutron. These very important pictures show and explained creation magnetic-gravity part of quantum. Rotation energetic source expelled energetic path that by ite rotation motion twisted and tangled ejected electric strings path create swirling peculare semi-loop-neutron.

 These pictures explained the amazing, ingenious and sophisticated behavior of NATURE. That is it’s the biggest secret of quantum and everything creation. The black hole in galaxy or rotate black spots in the the sun expelled energetic twisted, tangled, swirling strong force-path, that by peculiar swirling and rotate motion create

Swirl called in galaxy  Schwarzschild and in atom NEUTRON.

 NEUTRON by retrograde motion remitted the energetic matter to energetic source called in atom PROTON. PROTON again by it’s rotation create  retrograde motion and by energetic path begin again the energetic circular vicious called quantum formatin. The quantum may be open, semi open or closed, that is the reason of endless quanta formations.             

Forming Star's Magnetic Field Interacting With Disc Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC).

One of the long standing challenges in stellar astronomy, is explaining why stars rotate so slowly. Given their large masses, as they collapsed to form, they should spin up to the point of flying apart, preventing them from ever reaching the point that they could ignite fusion. To explain this rotational braking, astronomers have invoked an interaction between the forming star’s magnetic field, and forming accretion disc. This interaction would slow the star allowing for further collapse to take place. This explanation is now over 40 years old, but how has it held up as it has

These very important pictures show and explained creation magnetic-gravity semi-loop.

Atom and quantum created by two semi loops proton and neutron with two retrograde motions.

Then hydrogen is stabile quantum formation [composed by two semi loop],

 M 51 galaxy is in high phase transition of quantum.

M-51 galaxy is one closed huge photon-quantum formation and H microscopic atom is also one photon-quantum. 

  So: H atom must have like behaviour that means 2 semi loops.

 Proton and Neutron together 720 closed quantum formation with two retrograde motion. 

Stefan's Quintet. 7317-

Click for larger imagemerginggalaxy[quantum]


NASA M-51 The magnetic neutron swirl, to the right, and the energetic swirl, left- together quantum gravitational wave formation.



quantum formation


by energe-

tic paths They are not



M-51 The magnetic-gravity Schwarzschild [rt]=neutron in atom.

2Feynman’s “the sum over  paths method"


m81 group like quantum.  H Atom structure   3  H Atom structure


Quantum also atom, formation composed by two perpendicular swirls electric-magnetic.








Energetic path by swirling motion create second swirl with NEUTRON behavior.


with ugly black spots and

1 Solar prominence with quanta [neutrons formation] in the energetic path.

2. The number of neutrons-atoms depending by numbers of energetic path eject from energetic source.   3. The neutrons semi loops.


These swirling semi loop are neutron.

See full size image ../sun/prominences.html

Solar Plages











Solar prominences help understanding neutrons creation.

Shell 6 and 7  see beutifulle xplanation retrograde motion by moving     Google or yahoo  /2010/06/28/sunspots-101/

  Retrograde motion of neutrons swirl.

Retrograde motion of planets.

Ptolemy's geocentric model ogrademars03_tezel_big.jpg 

Credit & Copyright: Tunc Tezel


Atom as every quantum created by two swirls with retrograde motion

          The behavior of the quantum is endless so appears different Important quanta equations but in all equations appears equilibrium between proton swirl and neutron swirl.


The follow are mathematical equations show the balance between the energetic and magnetic loop of a wave formation in various phase transitions


Schrödinger’s equation:


Faraday’s equation:


Maxwell equation:

Planck’s equation:

Einstein’s  equation:

The de Broglie equation   f =E/h,  or  E= fXh

Tejman’s equation two semi loops of the one quantum

 Formation exactly explained the equilibrium of both swirls in all phase transition.






The structure of the wave [quantum] formation is amenable to the creation of various life forms. Any change in the proportion of energetic matter in the loops leads to a new phase transition in which one of the loops has other energetic properties. These changes to the equilibrium between the energetic and magnetic loop result in different behaviors.


Quark structure proton.svgQuark structure neutron.svg

1. Every quark composed by 3 particles.  Proton +electric path + electron path.

Neutron + electric path [w1 paricle] + electron path.

Every partcles from sliting quark create diferent wave formations.


I come back with this picture that explained the rotation swirling motion of electric string.


These like simple swirling semi loop are neutrons. By rotation, swirling and twisted motion of electro-magnetic strong force to all direction appears quantum formation with all 11 dimensions

Creation of neutron apprars by strong electric  path-string- force expelled from high enegetic source, proton.

The rotation of energetic source cause to ejected electric path twisted and tangled that create neutron path with different directions.

Swirling motion of energetic string to al directions explained also retrograde motion.

Every expelled electric strong force path-string  create its specific neutron [atom] or more neutrons that means …

Every [atom] has it own energetic source and path.

If energetic soource ejected more than one energetic string path then by twisted tangled motion create different atoms.

10 atoms [photons] create shells.

The 2 shell and 3 shell composed by 10 atoms [photons], basic source H+He+8 atoms [10 phons quantum formation]

The 4 and 5 shell compsed composed by 2 qoanta 20 atoms [photons] H+He+8 atoms [10 phons] x 2. 36 atoms +2x H+He

The 6 and 7 shekkcomposed by more quanta.  

  The table from wikipedia

If the energetic path is very energetic then appears to the same atom more semi loops-neutrons.  

The atom with more neutrons we call- Isotopes. Example.

Hydrogen-1 (protium)  Hydrogen-2 (deuterium) Hydrogen-3 (tritium)

Hydrogen-4 (quadrium)  Hydrogen-4.1 (Muonic Helium) Hydrogen-5

Hydrogen-6 Hydrogen-7

Electron spins depending of spatial position of last neutrons semi loop.

There are 7 energetic levels of atomic quantum like periodic table shells.

 Prediction:  According to nature behavior it’s impossible creation the 8 shell. see

Every atom  has beginning and also decay with it’s specific lifetime.

Atoms in shell appears in couples and then:  unpaired will be electric + and its couple is magnetic - . Example: H+ and He-, or Li+ and Be-.  

That same to shells H+He is energetic source.

But shell 2+and 3-. Shell 4+and 5- gravity. Shell 6+ and 7-.   

Quantum atom: Closed regional formation of continuum circulation of energetic [matter] forces. 

Creation of quantum-atom is very simple…high energetic formation expelled electric path string that by  its rotation twisted swirling tangled motion remitter back the energetic matter to energetic source. By this rotation twisted swirling tangled motion appears atom. The atom behavior is still beyond our understanding and needs a lot of imagination.

Magnetic field or lines of flux of a moving charged particle

By rotation, swirling and twisted motion of electro-magnetic strong force to all direction appears quantum formation with all 11 dimensions.

Explanation by United Nature Theory atoms structure.

I repeat these important pictures of neutron creation that apprars by strong electric  path-string- force expelled from high enegetic source, proton. The rotation of energetic source cause to ejected electric path twisted and tangled that create neutron path with different directions. Swirling motion of energetic string to al directions explained also retrograde motion.

 Kepler's Supernova Rmnant in X-Rays Credit: NASA 1

cannis major nebula2

   cannis major nebula3


Pict. 1 Neutron semi loop.  WWZ particle.  2 , 3 and 4.  Beautiful pictures show that the neutrons-string path appears by rotation and swirling motion of the forces electric red…magnetic blue…electic.. 4. energetic source with swirling strings.

Cat eye nebula





Rotation swirling motion of electric path string creates neutrons formations.  


The center of the hurricane

during hurricane




clic here

clic here

clic here



Elephant Trunck in

Helix Nebula (NGC 7293)

Rosette Nebula

Ttifid nebula4 

Different ways of neutrons creation.

Retrograde swirling motion help to neutron acumulation of energy.

 Different ways, of high energetic and number, of neutrons creation.

Expelled buds like energetic and neutrons path in atoms,       


potato buds

buds pyracantha


  More explanation, by nature. 

File:Flower Buds.jpeg


buds (Opuntia species).

Cherry Tree
Bud #3

Pictures of Flowers Pussy Willow Pictures and Pussy Willow Kind


Neutron creation: that means quantum formation.


This paper may be subject to copy, but please cited the source.


© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry.  July 2011

Theory of everything.