Creation of everything by
God’s double bubble” quantum
by Higgs
Gods particle basic force for everything.
quantum is the first creation
and is the
blueprint of everything.
“double bubble” is the most energetic
energetic space time [A. Einstein]
The God’s
quantum [double bubble] appears as
the most
tiny double bubbles [dark energy-matter]
and the
most huge universes [two semi loops] quantum formations.
Chaim Henry. Jerusalem.
United Nature
Theory-Wave Theory
United Nature Theory like Nicolas Copernicus, Charles
Darwin and A. Einstein managed to put together the puzzle presented before
him by the living world.
Wave theory is an
attempt to do the same, where the puzzle is presented by the universe. For
this reason, I am constantly updating the articles especially the ones
regarding the wave formation-quantum. The majority of these updates stems
from new findings, and is due to my constant effort to reach a true
perception of nature. However, with that said, we are still far from finding
out the ingenious nature's secrets.
This paper is like Einstein’s “Thought Experiment”.
I invite everyone to enjoy [sharing] with me this
amazing NATURE creation of the basis recent scientific data and NATURE
observations. United Nature-Wave Theory is open theory and invites everyone
to continue this work. We are now only of the beginning this issue.
1. Everything is
created by this NOTHING? Mystery space-force.
2. All “Space”
is filled with some kind substance called dark energy, dark matter, dust
which is more condensed around celestial creations
3. This “Space” keeps
every creation on its “Place”.
That means that
“Space” is rigid strong creationThat means that these most tiny creations
must be stabile formations. To be stabile creation can be only quantum
formation. Then arise questin?, what is the must tiny
quantum and the most huge. universe quantum
The small and large
quanta have the same behavior [A. Einstein].
4. Different creations
appears from regional dark matter activity
5 . New creations
“growth” by its given regional and surrounded energetic space substance
6. These quanta double
bubbles [two semi loops] are around us. [Static electricity-energy]
7. Quantum [wave ccreation] by phase transitions dismantles again to
8. “Space”, still mystery
[may be, is also active with phase transitions] that create high
energetic God’s double bubbles quanta.
mystery, phase transitions, circle vicious?
Scientific evidence.
1 Estimated distribution of matter and energy in the universe,
today .
2 This artist’s impression shows the
expected distribution of dark matter in the Milky Way galaxy as a blue halo
of material surrounding galaxy.[11
Cosmic microwave background
1: The distribution of dark matter obtained from a large numerical
simulation. Note how the dark matter is clustered into dark matter halos,
which are connected by a large filamentary network. It is form simulations
like these that astrophysicists have obtained a detailed understanding of
the abundance and clustering of dark matter halos. This particular
simulation is performed by the Virgo consortium, including scientists from
the Max-Planck Institute forAstrophysics (see Jenkins et al. 1998,
AstophysicalJournal, 499, 20-40)
Matter is a mysterious, unobservable form of matter that some scientists
believe fills our universe. Some thought they’d found evidence of its
existence in mysterious peaks of radiation emanating from the center of our
now Science
Daily is reporting on a study which disproves that
From space we see. that
stars not coalescence to one mass, not collide [except very rare events]
every formation have its own quantum time. Keep its [space] distance
and its own space place, that means: this substance, between them [that
divide them] is very strong stabile rigid energetic space substance.This
substance cumulate [is more dense] around [but not coalescent] stabile
formations and come from surround “space We see cumulate, dense spaces with
signs of new creations. This substance vibrates and radiate but alone
is stabile high energetic creation. May be, thhis cosmic microwave background radiation is the
sign of double bubble activity? For years I search for like substance that must be
stabile, rigid, and high energetic, source for all creations include universe.
This stabile “space” creation
must be like quantum formation.
appears NASA pictures, which exactly, explained this postulate. That was
surprising for me. I not suppose so simple ingenious creation which is blueprint
for everything and this is double bubble quantum formation…
complicated mathematical works and most ingenious ideas can’t come to like solution
as this simple ingenious quantum creation.
energy 1913, by A. Einstein, Otto Stern, using formula. Max
According to this
expression, an atomic system at absolute zero retains an energy of ½hν
to the uncertainty principle to the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle
making the expectation values of the kinetic
and potential terms above satisfy Other important
work Quantum field theory, the Casimir effect
and the Casimir–Polder force are physical forces
arising from a quantized field. zero-point energy that such an oscillator may
have is
Summing over all possible
oscillators at all points in space gives an infinite quantity.
That exactly fits the mystery space created double bubbles-quanta and
The Gods
[double bubble-semi loops] quantum formation is the most important discovery
of the century and NATURE sciences !,
Two semi
loops quantum creation.
According to United N. T. the double
bubble is source for everything.
Radition as
WASHINGTON -- NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray
Space Telescope has unveiled a previously unseen structure centered in the
Milky Way. The feature spans 50,000 light-years and may be the remnant of an
eruption from a supersized black hole at the center of our galaxy.
"What we see are two gamma-ray-emitting bubbles that extend 25,000
light-years north and south of the galactic center," said Doug
Finkbeiner, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
in Cambridge, Mass., who first recognized the feature. "We don't fully
understand their nature or origin."
These pictures give me inspiration
search scientific works about double bubbles.
Then I found pictures and works….
A double bubble is pair of bubbles which intersect and are
separated by a membrane bounded by the intersection. The usual double bubble
is illustrated in the left figure above. A more exotic configuration in which
one bubble is torus-shaped and the other is shaped like a dumbbell is
illustrated at right (illustrations courtesy of J. M. Sullivan)
File:Double bubble.png
the plane, the analog of the double bubble consists of three circular arcs
meeting in two points. It has been proved that the configuration of arcs
meeting at equal angles) has the minimum perimeter for
enclosing two equal areas (Alfaro et al. 1993, Morgan 1995).It had
been conjectured that two equal partial spheres sharing a
boundary of a flat disk separate two volumes of air using a total surface area that is
less than any other boundary. This equal-volume case was proved by Hass et
al. (1995), who reduced the problem to a set of integrals which they
carried out on an ordinary PC. Frank Morgan, Michael Hutchings, Manuel
Ritoré, and Antonio Ros finally proved the conjecture for arbitrary
double bubbles in early 2000. In this case of two unequal partial spheres,
Morgan et al. showed that the separating boundary which minimizes
total surface area is a portion of a sphere which meets the
outer spherical surfaces at dihedral angles of
. Furthermore, the curvature of the
partition is simply the difference of the curvatures of the two
the radius of the interface and and are the radii of the
bubbles (Isenberg 1992, pp. 88-95). Furthermore, for three bubbles with
radii , , and , and interface radii , and
(Isenberg 1992,
pp. 88-95).Amazingly, a group of undergraduates has extended the theorem
to four-dimensional double bubbles, as well as certain cases in five-space
and higher dimensions. The corresponding triple bubble conjecture remains
open (Cipra 2000).
also found: Pairs of Bubbles in Planetary Nebulae and Clusters of Galaxies Soker, Noam
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 115, Issue
813, pp. 1296-1300.
I point to
an interesting similarity in the morphology and some nondimensional
quantities between pairs of X-ray-deficient bubbles in clusters of galaxies
and pairs of optical-deficient bubbles
in planetary nebulae (PNs). This
similarity leads me to postulate a similar formation mechanism. This
postulate is used to strengthen models for PN shaping by jets (or collimated
fast winds [CFWs]). The presence of dense material in the equatorial plane
observed in the two classes of bubbles constrains the
jets and CFW activity in PNs to occur while the asymptotic giant branch star
still blows its dense wind, or very shortly after. I argue that only a
stellar companion can account for such jets and CFWs.Keywords: Galaxies:
Clusters: General, Galaxies: Intergalactic Medium, ISM: Jets and Outflows,
ISM: Planetary Nebulae: General
DOI: 10.1086/379089
The nebula He 2–47
planetary nebula.
Owl planetary nebula
Other colliding galaxies
beautiful pictures from NATURE
double bubbles.
Owl planetary nebula
The planetary nebula Hb
Planetary Nebula
Nebula Mz3
Two semi
loops-bubbles connected, joined, by strong force.
36kb · 3000x2400
Hubble Nebula Double
The Grand Fixed Cross—
| Double Galaxy
Different double bubble formations.
[edit] Double or multiple galaxies
Double galaxy's edge-IFS
Double Galaxies
eso.orgthe double
galaxy NGC 5090
Double boubble are beyond our imagination[exactly
as quanta formations].
M 52 telescope-and-
A Double Galay
zooms in on double
Double Galaxy all the Way
.double radio galaxy
Space DNA
by double God’s bubbles.
Above the Double Galaxy
.comThe Double
Helix Nebula is a
an Active Galaxy. A Double
“dust” create everything.
Andromeda Galaxy's Double
A double lobed radio galaxy with optical image
Arp 147 - Double Ring Galaxies
GAMBARKITA: Gambarkita : Nebula
This picture is beyond our imagination
of composition of large bubble. The large bubble quantum composed by endless
small open semi loops-quanta bubbles,
After all
these pictures we begin understanding origin and life
Cat eye nebula
Cat eye nebula
Hourglass Nebula
M57: The Ring Nebula
Sky pictures: common
source for all organic and not organic creations.
God’s double bubble-quanta are the basis of all endless creations including
our life and the spirit. Life formation appears in every suitable condition, in all places and
all the time. Nature (energetic matter) by itself is a living mercurial
active formation.
Double bubble quantum formation is basic
formation for everything.
From James S.Trefil works, known physics
H+H two photons
= He atom basis for everything.
m2 9
planetary nebula 3ds 2k png 6 5m a fully 3d model of the m2 9 .
1272 x 947 | 56.3 KB1 According
to United nature theory: Formed two semi loops, “galaxies”, not collide Every
quantum formation has it universe “space” and obeys universe order. That is
not chaos in Universe and not war between its creations.
Universe is not jungle. See article Dark matter
origin of everything.
April 2011
Only Nature explains alone its sophisticated
These pictures
explains how condensation of God’s quanta [double bobbles] create double bubbles
Explanation pict.1. Two high energetic
bulks [upper and down] of Dark Matter [God’s double bubbles] “collide”,
rencontre, by perpendicular angle, spin create composed strong force pict. 2
which create two semi loops bubble.
Pict. 1 Z Canis Major - Credit: Palomar
Observatory, courtesy of CaltechHeads up, weekend warriors! With very little
Moon to contend with, it would be a great time to observe the bright outburst
of the pre-main sequence variable star, Z Canis Major. It has gained more
than two magnitudes and is well within binocular and small telescope range.
Read the rest of Observing
Alert: Z Canis Major In Outburst (243 words)
Accepted by
today pict. 2 Galaxy NGC 4038 (left) & NGC 4039 right
3 A close-up view of a head-on collision between two spiral galaxies,
called the Antennae galaxies. The image is 1,500 light-years across. The
image shows entrapped dust and gas funneled into the centre of the galaxy Lt.image at: Pict. abow:
“Collision”,? rencounter, [by certain angle of two high
energetic bubbles “bulks”,appears two perpendicular forces one is electro and
the second magnetic together electromagnetic the most strong force. This
electric and magnetic force is the glue of high energetic bubbles.
Pict. Between two semi bulks, appeas-circulate
strong, electromagnetic force.
This composed
strong force splits separate, to two different perpendicular forces, that by
swirling motions create two semi loops [double bubble] galaxy [pict1 and 2]
where one is more of energetic- electric forces and second of magnetic
properties. Together create closed two semi loops [God’s double bubble]
galaxy quantum formation for continuum, regional, closed, circulation of
energetic forces.
United Nature Theory explained by pictures [from
last researches] the ingenious sophisticated NATURE behavior.
The creation is “very simple”, but
these simplicity is the most ingenious, sophisticated
ingenious diagrams exactly explained NATURE behavior pic
and electricity current [Tejman]
Strong force which create quantum and everything is composed
by two perpendicular spin forces.
29 June 2008
800 × 500 (5 KB)
|Description={{en|1=World lines and world sheet - for the 'String theory'
artic}} {{es|1=Los dos dibujos son planos . Pintarme la teoria de las
cuerdas en 3, 4 dimensiones. Volvemos a lo mismo de
Unification and
splitting of two spins strings forces
Unification and splitting of string forces [like Feynman’s diagrams] .
First Dark Sky Island of dark matter [bubbles and gravitons]. Stargazers on Sark enjoy the wonder of
the Milky Way. Credit: Martin Morgan-TaylorLooking for a great vacation spot
with those all-important dark skies for astronomical observing? A small
island in the English Channel off the French coast of Normandy might be just
what you are looking for. The Channel Island of Sark has been officially
recognized for the quality of its night sky by the International Dark-sky
Association (IDA), who have designated it as the world’s first dark sky
island, the latest in a select group of dark sky places around the world.
Read the rest of Travel
Destination: World’s First Dark Sky Islan (230 worTwo semi
loops formation by gravitons
The Horsehead Nebula B33 Orion Nebula
Condensation of energetic bubbles
create huge graviton with black hole which create galaxy
Huge graviton expel quanta galaxies
The Nature “alone” show and explain its ingenious
“ordinary” behavior.
2Graviton create black
hole which expel strong force whch create quantum
Cone nebula. Utdoors -galaxies .webshots com
with black hole-galaxies
4Condensation of gravitons matter
The creation of forces from high energetic double
quanta bubbles are different
Pict.1, 2, 4, by
swirling, revolving rotation motion [Einstein’s space time curvatures] create
inclination of space with
very condensed formation [black hole] that is also
Einstein’s idea of gravitation [see
In the most condensed place [called singularity] . Huge
pressure of double bubbles release their condensed space energy in form of energetic
swirling, revolving rotation motion force [maybe that is the CERN GOD’S
PARICLE] which by continue of this peculiar motion create quantum formation
which create mass and everything [see
Pict 3 by recounted two bulks by
different spins create huge black hole which create quanta galaxies.
High’s God’s particles.
of energetic matter appeared by bubbles formations.
More beautiful explanation of NATURE that alone show,
can’t be.
Very compressed
bubbles in dark clouds release its very concensed energetic space which by
swirling motion create inclination of space-black hole, which expel very
condensed electric force-gliter which on its way create many open quanta,
That seems to be
very simple but is very sophisticated and still needs a lot of investigation.
Pict. 1 creation
electric force by large graviton.
1 N83b NGC 1748 Condensed twisted strong force
create maximum condensed space which expel electri
c path-string which create quantum.
2 M
78S two bubbles
http://schweifstern.marcel- p/deepsky-
3motion of strong
force two bubbles
1 Creation of huge
graviton by condensed dark matter-double bubbles and Einstein’s space time
curvatures create black hole, which in the most condensed space expel energetic
path-force [may be that is God’s particle CERN] which create quantum
formation and everything. Pict. 2and 3mion of strong force by two
perpendicular bubbles. 3 This very important pictures explain quantum
as two perpendicular bubbles spin forces like DNA motion
of strong force by two perpendicular spin forces.
3 This very important pictures explains
quantum as two perpendicular bubbles spin forces include DNA
More pictures by NATURE of quantum bubbles behavior.
Two semi loops quantum formations. Only NATURE explained Feynman’s works
Twin Spiral Galaxies
Behaves like an
enormous drop of water floating in Space,
Spiral Galaxies in
"If galaxies are all
All creations of quantum formation are ruled by
these two sophisticated forces
NASA pictures of galaxies… [two semi
Solar ptrminence
M6.6 solar flare peaked at 17:38 UT on Feb. 13, 2011.
This is the largest solar flare so fare from this solar cycle based on
X-ray irradiance magnitude. Credit: NASA/SDO
The strong force create two semi loops.
The core of
Milky way created and ruled by strong duality force.
Pict. Milky way..
Active condensed fluctuated space, core of galaxy formation
The universe, two semi loops-bubbles, is living
quantum formation.
quantum [two perpendicular semi loops-bubbles]
of electro- magnetic force.
Pict. Upper part of Universe [semi loop] have
magnetic behavior
Down semi loop of Universe have electric
behavior.[see U.N.T.]
Between two semi loops, circulate strong,
electromagnetic force glue of two semi loops.
Above: Young supernova remnant G1.9+0.3 is hidden in the
dust fields of the galactic center
The strong force
composed by two perpendicular forces electric and magnetic basic forca of
everythin and f or understanding needs a lot of
All stabile
formations are two semi loops force quanta formations include universe,
galaxies and all stabile creations,
The same laws ruled all quanta creation include
living formations.
We only are beginning, of
understanding, the nature behavior [ see United nature theory]. Motion of
strong force by two semi loops [duality].
Pencil Nebula NGC 2736 Strong force.
Nebula M-17 Motion of strong force.
Against a background Strong force move by conus formation
[Other way of
strong force creation
foNGC 1499 Califo]
Trunck in IC 5070 (NB color)
strong forces].
Pictures of strong duality force behavior
which creates quanta formations.
Only, only NATURE alone explained
its amazing, ingenious, sophisticated behavior. Its still beyond our
The Cone Nebula
The Giant
Elliptical 4
Pict. 4 This beautiful
picture explained circulation of the duality strong force between two semi
loops. This force creates two semi loops [quantum] formation and is as glue of
two semi loops quantum [bubbles] formation.
These three beautiful
pictures help understanding this bubble creation. The NATURE behavior is very
simple, but the simplicity is the most sophisticated
creation. Double Helix Nebula. The
perpendicular motion of double bubbles create DNA the life
creations. Motion of duality strong force by OPEN QUANTA FORMATIONS [secret of evolution].
Motion of strong force by two perpendicular spin
forces [double bubbles]
| Erin
Sheets lab, Penn State)
computers use DNA to
That not needs explanation
Large [as in sky] and small [as in
DNA] quanta have the same behavior [A. Einstein]
"DNA formation"
'DNA' formatio,
Alton in-division-a-dua
for dna
stock photo : gene in DNA.
Motion of
DNA by two semi loops bubbles forces.
took DNA
the cells
DNA can be found
a range of
is a con
the formation
have an
by duality electro magnetic force
The wildest motion of
electromagnetic force create similar formations but not matrix creatios.
Heisenberg uncertainty
principle of quantum theory.]
Splitting of strong force by more
forces of more quanta formations and evolution.
That is amazing to see that all
creations behave as the main NATURE CREATOR.
the DNA
DNA strand
splitting into
DNA nanotubes
a split
Active dark matter double bubbls,
create duality electromagnetic wave
strong force-quantum [“electricity”
and DNA]-everything
DNA wave
Electric and
The like simplicity of nature is the
most ingenous complicate creation.
The like simplicity of nature is the
most ingenous complicate creationAnd by evolution we are created by double
One force [electromagnetic] creates 4 forces by double
bubble quantum [vortex] creation.
The behavior of quanta are endless so appears
different Important, quanta equations.
Maxwell equation:
The de Broglie
equation f =E/h,
or E= fXh
Tejman’s equation claims:
that for stabile quantum formation must always exist energetic equilibrium of
[two semi loops] bubbles forces.
This mixed electromagnetic force [two semi loops
bubbles] appears in superposition [of two behaviors] as one entity like
Schrödinger’s cat paradox.
Only the NATURE
with its amazing, ingenious, sophisticated “paradoxes” behavior created our
Universe, life and even our spirit.
Strong force, create
quantum formation which by phase transitions disperse again back to “space”. Energetic
space source for new energetic matter circulation.
For understanding
energetic matter circulation we must understanding electromagnetic force
behavior in different phase of quantum transition and try understanding
mystery [invisible for us] the space phase transitions which create high
energetic bubbles formations. Virtual energetic space circulation. .
structure of the wave [quantum] formation is amenable to the creation of
various life forms. Any change in the proportion of energetic matter in the
loops leads to a new phase transition in which one of the loops has other
energetic properties. These changes to the equilibrium between the energetic
and magnetic loop result in different behaviors.
follow are mathematical equations for the balance between the energetic and
magnetic loop of a wave formation in various phase transitions:
- High
Energetic Phase Transition (Hyperspace negative gravity):
Energetic Loop(x)
Magnetic Loop
1 = 1
Energetic Loop(x)
Magnetic Loop
Energetic Loop(x)
Loop ↓
In hyperspace, energetic matter (energy, space and time)
propagates endlessly, while the magnetic loop (matter) almost disappears.
2. The Duality Phase:{
photon }.
Energetic Loop
Magnetic Loop
1 = 1
Magnetic Loop
Energetic Loop
The phase transition of a photon is in a state of duality
[equilibrium} whereby the magnetic loop equals the energetic loop, which
equals 1. In this phase, both loops are balanced and therefore the photon has
the longest lifespan.
Energetic-High Magnetic Phase Transition {positive gravity}.
Magnetic Loop(x)
Energetic Loop
= 1 = 1 =
Energetic Loop space↓
Energetic Loop
Magnetic Loop(x)
Magnetic Loop x-spine↑
In this phase, the
magnetic loop is induced to compliment the energetic loop by accelerating the
pace at which it spins. This helps maintain the equilibrium of the wave
{quantum}. Moreover, energy, space, and time are most condensed in this
phase, as the magnetic properties (loop) gain the ascendancy! In fact, this
is exactly what transpires in a nuclear bomb, as extremely condensed units of
energy, space and time are released by the explosion
4 Phase transition. Dispersion of
energetic matter to space. That may appears by different ways but mainly by
open quanta formations.
Energy dispersion
Energy dispersion
Energy dispersion
5 Space phase transition? Of
circle vicious. Still not known phase transitions
6 Space phase
transition? 7
Energetic space bubble creation-phase.
And again 4
known phase transitions.
sophisticated energetic matter [condensed energetic space - A. Einstein]
circle vicious?
Quantum field theory, the Casimir effect
and the Casimir–Polder force are physical forces
arising from a quantized field. zero-point energy that such an oscillator may
have is
Summing over all possible
oscillators at all points in space gives an infinite quantity. That exactly fits the idea of creation by double
bubbles-quanta - mystery virtual space phase transitions.
Everything created by “nothing” and
Everything transferee to the “nothing”
But anything not exist In NATURE
This is exactly Schrödinger’s ingenious cat
paradox superposition of two behaviors as one entity. Exist
and not exist.
This is the ingenious NATURE sophisticated
[circular vicious] of energetic virtual space behavior..
We are only at the beginning of the road to
understanding the NATURE behavior.
This paper may
be subject to copy, but please cited the source.
© Copyright:
Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry. July 2012
this papper submitted to NATURE Journal