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The Creation of the Universe

Part 6


In this chapter United Nature

Is not a theory, But a reality!



G-D Shows us everything,

We Must only understand.{A.Einstein}





Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.

United nature theory-Wave theory



"Logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world;
all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it.”

  1. Einstein, 1933( )



United nature theory, much like those of Copernicus, Galileo, Darwin and Mendel, describe nature as it is.

The creation of universe is created by one substance. By its shifting motion it creates two forces (strong force) which by revolving and rotating motions create a second weaker force (Space Gravitational Wave). Ingenious pictures from Hubble space telescopes and other telescopes show us exactly how this happens. Not much common sense in needed to understand the phenomenon. We clearly see these creations in different formations and we encounter them everyday. Only pictures form space can help us find associations on how the basic substance works. Some may claim that these pictures and the associations I make of them are a far fetched fantasy- Yet I believe this fantasy is actually reality, and this reality is beyond our wildest fantasies. I bring works and pictures that are familiar too all. I use works and books of great scientists (some are from google- “all rights reserved to the great scientists…”). I try to unite all these works and pictures into one theory-the united nature theory.






Condensed energetic space-glitter-again condensed space and again glitter that disperse

Parasitic mushroom, basic strong force creates space. This space creates strong force again and creates dispersed space again

Strong force-dispersed force(space)









The creation of universe-this one strong force created a second force (Gravitational Magnetic semi loop). Together these forces created a stabile formation of unclosed gravitational waves (quantum formation). These two semi loops are in constant equilibrium, and one force contains with in it the second force.By different phase transitions their semi loop(forces) changes, and one forces changes to the other.

I’m introducing an equation that quantum two semi loops must be in constant equilibrium.



These two equations show the behavior of energetic matter  

energetic matter =(condensed energetic, space time)

Tejman’s quantum constants

   ; ;




E = h \nu = h \omega /(2 \pi)  = \hbar \omega \ Plank-quantum constant.


                  E=HF   E=MC2  Einstein-quantum constant.


The equations above are quantum formations that show different characteristics of quantum behavior


Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter view of Victoria Crater



The creation of universe shows that energetic matter expands by quantum {energetic waves} exactly like black body radiation(Planck) quantum.

The creation of universe is created by one sophisticated substance which creates quantum formations at all times, and vice versa.









The basic substance knows only how to do quantum formations, yet its behavior is so sophisticated, that it can

make endless formations within this quantum. Inorganic and organic formations have the same behavior.


Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter view of Victoria Crater

Strong force- space

Strong force- space

Quantum reproduction


Quantum reproduction

Quantum reproduction

Quantum energetic matter dispersion




The creation of universe is characteristic by gravitational waves. These are created by condensed space and are a source for a strong force that creates together a quantum gravitational wave…which can duplicate its quantum formation (evolution).





The creation of universe- ingenious pictures of Mars Victoria crater show a phenomenon that occurred after a meteoroid impact and show how energetic matter expands in a quantum wave. A more ingenious picture can not be.



Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter view of Victoria Crater


Credit to Hubble space telescope

The creation of universe shows that energetic matter expands in energetic waves (quantum-Planck and photon-Einstein)


See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.


The creation of universe shows us that energetic source condensed space time curvature(Einstein) in the universe, creates wave formations at all times.



Dune motion

Wave motions on the coast

Strong force creates a weak force on coast.

With some common sense, we see the behavior of the energetic matter is the same in all energetic matter formations.


See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.


In the Center of the Lagoon Nebula
Credit: A. Caulet (ST-ECF, ESA), NASA

Condensed energetic space (black space, energetic source) expelled wave formations. These seem to be in a triangle formation, similar to primary wave formations after big bang.


Wave formation after big bang

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

Space creates a lot of prominences

Space creates energetic prominence

Appearance of strong force

Strong force creates swirl and descending (right) weak force




Energetic prominence from nebula

Aura strong force creates weak force

Solar prominence

Gravitational wave




Horsehead nebula

Horsehead nebula


Strong force creates knee that returns too the source as a weak force(horse nebula)

Aura –strong force creates perpendicular weak force


Strong force which creates space(horse nebula)


Again we see here how the strong force creates a perpendicular space (weak force)



See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

Solar prominence

Explanation solar prominence

Solar prominence

Solar prominence








         The expansion of energetic matter  force≈space≈force≈space …..etc.






Inorganic and organic formations have the same energetic matter behavior.



Click to enlarge

Hubble Image of the Antennae Galaxies





Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter view of Victoria Crater


Everything is created from this one energetic matter {fantastic}..


Summery: G-D shows us everything,

We must only understand. {A. Einstein}


© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry  2007

The theory of everything





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