Grand Unified Theory
United nature theory
Theory of everything

Quantum structure  definition.

by United Nature - Wave theory.

 Quantum and atom structure on basis NATURE observations and scientific works.


Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.

Emeritus of Jerusalem University

United nature theory – wave theory,




Quantum: Closed regional formation of strings, quarks,

Gravitons to continuum circulation of

Energetic [matter] forces by two semi loops quarks.  


Theoretical idea of quantum and atom structure see.


 Quantum and atom structure on basis NATURE observations and scientific works.  

Gravitational wave [quantum] composed by protons 3 colors quarks strings and neutrons

3 colors quarks strings. That means composed by 2 swirls of 6 [six] strings path colors.

These two [protons and neutrons quarks] create gravitational wave [quantum of strins path]. 

Every gravitational wave [quantum] is stabile creation that means

that both strings quarks are in active proportional e equilibrium.


1] closed gravitational wave [also atom structure]..

2] Closed quantum formation by two quarks strings i=6NTDVMClNsmyafK  

These like [simple] creations of two  “Quarks” strings  “behavior” 

Create quantum, strong force [energy], space and time UNIVERSE and everything include our life!     


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© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry. July 2014

Theory of everything.


The theory of everything.
