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United nature theory
Theory of everything



Electron motion, spin, waltz solution.


Explanation by Tejman’s United NATURE-WAVE Theory

and by Coriolis forces motion of in closed quantum formation as sun, planets, electron and ectr.


Chaim Henry. Jerusalem.

United Nature Theory-Wave Theory


Electron: Explanation on basis, ingenious, scientific works, experiments and of NATURE, observations that need a lot imagination and common sense.


Electron appears [Tejman’s United NATURE-WAVE Theory] as closed gravity quantum formation. Quantum composed by two semi swirls [electric semi loop with like Kerr swirl [ black hole] and second gravity magnetic with like white hole [Schwarzschild swirl] One semi loop [bubble] has electric properties and the second semi loop-bubble is gravity magnetic–properties of spins +1/2 and second -1/2, 

U. N. T.; Electron in quantum appears as WAVE-particle path and has gravity spin, but outside of quantum formation electron is  PARTICLE-wave with gravity properties as closed semi loop.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Tejman’s quantum two semi loops 720 ° bubbles ‘space’ wave formation see Here ,                 

By splitting quantum [wave] formation two semi loops 720 °] appears endless disperse particles to all directions [dimensions with spins that has in quantum formation].

From energetic semi loop bubble appears high energetic      

not stabile, particles and from magnetic semi loop-bubble appears stabile particles include electrons ee “Tejman’s] quantum” 2001

Free electron behavior [closed gravity quantum semi loop]

like our planets [motion of electron-neutron] and like chicken eggs.

After big bang appears quantum universe as high energetic active and which by space time curvatures [A. Einstein] condensates energetic matter create everything. The most condensed creation of energetic matter is electron and neutrino so electron and neutrino are the smallest gravity [semi loop-bubble] of quantum formation

  This work is is only beginning to understanding of NATURE and electron behavior . "Logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world;
all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it.”

  1. Einstein,1933
  2. (Here 

Electron behavior; by the experiments.

See Stern-Gerlach Experiment


See J.J. Thomson

1.                  Electron Configurations from Experiment

2.                    and see Vlatko Vedral  Here

which desribe the last experiments see Vlatko Vedral; Scientific American June 2011 p23 describe the last experiments

       and see Tejman’s explanation by United NATURE-WAVE Theory

Electron behavior particles can be though of, crudely as small spinning tops that rotate either clockwise or counter clockwise, their axes pointing in any given direction: horizontally, vertically/ at 45 degrees, and so on.

Set up one electron to spin in the horizontal clockwise direction 

an the other in the other in the  counterclockwise direction, that way, their total spin is zero.

Their axes remain fixed in space, and when you make a measurement the outcome depends on whether the directions you choose align with particle axis.

If you measure both of them horizontally you see both of them spinning in opposite directions, if you measure them in vertically you detect no sin at all for either   

If total spin 0 no specified their individual spins measure some clockwise or counterclockwise at random how they decide

If you measure one particle horizontally and the other vertically you will still detect some for each it appears that the particles have no fixed axes of rotation  VlatkoVedral   

See The wavelength of an electron is given by the de Broglie equation

\lambda = \frac{h}{p}

Seee The Dirac equation for a spin ½ particle is of the form For a free particle                             

Schrödinger Wave Equation      -H\Psi = E\Psi\,  

The mathematical description of the electrons is given by a wave function, , (or a State Function), which specifies the amplitude of the electron at any point in space and time. Wave functions are solution of Schroedinger's equation. For a one-dimensional particle, the time-dependent Schroedinger equation can be written,

) 1s electrons can be "found" anywhere in this solid sphere, centered on the nucleus.(b) The electron density map plots the points where electrons could be. The higher density of dots indicates the physical location in which the electron cloud is most dense.(c) Electron density (Y2) is shown as a function of distance from the nucleus (r) as a graphical representation of the same data used to generate figure b.

(d) The total probability of finding an electron is plotted as a function of distance from the nucleus (r). 

The Many-Electron Schrödinger Equation


Electron  Wikipedia^ The fractional version's denominator is the inverse of the decimal value (along with its relative standard uncertainty of 4.2×10−13 u).

1.      ^ The electron's charge is the negative of elementary charge, which has a positive value for the proton. ^ This magnitude is obtained from the spin quantum number as \begin{alignat}{2}
 S & = \sqrt{s(s + 1)} \cdot \frac{h}{2\pi} \\
   & = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \hbar \\

for quantum number s = 12.
See: Gupta, M.C. (2001).

Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy. New Age Publishers.

p. 81. ISBN  Here

2.      ^ Bohr magneton: \textstyle\mu_{\mathrm{B}}=\frac{e\hbar}{2m_{\mathrm{e}}}.

3.      ^ The classical electron radius is derived as follows. Assume that the electron's charge is spread uniformly throughout a spherical volume. Since one part of the sphere would repel the other parts, the sphere contains electrostatic potential energy. This energy is assumed to equal the electron's rest energy, defined by special relativity (E = mc2).
From electrostatics theory, the potential energy of a sphere with radius r and charge e is given by: E_{\mathrm p} = \frac{e^2}{8\pi \varepsilon_0 r},where ε0 is the

vacuum permittivity. For an electron with rest mass m0, the rest energy is equal to:

\textstyle E_{\mathrm p} = m_0 c^2,where c is the speed of light in a vacuum. Setting them equal and solving for r gives the classical electron radius.
See: Haken, H.; Wolf, H.C.; Brewer, W.D. (2005).

The Physics of Atoms and Quanta:

Introduction to Experiments and Theory. Springer. p. 70.

ISBN Here3-540-67274-5.

Here. ^

Radiation from non-relativistic electrons is sometimes termed cyclotron radiation.^ The change in wavelength, Δλ, depends on the angle of the recoil, θ, as follows, \textstyle \Delta \lambda = \frac{h}{m_{\mathrm{e}}c} (1 - \cos \theta),where c is the speed of light in a vacuum and me is the electron mass. See Zombeck (2007: 393, 396).  ^ The polarization of an electron beam means that the spins of all electrons point into one direction. In other words, the projections of the spins of all electrons onto their momentum vector have the same sign.IBM Scientists "Waltz" Closer to Using Spintronics in Computing Electron Diffraction to 320 × 180 - 5k - jpg

Here And here   Electron Diffraction to Tchaikovsky Waltz of the Flowers Flowers


Electron behavior; Thoughts on the basis of the last

space and laboratory observations

Auroras like solar prominences [gravitational waves] appears by burst of energetic matter from energetic source.

Auroras caused by charged particles from the sun entering the earth's magnetic field and stimulating molecules in the atmosphere.

It is caused by collisions between air molecules and charged particles from the sun that are trapped in the earth's magnetic field.

U.N.T. Explaned aurora as expelled gravity waves [quanta] by constant energetic earth activity and the fogs of aurora are the falling electron-waves [gravity path], and charged particles from the sun that are trapped in the earth's magnetic [electrons] field caused the beautiful spectacle.

 So aurora is the best model for explanation of the sophisticated earth energetic activity, gravity and electrons behavior.

Motion of gravity part of aurora [and also of electrons

Motion of gravity forces by electrons swirling waves path.

Like retrograde motion [see Retrograde motion: explanation













The gravitation wave like curtain motion show exactly how magnetic-gravitational

wave like electron is the magnetic part of semi loop in atom] move. AuroraSite.htm

Beautiful and important picture.         Earth energetic source expel electric [red] forces moving straight up and gravity forces AuroraSite.htm

Waltz  motion 1 2 3 1-2-perpendicular3motion 1 2 3 1 2 3-back and down to energetic source.

The best model to understanding gravitational wave is the Hydrogen atom structure [Tejman’s U.N.T.]

Stephan’s Quintet (NASA)

Explanation of Stephan’s Quintet galaxies

The hydrogen atom structure-see wave theory

 .  It is worth reiterating the fact that energetic matter is a living and mercurial creation. Therefore, one requires a considerable amount of common sense to categorize energetic formations in their proper group. Description of the Gravitational Wave – in duality phase transition.1.      1An energetic swirl (the foundation of the gravity wave) resembles the black (gravity source) spots on the sun, which are so energetic that they swallow light.

 2.      2The stream of the energetic path departs from an energetic gravity source in a rigid manner that resembles the string of a violin [pushing, strong force.

3.      In perpendicular to the electric strings comes out gravitational (magnetic) like curtains swirling paths. These magnetic path does not close on the left-hand side of the wave, and return perpendicular [by space time curvatures with a fog of gravitons] like a broom to the source. The wave pushes and pulls everything in its way (like a broom sweeping leaves that have been scattered about by the wind) back down to the energetic gravity swirl (source)-by pulling sucking force. These two forces, energetic and perpendicular gravitational, act together.

These gravity waves contain different wave lengths inside [relative Einstein’s quanta] and each gravity force wave reacts to similar wave lengths [vibration]..

 The picture above shows that condensed gravity wave [in duality phase transition] are limited but lack clear borders but in lower phase transition the border of gravitational wave is well defined. Based on the information stated above, I have drawn up the following equation:

        Gravity force =

Condensed Energetic Matter

 in Condensed given Space [swirl]

Only NATURE explained alone the endless quanta formations.

To understanding electron motion we must understanding energetic matter circulation in NATURE quantum formation.

Some pictures of quanta formations.

Neon Ne a...

Coronal arcs imaged by TRACE satellite

Perpendicular motion of gravity force, push-pull horizontally to its source    

Gravitational wave



Solar prominence with a lot  of small gravitation waves [quanta].

The rotation and revolving {serpiginous} motion of energetic matter create small relative quanta

That need lot of imagination to understanding this ingenious force.

Electron motion Electron spin Electron waltz explanation by NATURE pictures and behavior.

Energetic source [black hole] expel electric path which by swirling motion create gravity swirl with one round [+semi closed hal spin +1/2] and second gravity swirl-twice round [-closed -1/2s spin]

Swirling electric path by twice round motion[-] create like Schwarzschild neutron-electron swirl-waltz motion 1 2 3 1 2 3

electron motion [-]

Energetic source [black hole] expel electric path which by swirling motion create gravity swirl one round [+] second gravity swirl-twice round [-]

more explanation see

Quantum creation has two swirls of half spins +1/2 and -1/2 and electron closed gravity wave quantum has two +1/2 or -1/2 spins. Electron and neutrino are the smallest gravity [semi loop-bubble] of quantum formation.Oher example

      Electric+     magnetic -

Electric+     magnetic-

Magnetic-electr  magn-elec


Every quantum + and -































Electro + open  swirlhi energetic

Electrom - closed  swirl  gravit

Electro+open  swirlhi energetic

Electr- closed  swirl  gravit

Electro +open  swirlhienerget

All 4 e

take part in


Electr 1+open




1- 2+

3- 4+


1+ 2-




Like He





Hydrogen atom is heavy photon and every next atom composed by additional photon In atom 2 last electrons take part of chemical reactions.



In every atom the primary hydrogen photon became energetic properties but second gravity-magnetic properties.  Explanation


Two Hydrogen atoms [photons] form Helium atom.

Helium Atom 1 photon with high energetic [electron+semi closed half spin +1/2] and second gravity swirl-twice round perpendicular photon -gravity] with electron – gravity-weak force [-closed -1/2s spin]

Closed quantum formation like electron.


From James S.Trefil works, known physics


Energetic matter behavior.

Helium atom structure; two perpendicular photons. See pictures from NATURE. 


Most impressive pictures of energetic source strong force which create quantum two sem loops and create “neutron” of two photons. 


Exoplanet collision in BD+20 301. Possibly an Earth-like rocky exoplanet was involved? (Lynette Cook)


Hydrogen is a classic unclosed {C. Tejman} quantum

H. Atom structure like M-51 galaxy. 

The structure of like H. Atom

I describe  on basis M-51 galaxy.

Small and large  formations must have The same behavior.{A.Einstein}

This galaxy clearly

show two different swirls connected by two energetic path and is completely independent wave{Quantum} formation. 

The structure of like H. Atom.  High energetic photon basic for atoms.

 Helium atom 

Lithium atom structure and electrons behavior

Beryllium atom structure and electrons behavior

See H, He, Li atoms {Tejman}. 

Beryllium atom structure and electrons behavior

Boron atom structure and electrons behavior 

Boron atom structure  

Carbon atom structure and electrons behavior

 Carbon atom structure

 Nitrogen atom and electrons behavior

Oxygen atom and electrons behavior   

Fluorine atom

 Neon atom

 More pictures from universe that can help to understanding the behavior of atoms and energetic matter.

Motion of photons and electrons by perpendicular semi loops.

Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy



cannis major nebula 

cannis major nebula{2

 View of this motion from side [may help to understanding electron motion]

Energetic path by swirling motion create second swirl with NEUTRON-electron behavior.



1 Solar prominence with quanta [neutrons formation double bubble quant formations] in the energetic path .

2. The number of neutrons-electrons atoms depending by numbers of energetic path eject from energetic source.

 3. The neutrons [also electrons] semi loops.



These swirling semi loop are neutron and electrons motion.

This swirling motion create quantaum formations.

 Black hole or energetic source expell.energetic pathr moving by curvatures and by dint of its

swirling and spinning space time behaviors create open continue quanta formations and. exactly like known retrograde motion.

Wave formation: (quantum).The energetic loop to the right (of both pictures) pushes outward, while the magnetic-gravity loop (left) pushes the energetic matter inside.

Every stable {quantum} formation must have two behaviors: Electric {strong force} semi-loop and gravity-magnetic {weak force} which must be in equilibrium in all phase transitions.

 Two like electrons, atoms or molecules create virtual quantum.

One electron became electric properties and second gravity spin. 

Very..very simple explanation of quantum structure and behavior but that is the most ingenious sophisticated of NATURE creationof endless different creations by its swirling electromagnetic forces.

This picture explained electrons behavior and Zeeman effect 1 2 3.

The Zeeman Effect
Zeeman effect - Wikipedia
inverse Zeeman effect.
as the Zeeman effect.

In all quanta equations, energetic matter-forces are in superposition,

That means that electron ruled by two forces in gravity phase transition. Electron the most condensed wave formation creates closed wave particle, closed quantum formation [example chicken eggs see gravity semi loop]. 

All quanta equations are viable to electron in gravity phase transition


Schrödinger’s equation:


Faraday’s equation:


Maxwell equation:

Planck’s equation:         

Einstein’s  equation:

       The de Broglie equation   f =E/h,  or  E= fXh


Tejman equation of quantum energetic matter behavior:

always be energetic equilibrium of [two semi loops] bubbles forces. 

This mixed electromagnetic force [two semi loops bubbles

Tejman’s equation is exactly like Schrodinger quantum equation:

Time-independent Schrödinger equation (general)E\Psi=\hat H \Psi

Tejman’s equation of superposition of energetic matter appears in all phase transitions

See Schrödinger’s equations of superposition.

F(x_1+x_2+\cdots)=F(x_1)+F(x_2)+\cdots.   or|\psi\rangle = {3\over 5} i |A\rangle + {4\over 5} |B\rangle.
     or               |\psi \rangle \approx \alpha |\psi \rangle

Superposition principle… also known as superposition property.

Stabile quantum, formation only by proportional equilibrium of the forces by two [semi-loops forces] behaviors.

Feynman’s “the sum over paths method”

Feynman,Schrodinger and Tejman clearly shows that Quantum

{M. Planck} has two space geometry behaviors {A. Einstein} for continue energetic matter circulation

 Pict: Motion of energetic matter in quantum and atom by two retrograde swirls.

For understand energetic matter behavior we needs a lot of common sense, to understanding spontaneous, wildest behavior of energetic matter 

Electron spin by two retrograde swirls motion. 

The period between such retrograde motions is the Synodic period of the planet.

These apparent patterns caused by retrograde motion do not occur each evening.  The patterns would appear if you charted Mars' position in our night sky over several months' time


 More pictures:

Ptolemy's geocentric model

Different retrograde motions (swirls):


Retrograde swirl of celestial formations.  Every quantum formation small as large have the same like behavior (A. Einstein).                          ./photos/nature.html


Swarzsschild swirl white hole gravity semi-loop.

Every stabile formation must have quantum behavior.

Different open quanta formations: _03jul04_crat...

www.woodmagic. worker/


Only nature can explain retrograde motion.

Circulation of energy [energetic matter] in closed gravity semi loop   Electron on basis NATURE observations and conclusion.

photography.nationalge .




1 Aurora earth prominence. Gravity semi loops quantum

2 From electric swirl continue energetic path which by swirling motion create second swirl [like white hole-Schwarzschild swirl]

3 Schwarzschild swirl by retrograde motion create gravity paths

4 Gravity path by peculiar motion move to ‘”south pole” and create 

create like ‘black hole” which create again electric path to continue motion of energetic matter in closed gravity semi loop and bubble [electron\. 

Digital Photography Camera: How to Photograph Soap Bubbles

aurora electric and magnetic semi loop quantum formation

Coriolis forces

(1)(2)(3) The motion of Coriolis force (Energetic matter motion)   

(4)(5)(6) Coriolis Force – the force is the same however it has two different representations at the northern and southern parts of the earth, hence the different angles of the swirls.

Energetic matter [Tejman] and Condensed space time [Einstein] energy are similar to the Coriolis force. This force is still a subject of further fascinating works Gaspard Gustav de Coriolis (1792-1843), a French engineer could have never imagined that his work was devoted to the fundamental force of Nature however the scientific community still praises his work. Wave theory and Coriolis forces represent the fundamental spirit of nature, still far from deciphering

Pict. From Neutron stars by Steve Nadis [astronomy march 1999] p.52.

Gravity path from North Pole [-] to South Pole and electric paths [+] from South Pole to North direction.

Pict. From Neutron stars by Steve Nadis [astronomy march 1999] p.52.


solarcycle.gif (2978553 bytes)


  (from Website for this image In sun that appears every years 11   in atom i/mil of second

solarcyc2.jpg (54837 bytes)

Aurora Borealis Inspired

      retrograde motion

theurbanfieldguide.comAurora Borealis Inspiredupitears magndic



 Only nature can explain the retrograde motion from the magnetic poles Quantum also atom, formation composed by two perpendicular swirls electric-magnetic.







Only from many pictures we can understanding energetic matter behavior.

 Different ways, of high energetic and number, of neutrons creation.

Expelled energetic path create quanta formations, 

Circulation  of energetic matter in electron, bubble and closed quantum formation.


1      Electric swirl  [Kerr, black hole]

2      Expelled electric path [with clockwise rotation Coriolis forces]

3      Creates white hole swirl [Schwarzschild swirl]




4      Schwarzschild swirl creates magnetic path [Coriolis contra clockwise forces]

5      Those forces move from north to south

6      Create closed energetic circulation in electron [closed gravity quantum formation]




Electron wave particle react to second electron by energetic waves.

By pictures I try explained the electrons and electrons pair behavior.  

The Waltz motion 1 2 3

Pict. 1 gravitational forces in very closed distance are very strong and push it pair away and rotate vertically.

Pict. 2. In distance electric forces are stronger and

3 is pulling back to its pair.

In quantum formation exist constant energetic exchange.

Now appears opposite Waltz motion. 3 2 1




Pict. 1 gravitational force in much closed distance is very strong and push it pair away and rotate vertically.

Pict. 2. In distance electric forces are stronger and

3 is pulling back to its pair.

And again as in beginning

the Waltz motion 1 2 3




Pict.1 2 3   Quanta Law 1

Every like quantum formation the one became automatically energetic properties and the second magnetic properties [Isomers]

Law 2

By changing polarity they create virtual quantum formation.

Law 3

In quantum formation exist constant energetic exchange.

Coulomb's law explanation 

by Tejman’s United nature theory


The absolute value of the force F between two point charges q and Q relates to the distance between the point charges and to the simple product of there charges by Coloumb's law. The diagram shows that like charges repel each other, and opposite charges attract each other.

|\boldsymbol{F}|=k_e{|q_1q_2|\over r^2}


\boldsymbol{F}=k_e{q_1q_2\boldsymbol{\hat{r}_{21}}\over r_{21}^2}

,   respectively.


Coulomb's Law and Newton's Law of Gravity similar ... means that electron-neutron are responsibly of gravity .

Newton’s law  \mathbf{F}_{12} =
 - G {m_1 m_2 \over {\vert \mathbf{r}_{12} \vert}^2}
 \, \mathbf{\hat{r}}_{12}
 Coulomb's law \vec{F} = \frac{Q_1Q_2}{4\pi\varepsilon_0 r^2}\hat{r}.

electron-neutron are responsibly of gravity




Electron wave particle react to second electron by energetic waves.

By pictures I try explained the electrons and electrons pair behavior.  

Her the Waltz motion 1 2 3

And opposite Waltz motion

3 2 1





This paper is only beginning to understanding Nature behavior.


Every stable {quantum} formation must have two behaviors: Electric {strong force} semi-loop and gravity-magnetic {weak force} which must be in equilibrium in all phase transitions.

Two like electrons, atoms or molecules create virtual quantum.

One electron became electric properties and second gravity spin. 

Very..very simple explanation of quantum structure and behavior but that is the most ingenious sophisticated of NATURE creation of endless different creations by its swirling electromagnetic forces.

This picture explained electrons behavior and Zeeman effect 1 2 3.
The Zeeman Effect
Zeeman effect - Wikipedia
inverse Zeeman effect.
as the Zeeman

In all quanta equations, energetic matter-forces are in superposition,

That means that electron ruled by two forces in gravity phase transition. Electron the most condensed wave formation creates closed wave particle, closed quantum formation [example chicken eggs see gravity semi loop

Equations of Zeeman effect and electron behavior from wikipedia.

  The total Hamiltonian of an atom in a magnetic field is

H = H_0 + V_M,\    where H_0is the unperturbed Hamiltonian of the atom, and V_Mis perturbation due to the magnetic field:

V_M = -\vec{\mu} \cdot \vec{B},where \vec{\mu}is the magnetic moment of the atom. The magnetic moment consists of the electronic and nuclear parts; however, the latter is many orders of magnitude smaller and will be neglected here. Therefore,

\vec{\mu} = -\mu_B g \vec{J}/\hbar,where \mu_Bis the Bohr magneton, \vec{J}is the total electronic angular momentum, and gis the Landé g-factor. The operator of the magnetic moment of an electron is a sum of the contributions of the orbital angular momentum \vec Land the spin angular momentum \vec S, with each multiplied by the appropriate gyromagnetic ratio:

\vec{\mu} = -\mu_B (g_l \vec{L} + g_s \vec{S})/\hbar,

where g_l = 1and g_s \approx 2.0023192(the latter is called the anomalous gyromagnetic ratio; the deviation of the value from 2 is due to Quantum Electrodynamics effects). In the case of the LS coupling, one can sum over all electrons in the atom:g \vec{J} = \left\langle\sum_i (g_l \vec{l_i} + g_s \vec{s_i})\right\rangle = \left\langle (g_l\vec{L} + g_s \vec{S})\right\rangle,                                       where \vec{L}and \vec{S}are the total orbital momentum and spin of the atom, and averaging is done over a state with a given value of the total angular momentum. If the interaction term V_Mis small (less than the fine structure), it can be treated as a perturbation; this is the Zeeman effect proper. In the Paschen-Back effect, described below, V_Mexceeds the LS coupling significantly (but is still small compared to H_{0}). In ultrastrong magnetic fields, the magnetic-field interaction may exceed H_0, in which case the atom can no longer exist in its normal meaning, and one talks about Landau levels instead. There are, of course, intermediate cases which are more complex than these limit cases. 


Electron spin is the most sophisticated NATURE behavior.

This paper may be subject to copy, but please cited the source.

© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry.  November 2012

Theory of everything.

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