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The Creation of the Universe

Quantum Evolution

Part -5           

The primary virtual sophisticated substance is living

Energetic matter (force) and is not a surprising then, that all living formations are a sequence of this primary force.


Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.

United nature theory-Wave theory


"Logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world;
all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it.” Albert Einstein 1933


  The creation of the universe is such a sophisticated creation because of living energetic matter (force) behavior. It is not surprising then, that all living formations are a sequence of living behavior of this primary force


Evolution of universe and all its living formations are ingenious and sophisticated behavior of energetic matter.


The Masterpiece blueprint for everything is an unclosed quantum gravitational wave formation that can come in contact with other quantum formations.


One picture worth thousand words….




From left to right: (1) - Stephan’s Quintet galaxies - pictures from a telescope of space; (2) - Explanation of behavior of galaxies (see Tejman article-;

(3) Embryo.    Picture 2 explanation: 1. Proton behaves like Kerr swirls 00;   2. Proton positron paths;   3. Positron (cloud, swirl) 450;   4. Neutron, 900, like (Schwarzschild swirl);   5. Neutron electron paths;   6. Electron (clouds) 2700 



I believe that many words are not needed in order to show that quantum formation is the origin of the evolution and for everything. It is simple yet sophisticated 

Those pictures are not a fantasy, that is reality of the nature behavior, but those nature creations are beyond our fantasies and we need a lot of common sense in order to understand them.


On the basis of this quantum formation evolution, we can see endless formations that are beyond our wildest imagination.

All the creations are on the basis of this quantum formation (wave particle duality) two semi-loops wave formation.



This two semi-loops quantum formation, which includes all spaces directions, creates everything by energetic motion including of different life formations that this wild energetic matter with wild motion can create (but always obey his energetic matter rules) in a quant form. Watson and Craig ingenious intuition gave the idea to call the DNA: a "Double Helix" without knowing that it has a double energetic swirl formation – (one complete quantum) and that was the reason that Rosalined Franklin couldn’t understand why there are two directions of matter flow in its roentgen pictures.


Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in his 1809 work: "Philosophie zoologique", Charles Darwin in his 1859 work: "The origin of species" and Mendel’s works had started their work from the living creatures, but the Wave Theory explains that the creation of the living universe appears with formation quantum universe and that is the marvelous creation of the masterpiece. Universe itself is energetic mercurial living formation.


Wave theory is the theory of nature that unites all disciplines of science and all the creations of the universe including all our life and even our thoughts. Some scientists call this theory a philosophical approach to this work but Einstein did not perform any laboratory experiment and Darwin described only what he was seeing. I am doing exactly the same thing.


Motion of energetic matter in galaxies quantum formation:


NGC 5426/5427

A Grazing Encounter Between Two Spiral Galaxies

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download 
 the highest resolution version available.


Those beautiful pictures explain the duality quantum formation (two semi-loops wave formation). Motion of energetic matter in DNA formation (red: Energetic paths; blue: Magnetic paths).




Magnetic flow (blue) and electricity flow in a wire (red).


The flow of energetic matter in DNA formation.


The most important thing for living formations are closed organic formations like cyclohexane unclosed stabile quantum formation with high energetic source swirl which adds energy to this formation that allow her in water detach from the ground and become independent formation and can come in contact like formation and create colonies( ).






Creation of living quantum formations may appears like these celestiac formation from celestian substance force. Evolution of energetic matter can appear only by quantum behavior




Only one force rules everything and creates stable quantum formation.

I would like to mention that all life creation is quantum formation, resembling primary formation; this is described in the following pictures.


Metaphase stage:











Anaphase stage:





















Morula stage:



Blastula stage:


Some photos are taken from the space and some are taken from a microscope. Some celestial pictures are like ovum divisions and all quantum formations have the same initial quantum behavior.

It is very hard to distinguish between space creations and "living" formations.


Pictures explanation:


Metaphase stage:

Picture 1: Ring Nebula M 27. Picture 2: M 27. Picture 3: Monoceratos. Picture 4: Nebula NGC. 7742. Picture 13:  Butterfly Nebula P. 112/3


Anaphase stage:

Picture 7: Supernova 1572. Picture 8: Cat’s eye.


Morula stage:

Picture 1: Trifid Nebula NAC 6814. Picture 2: Hen Nebula 1357.


Blastula stage:

Picture 1: N.1512. Picture 2: The Hoag Ring Galaxy.


In this article I bring an evidence of evolution from the primary basic quantum formations. Only nature itself can explain this evolution behavior.


The top of the two semi-loops quantum evolution is the human brain and its spirit, classical duality formation wave-particle.

Brain –classical quantum formation

The most sophisticated creation of the universe energetic matter and is like primary energetic mater creation force-space

Upshot-Knothole Grable


Every quantum formation composed by two forces strong and weak

{strong electric path-weak space force and vice versa unclosed circulus viciosum}

Picture of shifting strong force and space (space- force). Many scientists believe I am an active dreamer, but this virtual dream is the reality, and the reality is a magnificent dream!!!




The brain and the thinking mechanism (spirit) is the most ingenious and sophisticated formation of the masterpiece creation.

of living behavior of this primary force of living behavior of this primary force

Quantum evolution of inorganic formation is expressed by phase transitions and evolution of organic formations can be seen in a number of theories such as the natural selection (Darwin) and adaptation to nature (Lamarck) and the brain dictates evolution and quantum revolution by Tejman.

.. It is hard to believe how this simple quantum formation can create sophisticated creations by this very one space force (substance). This force is still way beyond our imagination and we can not fully comprehend how quantum wave formation creates endless formations.


Until now we used to believe that the living evolution belongs only to naturalists and quantum formation belongs only to physicists. United Natural Theory shows that there is one substance (matter) that creates everything and that all fields of science are actually one masterpiece creation.

Quantum evolution is not chaotic spontaneous matching creations. Evolution of quantum universe and all its formations are ingenious sophisticated behavior.


The creation of the Universe-time. The most existing subject, which I have always feared to discuss, is Newton and Einstein’s time. This subject always seemed to me the most interesting and hard as if it is disconnected in the air, and it can’t be comprehended. But time is the most important part in the universes sciences.


  Newton entered an ingenious element- the absolute time; this is the ideal time for quantum formation that has to be the same in every area of quantum, like the atom or galactic constellation. That means that time has to be the same in every corner.

  Einstein's time is ingenious, because it is a relative time and it is obvious that in every quantum formation there is the smaller quantum formation. Their time is faster then their own mother quantum, but is relative to the mother quantum. As an example we can bring the revolving neutrino that is faster then the atom. The smaller the formation is the faster the circulation will be.


Here arises a problem for the hyper space that is one electric energetic semi loop, half wave particle (half quantum formation) and not a complete quantum formation as I discussed earlier that are wave formation made up by two semi loops that create unclosed stabile wave quantum formation that have border and absolute time This sophisticated hyper-universe which is not a defined formation, has no borders and merges with a “void”. The void can move to the universe and vice versa. That means this hyper-space like the Schrödinger cat exists and doesn’t exist. Like virtual formation one semi loop (Casimir force) but for eternal existence survival must go an ongoing evolution. Evolution of energetic half photon (force) to…? And vice versa….? Schrödinger cat


That is the state of science

Another problem is the time. If this hyper-space is eternal and exists and doesn’t exists and has no beginning or ending, this problem also has to with time-exist and not exist. They don’t have a beginning or an end. That means that time can’t be defined-only appears and vanishes with the disintegration of quantum formation that creates new quantum formation by evolution. That means that hyper universe is the continue exist by evolution of this quantum formation

Another problem has to with energetic activity that is defined in the quantum as together with space and time, that hyper space is not a quantum formation that has no beginning and no end and no borders but exists all the time-energetic activity.  This force shifts from space to force and vise versa and evolution of energetic matter. That means that this force

e substance really exists eternally, and is responsible for this virtual shifting mystery incredible creation for everything.

I am sharing my thoughts which I collected from all works and observations in a goal to fully understand the incredible creation of the universe formation. The research in this field has progressed a lot, but we are still far from being fulfilled.

The creation of the Universe is so fascinating and research is endless that I just touch small pieces of a huge mysterious puzzle that can help to understand this incredible creation and united nature theory is an approach to modern physics, mathematics, Chemistry and biology.


Summary: Evolution- energetic activity-time.

Time –energetic activity-evolution.


© Copyright Dr. Tejman Chaim Henry, August  2006

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