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Grand Unified Theory
United nature theory
Theory of everything


Energy and everything created by dark matter

Creation of energy, that means, creation of everything.

We, Human being, are also created by this dark energy.


Tejman Chaim Henry Dr. Jerusalem,


Independent researches of United Nature-Wave theory.


 Astronomer Fritz Zwicky first predicted the existence of dark matter in the 1930s ...  

also believe another 74 percent of the Universe is made
of dark energy.


and United Nature-Wave theory [TEJMAN]  approve and explained this Fritz Zwicky believe.

and Tejman believe that mankind will understanding the U.N.W. theory and accept.  


United Nature-Wave theory –discussion.  

From space, we see, that stars not coalescence to one mass, not collide [except very rare events]. Every formation has its own quantum space time, distance and its own space place, that means: this substance, between them [that divide them] is very strong stabile active rigid energetic dust space substance. This substance cumulate [is more dense] around stabile formations [but not coalescent, fuse] and come from surround “space”. We see cumulate, dense spaces with signs of new creations.  This substance vibrates and radiate but alone is stabile high energetic creation. That means that this substance behave like

electric semi loop is high energetic “positron” behavior and second of magneticgtavity behavior.  Maybe, that cosmic microwave back ground radiation is sign of two semi loops quantum [high electric↑↑ magnetic] activity? [see On April 3rd, researchers led by Nobel Laureate Samuel Ting of MIT announced that the Alpha Magnetic

Spectrometer, a particle detector operating on board the International Space Station since 2011, has counted more than 400,000 positrons, the antimatter equivalent of electrons.  There’s no danger of an explosion, but the discovery is sending shock waves through the scientific community.l

This discovery show that these two semi loops [two semi 3D bubbles] quanta are high energetic where gravity semi loop is small, but E/M energetic equilibrium allways must be preserved in all quantum phase transition. See Tejman’s phase transition 

see different equations of quantum energy equilibrium

Schrödinger’s equation:



Faraday’s equation:



Maxwell equation:


Planck’s equation:


Einstein’s  equation:









                          The de Broglie equation   f =E/h,  or  E= fXh

Tejman’s equationimage015

 United Nature Theory explains the natural quantum behavior as it really appears in nature explain and unites all these ingenious equations.

From Tejman’s  equations of everything we see that the two main  forces   electro-magnetic,]  

are the basis of sophisticated quantum creation .In different phase transitions the properties of energy, time and space changed but quantum equilibrium reserved.

For years I search for like cosmic substance that must be stabile, rigid, and high energetic, source for all creations include universe. This stabile “space” creation must be like quantum [ Tejman’s U.N.T] two semi loops formation.

See Tejman’s quantum theory is based on quantum formation like  GALAXY M-51 3 D semi loops “double bubble”.

See book 1 isbn: 965-90627-0-2 United nature theory- Hebrew national and university library doc num. 0095747 Library of congress- tx 5-572-750


For understanding quantum formations please see GALAXY M-51 which I accept as basic closed quantum formation.

Other galaxies are also two semi loops.


Stefan's Quintet. 7317-

Click for larger imagemerging galaxy[quantum]



NASA M-51 The magnetic swirl, to the right, and the energetic swirl, left- together quantum- gravitational wave formation.

Independentclosed quantum formation connected by energe-tic paths They are not collisionsgalaxies








NASA pictures, which exactly, explained my idea. That was surprising for me. I not suppose so simple ingenious creation which is

blueprint only for everything and that is double bubble [two semi loops] quantum formation…

that verified United Nature Theory [Tejman] and  Einstein’s idea that all quanta have the same behavior,

That means that dark matter composed by like double bubbles quanta,                                       

illustration of gamma-ray bubbles extent

From end to end, the newly discovered gamma-ray bubbles extend 50,000 light-years, or roughly half of the Milky Way's diameter, as shown in this illustration. Hints of the bubbles' edges were first observed in X-rays (blue) by ROSAT, a Germany-led mission operating in the 1990s. The gamma rays mapped by Fermi (magenta) extend much farther from the galaxy's plane. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
› Larger image
› Unlabeled image






Most complicated mathematical works and most ingenious ideas can’t come to like solution as this simple ingenious quantum creation.

Zero-point energy 1913, by A. Einstein, Otto Stern, using

 formula. Max Planck


  \epsilon = \frac{h\nu}{ e^{\frac{h\nu}{kT}}-1} + \frac{h\nu}{2}                       \epsilon = \frac{h\nu}{ e^{\frac{h\nu}{kT}}-1}

According to this expression, an atomic system at absolute zero retains an energy of ½hν Relation to the uncertainty principle to the

Heisenberg uncertainty principle     \sqrt{\left\langle \left(\hat{x} - x_0\right)^2 \right\rangle} \sqrt{\left\langle \hat{p}^2 \right\rangle} \geq \frac{\hbar}{2}, 

making the expectation values of the kinetic and potential terms above satisfy Other important work 

Quantum field theory, the Casimir effect and the Casimir–Polder force are physical

forces arising from a quantized field. zero-point energy that such an oscillator may have is

{E} = \begin{matrix} \frac{1}{2} \end{matrix} \hbar \omega \ . 

Summing over all possible oscillators at all points in space gives an infinite quantity.

That exactly fits the mystery space created by bubbles-quanta and

The Gods [double bubble-semi loops] quantum [still not God’s Higgs particle] formation is the most important discovery of the NATURE sciences !, 

illustration of gamma-ray bubbles extent

From end to end, the newly discovered gamma-ray bubbles extend 50,000 light-years, or roughly half of the Milky Way's diameter, as shown in this illustration. Hints of the bubbles' edges were first observed in X-rays (blue) by ROSAT, a Germany-led mission operating in the 1990s. The gamma rays mapped by Fermi (magenta) extend much farther from the galaxy's plane. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
› Larger image› Unlabeled image






Two semi loops quantum creation.

gamma-ray structure visible by processing Fermi all-sky data at energies from 1 to 10 GeV

A giant gamma-ray structure was discovered by processing Fermi all-sky data at energies from 1 to 10 billion electron volts, shown here. The dumbbell-shaped feature (center) emerges from the galactic center and extends 50 degrees north and south from the plane of the Milky Way, spanning the sky from the constellation Virgo to the constellation Grus. Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT/D. Finkbeiner





According to United N. T. the double bubble is source for everything.

artist concept of a photon and an electron

When an electron moving near the speed of light strikes a low-energy photon, the collision slightly slows the electron and boosts the photon's energy to the gamma-ray regime. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center




Radition as gamma radiation, X-ray, microwave radiation etc.

Fermi all-sky data with superimposed graphs

The bubbles display a spectrum with higher peak energies than the diffuse gamma-ray glow seen throughout the sky. In addition, the bubbles display sharp edges in Fermi LAT data. Both of these qualities suggest that the structure arose in a sudden, impulsive event. Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT/D. Finkbeiner et al.a





WASHINGTON -- NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has unveiled a previously unseen structure centered in the Milky Way. The feature spans 50,000 light-years and may be the remnant of an eruption from a supersized black hole at the center of our galaxy.
"What we see are two gamma-ray-emitting bubbles that extend 25,000 light-years north and south of the galactic center," said Doug Finkbeiner, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian

Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., who first recognized the feature. "We don't fully understand their nature or origin."

These pictures give me inspiration search scientific works about double bubbles.

Then I found pictures and works….

Double bubble

Double bubble




A double bubble is pair of bubbles which intersect and are separated by a membrane bounded by the intersection. The usual double bubble is illustrated in the left figure above. A more exotic configuration in which one bubble is torus-shaped and the other is shaped like a dumbbell is illustrated at right (illustrations courtesy of J. M. Sullivan)



File:Double bubble.png







In the plane, the analog of the double bubble consists of three circular arcs meeting in two points. It has been proved that the configuration of arcs meeting at equal 120 degreesangles) has the minimum perimeter for enclosing two equal areas (Alfaro et al. 1993, Morgan 1995).It had been conjectured that two equal partial spheres sharing a boundary of a flat disk separate two volumes of air using a total surface area that is less than any other boundary. This equal-volume case was proved by Hass et al. (1995), who reduced the problem to a set of 200260integrals which they carried out on an ordinary PC. Frank Morgan, Michael Hutchings, Manuel Ritoré, and Antonio Ros finally proved the conjecture for arbitrary double bubbles in early 2000. In this case of two unequal partial spheres, Morgan et al. showed that the separating boundary which minimizes total surface area is a portion of a sphere which meets the outer spherical surfaces at dihedral angles of 120 degrees. Furthermore, the curvature of the partition is simply the difference of the curvatures of the two bubbles,



where Ris the radius of the interface and r_1and r_2are the radii of the bubbles (Isenberg 1992, pp. 88-95). Furthermore, for three bubbles with radii r_1, r_2, and r_3, and interface radii R_1, and R_2,





(Isenberg 1992, pp. 88-95).Amazingly, a group of undergraduates has extended the theorem to four-dimensional double bubbles, as well as certain cases in five-space and higher dimensions. The corresponding triple bubble conjecture remains open (Cipra 2000). also found:  Pairs of Bubbles in Planetary Nebulae and Clusters of Galaxies  Soker, Noam

The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 115, Issue 813, pp. 1296-1300.

I point to an interesting similarity in the morphology and some nondimensional quantities between pairs of X-ray-deficient bubbles in clusters of galaxies and pairs of optical-deficient bubbles in planetary nebulae (PNs). This similarity leads me to postulate a similar formation mechanism. This postulate is used to strengthen models for PN shaping by jets (or collimated fast winds [CFWs]). The presence of dense material in the equatorial plane observed in the two classes of bubbles constrains the jets and CFW activity in PNs to occur while the asymptotic giant branch star still blows its dense wind, or very shortly after. I argue that only a stellar companion can account for such jets and CFWs.Keywords: Galaxies: Clusters: General, Galaxies: Intergalactic Medium, ISM: Jets and Outflows, ISM: Planetary Nebulae: General

DOI: 10.1086/379089

These NATURE double bubbles creations has different shapes but allways obey the NATURE rules     


 These energetic space creations are created by bubbles of different shapes. Mainly oval but allways by pairs two semi loops [quantum]           as first blueprint, double boubble.                                                                                                               
The nebula He 2–47
planetary nebula.
Owl planetary nebula
Other colliding galaxies












beautiful pictures from NATURE double bubbles.
Owl planetary nebula

The planetary nebula Hb
Planetary Nebula


Planetary Nebula Mz3





Two semi loops-bubbles connected, joined, by strong force.
36kb · 3000x2400

Hubble Nebula Double

The Grand Fixed Cross— Double Galaxy with




Different double bubble formations.
[edit] Double or multiple
Double galaxy's edge-IFS

Classificatie: Double Galaxies

eso.orgthe double galaxy NGC 5090




Double boubble are beyond our imagination[exactly as quanta formations].

M 52 telescope-and-
A Double Galay
zooms in on double
Double Galaxy all the Way


.double radio galaxy




Space DNA by double God’s bubbles.
Above the Double Galaxy


.comThe Double Helix Nebula is a
an Active Galaxy. A Double





Space “dust” create everything.
Andromeda Galaxy's Double
A double lobed radio galaxy with optical image
Arp 147 - Double Ring Galaxies

GAMBARKITA: Gambarkita : Nebula




This picture is beyond our imagination of composition of large bubble. The large bubble quantum composed by endless small open semi loops-quanta bubbles






After all these pictures we begin understanding origin and life creations.                                                                                                   

Cat eye nebula

Cat eye nebula

Hourglass Nebula

M57: The Ring Nebula
















 Sky pictures: common source for all organic and not organic creations.








These God’s double bubble-quanta are the basis of all endless creations including our life and the spirit.

created by space time double bubbles [

Other amazing picture that give me inspiration to understanding energy creation was this Hubbell picture.   

On basis all beautiful pictures U.N.T explained the NATURE behavior and  dark energy.

Space activity by condensed dark matter [basis] of virtual bubbles [double bubble[ and by compressed gravitons expel swirling electromagnetic strong force [like DNA- life, photons] strong active [force.                                             The continue motion of swirling path-strings chain double bubbles [electromagnetic-double bubbles] strong force create huge double bubble high energetic “positron” photon quantum [gravitational wave large photon], I” though” that right semi bubble is gravity [female] and expel basis for new quantum [offspring, evolution]. The left semi bubble less dense-male.      .

To understanding the NATURE, needs a lot of s knowledge, common sense and fantasy.  













This correlation is “simple” and sophisticated it is only the beginning of understanding.

The motion of swirling path - chain of double bubbles [electromagnetic-double bubbles] strong force of high energetic “positron” photon quantum [gravitational wave bubbles

create everything include our life.

This amazing picture is the picture of century so I try explain over and over and I ask every one to share with me explanation. If you find from this picture or other some additional important thing I will citate Your idea that may give more understanding of the NATURE.        

Description of picture:

On top at right like “clean” space, we see some small diffuse condensations, that means that space is not empty. Condensation appears with large bulks by steps and in most condensed space appears cone [graviton-Tejman] which expels by swirling motion chain of waved bubbles. Two kinds of bubbles, dense and less dense, dense and less dense like DNA , photon,


electromagnetic-double bubbles strong energetic force, that create very large formation like “double bubble” galaxies, nebula. Where one dense [with gravity bevior]and the second less dense [with electric positron behavior]. This creation composed by endless maximum condensed bubbles [double bubbles]. When  the offspring step of this huge quantum come to end appears next steps of quantum appears and by phase transition disperse the bubbles again to space for creation new formations [circle vicious] of living Universe.

The disperses quanta bubbles by phase transition released high condensed E-M quanta strong force and the motion of this force create all kinds of known us energy and everything including matter.


The creations of NATURE are simple but very…very sophisticated!!!           


Questions ?


These smallest space bubbles are independent quanta formations. The independent quanta vibrate with the same frequency. Why they cumulate?  We known that electrons [gravity properties quanta] with like vibration frequency not cumulate, keep their space as why space bubbles cumulate?

Explanation by United Nature-Wave theory {Tejman].

See Tejman’s quantum 3 D two semi loops [bubbles] 

It’s hard to believe the simplicity of the creation of quantum [two main perpendicular forces, by two semi perpendicular loops 720 ]. That create [+] and [0]. Plus [+] electric path disperse and condense. Minus [0], gravity swirl which by condensation of energetic matter, create quantum gravity semi loop and unified all forces. They are in constant competition and complement each other [they are not opposite forces only perpendicular]. And they are always together in all phase transitions in superposition [Schrödinger’s ingenious idea, cat paradox].  


Pict. Atoms quantum: I try explaine simple. Basic energetic swirl (the foundation of the wave) resembles the black spots on the sun, [ like Kerr swirl in galaxy and proton in atom] which are so energetic that swallow light.



















The energetic[Kerr swirl-mixed all forces times] and expel  electric swirling path with all times forces [genes]. Electric path on its line disperse energetic matter [forces time] outside [future continue recycling force time] and to inside quantum formation creating small different quanta forces times]. On the end of its swirling path create second swirl [Schwarzschild-white hole] which also mixes all forces times and expelled as gravity swirling paths [forces-times]. In an electric path forces time are  extended, in gravity paths the time and forces shrink [condensed]. Quantum which unified of all forces may be condensed as neutrino or dispensed  as universe

Now we understand!

The space virtual bubble is high energetic because the energetic virtual part of bubble is large while the gravity part almost not exist  which is the most prominent in last phase trnsitins of quantum.

Circulation of energy [energetic matter] in closed gravity semi loop   Electron on basis NATURE observations and conclusion.[in space bubbles is similar]

Aurora expelled energetic path which create quantum formation.









1 Aurora earth prominence. Gravity semi loops quantum

2 From electric swirl continue energetic path which by swirling motion create second swirl [like white hole-Schwarzschild swirl]

3 Schwarzschild swirl by retrograde motion create gravity paths

4 Gravity path by peculiar motion move to ‘”south pole” and create 

create like ‘black hole” which create again electric path to continue motion of energetic matter in closed gravity semi loop and bubble [electron\. 

image132Digital Photography Camera: How to Photograph Soap Bubbles

image134aurora electric and magnetic semi loop quantum formation







The strong force divide  the bubble to double boubble to two forces.








Pict. Between two semi bubbles, -circulate strong, electromagnetic force

Motion of two reencounter forces [electromale-magneticfemale] by high energetic wave geometry trajectories [Einstein [.force create everything

Coriolis forces



(1)(2)(3) The motion of Coriolis force (Energetic matter motion)   

(4)(5)(6) Coriolis Force – the force is the same however it has two different representations at the northern and southern parts of the earth, hence the different angles of the swirls.


Energetic matter [Tejman] and Condensed space time [Einstein] energy are similar to the Coriolis force. This force is still a subject of further fascinating works Gaspard Gustav de Coriolis (1792-1843), a French engineer could have never imagined that his work was devoted to the fundamental force of Nature however the scientific community still praises his work. Wave theory and Coriolis forces represent the fundamental spirit of nature, still far from deciphering




Pict. From Neutron stars by Steve Nadis [astronomy march 1999] p.52.








Gravity path from North Pole [-] to South Pole and electric paths [+] from South Pole to North direction.









Pict. From Neutron stars by Steve Nadis [astronomy march 1999] p.52.

We see two different forces and  two spins in one bubble. Two main force electric and magnetic in one formation that means: That is quantum formation of two semi bubbles.

 solarcycle.gif (2978553 bytes)








solarcyc2.jpg (54837 bytes)solarcyc2.jpg (54837 bytes)v


Circulation  of energetic matter in electron, bubble and closed quantum formation.




1      Electric swirl  [Kerr, black hole]

2      Expelled electric path [with clockwise rotation Coriolis forces]

3      Creates white hole swirl [Schwarzschild swirl]








Schwarzschild swirl creates magnetic path [Coriolis contra clockwise forces]

5      Those forces move from north to south

6      Create closed energetic circulation in electron [closed gravity quantum formation]







Electron wave particle react to second electron by energetic waves.

By pictures I try explained the electrons and electrons pair behavior.  

The Waltz motion 1 2 3

Pict. 1 gravitational forces in very closed distance are very strong and push it pair away and rotate vertically.

Pict. 2. In distance electric forces are stronger and

3 is pulling back to its pair.

In quantum formation exist constant energetic exchange.

Now appears opposite Waltz motion. 3 2 1







Pict. 1 gravitational force in much closed distance is very strong and push it pair away and rotate vertically.

Pict. 2. In distance electric forces are stronger and

3 is pulling back to its pair.

And again as in beginning

the Waltz motion 1 2 3







Pict.1 2 3   Quanta Law 1

Every like quantum formation the one became automatically energetic properties and the second magnetic properties [Isomers]

Law 2

By changing polarity they create virtual quantum formation.

Law 3

In quantum formation exist constant energetic exchange.

Coulomb's law explanation 

by Tejman’s United nature theory



The absolute value of the force F between two point charges q and Q relates to the distance between the point charges and to the simple product of there charges by Coloumb's law. The diagram shows that like charges repel each other, and opposite charges attract each other.

|\boldsymbol{F}|=k_e{|q_1q_2|\over r^2}


\boldsymbol{F}=k_e{q_1q_2\boldsymbol{\hat{r}_{21}}\over r_{21}^2}

,   respectively.


Coulomb's Law and Newton's Law of Gravity similar ... means that electron-neutron are responsibly of gravity .

Newton’s law  \mathbf{F}_{12} =
 - G {m_1 m_2 \over {\vert \mathbf{r}_{12} \vert}^2}
 \, \mathbf{\hat{r}}_{12}
 Coulomb's law \vec{F} = \frac{Q_1Q_2}{4\pi\varepsilon_0 r^2}\hat{r}.


electron-neutron are responsibly of gravity




Electron wave particle react to second electron by energetic waves.

By pictures I try explained the electrons and electrons pair behavior.  



Her the Waltz motion 1 2 3

And opposite Waltz motion

3 2 1








This paper is only beginning to understanding Nature behavior.

Motion of virtual double bubble waves like DNA, photons.


This strong electromagnetic force appears from space [this picture not captured its source]


Above: IRAC not only probes what is known - it also has uncovered some mysterious objects like this so-called "tornado" nebula. Because the camera is sensitive to light emitted from shocked molecular hydrogen (seen here in green), astronomers think that this strange beast is the result of an outflowing jet of material from a young star that has generated shock waves in surrounding gas and dust.
Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / J. Bally (University of Colorado)

Creation of double bubbles by dark matter.

Above: The early universe contained only hydrogen and helium. No other chemical elements existed. All of the elements needed for life were created later in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and then ejected into space. IRAC studies how stars mature. It can observe how the processes of stellar evolution affect the environment. The Trifid Nebula hosts stars at all stages of life, surrounded by gas and dust that form a beautiful roseate nebula. It's located 5,400 light-years away in the constellation Sagittarius.
Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech















Gravitons creation by dark matter

Above: Within galaxies like the Milky Way, giant clouds of gas and dust coalesce under the influence of gravity until new stars are born. IRAC can both measure the warm dust and peer deeply into it to study the processes at work. In this giant cloud several stellar nurseries can be seen, some still within the tips of dusty "mountains of creation." This image shows the eastern edge of a region known as W5, near the Perseus constellation 7,000 light-years away.
Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / CfA 

















Black hole, vortex [quantum] created by energetic space time [Einstein bubbles.

These pictures are  “simple” but  sophisticated and it is only the beginning of understanding.       

“Space” dispersed wave bubbles quanta [double bobbles, wave quanta creations, oval’s like eggs] vibrate by their frequencies disperse and collect. They collect because their electric-positron semi loop-bubble prevails, which have affinity to attraction and repelling, while magnetic bubble [semi loop only repeals] but is weaker than electric. 


Double bobbles collect mainly around created formation [but not coalescence] They also gather to large bulks called dark matter. In more condensed areas by large pressing and expell chains of two kinds of waved bubbles called strong force which  create wave quantum formation and everything. That are more ways of strong force creation as recontree of two bulks of double bubbles that create large gravitons, which create black holes, galaxies, 

and different quanta formations.


Equation of energy in given space [Tejman]




Amount of condensed space bubbles [double]

In given space [frequency temperatute]



More condensed double bubbles in given space then higher their activity, higher their temperature and frequency. That same appears with given amount of double bubbles and we deal with space.                                                                                                               The Planck length is defined as the smallest virtual space   [bubble→→double bubble] quantum creation

where is the speed of light in a vacuum, is the gravitational constant, and is the reduced Planck constant. The two digits enclosed by parentheses are the estimated standard error associated with the reported numerical value.[1][2]The Planck length is about 10−20 times the diameter of a proton, and thus is exceedingly small.

 Energy states are related to the frequency by the Planck equation        (where is the Planck's constant and the frequency). In the case of electromagnetic wave these energy states are called quanta of light or photons.                                                                                                                             

Created wave quanta by passing metamorphosis from offspring and by phase transition dismantle  and disperseagain to virtual space which by unknown phase transition creates quanta bubbles. The NATURE not needs antimatter to its virtual circle vicious.

The dismantle phases transition are the phases of released condensed energy known to mantle.

This wavy double bubble released condensed energy create everything,,, everything… everything. 


Definition of known kind of energy [Tejman]

                 Motion of released [from bubbles quanta-Tejman]

Condensed space time [Einstein]


Creation of everything by circulation of bubbles

virtual energetic space time by phase transitions    [circle vicious -quantum]  

Ingenious physicists as Einstein, Schrödinger, Feynman, Thomas Young also physician, Newton, Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis, James Prescott Joule, Gibbs, Thomson, Clausius, Clapeyron, Boltzmann, Stefan, Arrhenius, Dirac, deals only with motion of released energy by dismantling energetic formations and dispersed energetic double bobbles.    

Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry.  May 2012

Theory of everything.