motion in hydrogen by pictures.
atom is the simple photon open quantum formation.
Electron path in
quantum has wave behavior.Expelled, liberate, electron appears as bubble
[double bubble] two spins, wave particle [closed quantum formation]
Tejman Chaim Henry Dr. Jerusalem
Independent researches
of United nature theory-Wave theory
When I start
work of this issue on basis of my quantum theory idea, I thought, that must
be very simple because the NATURE and quanta creations are very simple.
Meanwhile I see that thi is the one of the most important sophisticated functions
of all quanta creations.
That is open
paper for everyone,
See questions
How can one describe electron motion around hydrogen
atom? I remember from introductory Quantum Mechanics, that
hydrogen atom is one of those systems that we can solve without too much (
embarrassing ) approximations.After a number of postulates, QM succeeds at
giving right numbers about energy levels, which is very good news. We got rid
of the orbit that electron was supposed to follow in a classical way (
Rutherford-Bohr ), and we got orbitals, that are the probability distribution
of finding electron in space. So this tiny charged particle doesn't emit
radiation, notwithstanding its "accelerated motion" ( Larmor ),
which is precisely what happens in real world.I know that certain "classic
questions" are pointless in the realm of QM but giving no answers it
makes people asking the same questions over and over.If the electron
doesn't follow a classic orbit, what kind of alternative "motion"
we can imagine? Is it logical that while the
electron is around nucleus it has to move in some way or another? Is it
correct to describe electron motion as being in different places around
nucleus at different instants, in a random way? – AlanSE The problem is that you're thinking of the electron as a
particle. Questions like "what orbit does it follow" only make
sense if the electron is a particle that we can follow. But the electron
isn't a particle, and it isn't a wave either. Our current best description is
that it's an excitation in a quantum field (philosophers may argue about what
this really means - the rest of us have to get on with life). An electron can
interact with it's environment in ways that make it look like a particle,
e.g. a spot on a photographic plate, or in ways that make it look like a
wave, e.g. the double slits experiment, but it's the interaction that is
particle like or wave like, no the electron.
If we stick to the Schrodinger
equation, which gives a good description of the hydrogen atom, then this
gives us a wavefunction that describes the electron. The ground state has
momentum zero, so the electron doesn't move at all in any classical sense.
Excited states have a non-zero angular momentum, but you shouldn't think of
this as a point like object spinning around the atom. The angular momentum is
a property of the wavefunction as a whole and isn't concentrated at any
particular spot. Others In Niels bohr's 1913 model of the hydrogen
atom an electron circles that proton at a distance of 5.29e-11 m with a speed
of 2.19e6 m/s. compute the magnitude of the magnetic field that this motion
produces at the location of the proton In the model of the hydrogen atom
due to Niels Bohr, the electron moves ... be a
current loop, determine the magnetic moment associated with this motion
wikipedia An electron in motion
relative to an observer generates a magnetic field, and will
be ....
orbits, he accurately explained the spectral lines of the hydrogen atom
Lewis hydrogen atom structure
Explanation by United Nature -Wave theory
I accept GALAXY
M-51 is as classic closed quantum formation.
Stefan's Quintet. 7317-
merging galaxy[quantum]
Two semi loops quant
NASA M-51 The magnetic swirl, to the right, and the
energetic swirl, left- together quantum- gravitational wave
quantum formation
by energe-
tic paths They are not
Picture of two
semi loops of the one quantum formation.
On basis this quantum formation and nature
observations I try explain Hydrogen atom structure.
That is the most primitive theoretical idea of the most
ingenious sophisticated creation quantum and atom
One double force [electromagnetic] creates 4 basic
forces by quantum [vortex] creation. Quantum create endless forces and
quantum source:, proton H+He
[like: Kerr swirl, solar black dots. Black hole].
Energetic source
expel strong force electromagneticSee http://www.grandunifiedtheory.org.il/Book7/Active_Dark3.htm
This strong force splits to electric [red] and magnetic
gravity [blue].
Electric force by swirling motion create wwz
particle [ neutron] and partially dispersed to inside quantum-atom ,catches
by atom’s nets and returned back to proton for continue energetic matter
Neutron wwz particle has magnetic gravity force
properties [weak force] by swirling and retrograde motion create
Schwarzschild swirl [white hole] . See… http://www.grandunifiedtheory.org.il/Book6/html/Retrograde_Motion/Retrograde_motion_explanation1.htm
and http://www.grandunifiedtheory.org.il/Book4/Html/w_z_boston.htm
Neutron by electron, returns energetic matter back
to proton for continue energetic matter circulation and guard of atom’s space
These simple pictures explained the biggest secret of
quantum and its amazing, ingenious and sophisticated behavior of NATURE.
1. The black hole in galaxy or rotate black spots in
the sun expelled energetic swirling strong force-path, that by peculiar
swirling and rotate motion create
2. Swirl called in galaxy Schwarzschild and in atom
3. NEUTRON by retrograde motion give back the
energetic matter by electron to energetic source called in atom PROTON.
4. PROTON by retrograde motion begin again the
energetic circular vicious called quantum formation.
One electric, swirling string [strong force] create
Electric strong [string-path] force, create quantum
formation which by phase transitions disperse again back to “space” which is
source for new energetic matter circulation
Hydrogen atom is the smallest, basic, stabile,
unclosed, by large open electron path, quantum, wave-particle formation.
atom two parts electric and magnetic-gravity electron.
The energetic source expel positron path string. Positron create W+W-Z-
particle which
create retrograde active motion this opposite motion spin electron long
path is in end open and swelled by. swirling source.
The peculiar
swirling electron wave motion cete different path that crete cocoon
formation the atoms quanta borders like eeg.
Hydrogen atom breath that
–expand…….. Shrink –expand……… Shrink –expand…
Atom quantum
Two semi-loops
{Tejman theory}
The atom breath
Atoms metabolism!
Atoms circle vicious.
..expand- shrink
from energ. loop to magnetic loop and vice-versa
Like ellipse
That is the same law for all
Circulation of
energetic matter [double bobls] in atom {Tejman}
Energetic source expel
Electric path
. by swirling motion
create positron
P.create W1 that create W2 and Z
Particles retrograde motion
W2 Z particl create retrogate motion elect spin
Electron large “spice time curvature open end is
Sucking to main swirl that is in sliping stage of
New metabolic
Offspring of new quantum
Energetic matter expelled from
energetic source, return back, to the source by its swirling peculiar
revolving, rotation motion. This peculiar motion create quantum formation.
The large space
time curvatures are the electron path.
Stefan’s quintet galaxies model for atom H
quantum model.
I have created an illustration of atom’s formation based
on the photograph of Stephan’s quintet and other galaxies
1. proton behaves like Kerr swirls 00
2. proton positron paths.
3 positron (cloud, swirl); 450.
4. Neutron , 900 , like (Schwarzschild
5. Neutron electron paths. (In galaxies paths of stars ,
planets atom formation etc.)
6. Electron (clouds). 2700 ,
7. Electron orbits around proton. (Feynman “Sum over
Proton – Neutron wave formations 900. Electron
– Positron 900 wave
Description of behavior
Hydrogen atom, (gravitational wave).
Proton, like Kerr swirl, black hole propels energetic
pathway which by revolving and rotation motion, this one energetic paths
creates additional three atomic particles form closed formation, bubble
Every particle in the wave atom paths has its own
geometrical space formation, gravitational field trajectory and what we call
charges that are gravitational fields, specific for every particle.
Einstein solution was crafted ingeniously by Riemannian
geometry, Gaus curvature, Richi curvature, gravitational wave. Wave theory
shows the way nature confirms these predictions of Einstein 100 years ago.
Feynman’s “the sum
over paths method”
Feynman, Schrodinger and Tejman
clearly show that Quantum totality
{ M. Planck} has two space geometry
{ A. Einstein } for
continue energetic matter circulation.
Hydrogen is a classic unclosed {C. Tejman} quantum {M.
Planck}, Gravitational wave { A.
Einstein } formation.
Gravitational wave [Hydrogen atom] created by
peculiar motion of expelled energetic path.
Tejman equation
of quantum energetic matter behavior.
structure of the wave [quantum] formation is amenable to the creation of
various life forms. Any change in the proportion of energetic matter in the
loops leads to a new phase transition in which one of the loops has other
energetic properties. These changes to the equilibrium between the energetic
and magnetic loop result in different behaviors.
Solare prominenses gravitational waves, quanta
Quantum wave
When we split
gravitational wave we separate the two semi loops. Every one immediately
create wave formation for continuous energetic matter flow. Only quantum formation
is stabile by its two semi-loops formation
That means H atom must have two components electric and magnetic 0-.
Quantum behavior {basic}
One quantum wave formations
The neutron [retrograde motttion] is very
sophisticated creation.
Only nature explainer, the bosons neutrons
Schwarzschild, swirl behavior
swirl in galaxy = neutron swirl in atom [lowest phase transition]
Neutrons semiloops behavior.
cannis major nebula
cannis major nebula
Atom two swirls
electric magnetic.
m81 group like quantum
H Atom
H Atom
These swirling
semi loop are neutronsswirls..
prominences help understanding neutrons and atom’s creation.
motion of neutrons swirl.
Neutronoton m
Retrograde motion of planets.
Atom as every quantum created by two swirls has retrograde
motion by neutron swirl with long electron. Path.
H.atomic quarks by U N T
1. Every quark composed by 3 particles. Proton
+electric path + electron path.
Neutron + electric path [w1 paricle] + electron path.
Every partcles from sliting quark create diferent wave
H .atom vortex quantum/
By rotation,
swirling and twisted motion of electro-magnetic strong force to all direction
appears quantum formation with all 11 dimensions.
Explanation by
United Nature Theory atoms structure.
I repeat these
important pictures of neutron creation that apprars by strong
electric path-string- force expelled from high enegetic source, proton.
The rotation of energetic source cause to ejected electric path twisted and tangled that create neutron path with
different directions. Swirling motion of energetic string to al directions
explained also retrograde motion.
Kepler's Supernova Rmnant in X-Rays Credit: NASA 1
cannis major nebula2
cannis major nebula3
Pict. 1
Neutron semi loop. WWZ particle. 2 , 3 and 4. Beautiful
pictures show that the neutrons-string path appears by rotation and swirling
motion of the forces electric red…magnetic blue…electic.. 4. energetic source
with swirling strings.
Cat eye nebula
21stcenturysch ols.com
swirling motion of electric path string creates neutrons formations which
continue energetic matter motion by electron path formation.
The center of the
during hurricane
Trunck in
Nebula (NGC 7293)
Ttifid nebula4
ways of neutrons behavior and creations.
swirling motion help to neutron accumulation of energy in atom’s quantum..
Electron is organic part of atom’s quantum
We are only of the beginning, of the
sophisticated way, to understanding the NATURE behavior.
This paper may
be subject to copy, but please cited the source.
© Copyright:
Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry. Revised. August 2012
Theory of everything. .
All pictures from Google
and Yahoo