Introduction to subatomic particles
Unified field theory
Only one force (matter) creates everything.
Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.
United nature theory-Wave theory
Grant particles accelerators (like CERN), create bizarre
new constituents of matter with greater mass then the originals. Only wave
theory-united nature theory can explain this phenomenon.
Nature clearly shows that each quant is composed of two
constituents. See picture from space.
Galaxy Stefan
Galaxy M-51
It is a hypothesis that the two galaxies are on collision
route, but from differernt sky formation we see that they are connected by
energetic paths or other kind of connection, but same common sense we see
that they are one complete formation , together they form a complete formstion
I term wave formation , that is a quantum .those like separate formation that
are always together . from that we conclude that quantum is composed of two
parts(two semi loops formation-two quarks).
Gravitational wave(Einstein)quantum(Plank)allways composed
by two quarks (Gell-Mann Murray) or two semi-loops
(Tejman) synonisms of the
same formation.
From most observation we can conclude that the one semi
loop is with a lot of nergetic formation in its arms and second high
energetic are connected by energetic path.
Form sky obsevations (pictures) we see new formations two
semi loops and distance that are in the same phase and are transparent with a
lot of space and without any sight older galaxies we clearly
see how two loops (semi-loops) are connected by energetic paths and one is
very energetic and the second is with a lot of different formations (stars
atoms etc.)from that we can conclude that atom and every quantum are composed
from two semi loops connected by energetic pasths .
Accelerators split atom formation to different parts of
atom (pict.of atom).
Atom structure (quantum)must be similar to like others
quantum formations
Description of atom (gravitational wave):
Stephan’s Quintet (NASA)
Explanation of Stephan’s Quintet galaxies.
I have created an illustration of atom’s formation based
on the photograph of Stephan’s quintet and other galaxies
1. Proton behaves like Kerr swirls 00
2. Proton positron paths.
3. Positron (cloud, swirl); 450.
4. Neutron, 900 like (Schwarzschild swirl)
5. Neutron electron paths. (In galaxies paths of stars,
planets atom formation etc.)
6. Electron, 2700 (clouds).
7. Electron orbits around proton. (Feynman “Sum over
Proton, 900 Neutron wave formations.
Electron, 900 wave formations.
Those different parts of atom which are created by
revolving and rotation motion of energetic path efferent from proton are
condensed energetic matter which appear from space time curvature, now by
splitting of atom we retreive this condensed matter again to space. But
those different parts of the atom split create immediately wave formationm,
quantum , part of the energetic matter disperses to space.
New constituens that are created are in other phase
transition with low
energetic matter and gravitational semi loop is now the
dominant source of
gravitation of new particle (weight is greater).
The most fragile point to split in wave formation is energetic
path and then became two semi–loops (energetic and magnetic) two quarks Gell-Mann Murray,
In bubble chamber experiments, we see spiral formations when atoms
are destroyed by collision. These formations are quarks, subatomic
particle that cannot exist by itself for more than a brief time and must form
a stable wave formation.
All waves are composed of two loops (quarks) to give them
By spliting atom (gravitational wave) different subatomic
particles appears depend which semi-loop (quark) is affect.
© Copyright Dr.
Tejman Chaim Henry October, 2006