The creation of
Part 3
Continue Universe
by phase transition
Living formations
by evolution.
Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.
United nature theory-Wave theory
“Logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge
of the empirical world; all knowledge of reality starts
from experience and ends in it.” A. Einstein, 1933
{ )
The creation of universe is characteristic by phase transitions of
quantum formation The energetic force wildest behavior try escape from
quantum formation but gravitational semi loop try keep the energetic matter
capacity, but energetic matter all time escape to space {second law of
thermodynamics- Tejman} That provide to constant changes in relationships
between semi loops This loosing energetic matter from electric semi loop
cause to smaller quantum formation and faster wave rotation.
Example neutrino rotate quicker than photon
photon atom neutrino
The ideal structure of energetic matter is the wave formation, which
is comprised of an energetic and magnetic semi-loop. Under ideal conditions,
such as the photon, the two loops are equal insofar as the property
of their energetic matter are concerned.
in the left side –“high energetic photon” -only
energetic semi loop- unclosed energetic path}. With time create second semi
loop-wave formation {photon}
This one energetic matter
move by segments –two semi loops-wave {quantum} formation
Energetic matter motion
Electricity flow
Motion of energetic
crater appears after meteorite collision. This marvelous picture show behave
energetic matter which appears in quanta and how disperse INGENIOUS! -Credit to Hubbell
image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment on NASA's Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter shows "Victoria crater," an impact crater at
Meridiani Planum, near the equator of Mars.
very important picture explain energetic matter behavior.
Currently we can understand how the
living formations growing by quanta formations- Ingenious !!!
The structure of the wave
formation is amenable to the creation of various life forms. Any change in
the proportion of energetic matter in the loops leads to a new phase
transition in which one of the loops has more energetic properties. These
changes to the equilibrium between the energetic and magnetic loop result in
different behaviors.{but the energetic equilibrium of wave formation –quantum
– must be preserved.
To follow are mathematical equations for
the balance between the
energetic and magnetic semi-loop of a
wave formation in various phase transitions:
1. High Energetic Phase Transition
Energetic Loop(x) |
= |
Magnetic Loop |
= |
1 = 1 |
Energetic Loop(x) ↑ |
Magnetic Loop |
Energetic Loop(x) |
Magnetic Loop ↓ |
In hyperspace, energetic matter (energy,
space and time) propagates endlessly, while the magnetic loop (matter) almost
disappears The rotation of this huge waves is near 0 and time is very
prolonged. .
2. The Duality Phase:
Energetic Loop |
= |
Magnetic Loop |
= |
1 = 1 |
Magnetic Loop |
Energetic Loop |
The phase transition of a photon is in a
state of duality whereby the magnetic loop equals the energetic loop, which
equals 1. In this phase, both loops are balanced and therefore the photon has
the longest lifespan.
3. Low Energetic-High Magnetic Phase
Magnetic Loop(x) |
= |
Energetic Loop |
= 1 = 1 = |
Energetic Loop |
Magnetic Loop(x) |
↓ |
In this phase, the magnetic loop is induced
to compliment the energetic loop by accelerating the pace at which it spins.
This helps maintain the equilibrium of the wave. Moreover, energy, space, and
time are most condensed in this phase, as the magnetic properties (loop) gain
the ascendancy! In fact, this is exactly what transpires in a nuclear bomb,
as extremely condensed units of energy, space and time are released by the
I suppose that photon phase where energetic
equilibrium between both semi loops is equal and maybe used as “Everything
The universe was created by a single entity
of energetic matter, which by its spinning and swirling motion formed two
swirls (loops) that together comprised a wave. These two swirls, which are
the primary components of every wave, adhere to the following equation:
Energetic Loop |
= |
Magnetic Loop |
= |
1 = 1 |
Magnetic Loop |
Energetic Loop |
This equation is
also in line with the principles of quantum mechanics.
The best examples of
this are highly energetic photons, whose two loops contain nearly identical
levels of energy.
This equation. holds true for all
the formations that exist in the universe. However, in different phases, the
proportion between the energetic and magnetic semi-loops different. But they always keep energetic balance between
those two main forces.
© Copyright: Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry December
Theory of everything |