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Helium atom structure

By United Nature Theory



Helium atom is created by two Hydrogen’s atoms which are the smallest, basic, stabile, unclosed quantum, wave-particle formation. Hydrogen atom by

different relationships create all stabile formations and

Helium atom {a particle of nucleus} is the most stabile formation.

Atoms structures are bond by energetic part {semi-loop}

strong forces of quantum and are very strong bonds but molecules relationships {covalence} are bond by gravity{semi-loop} - weak forces and are bond by electrons.



To understand this paper please

Read H- Atom structure, article {Tejman}. \



Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.


United nature theory-Wave theory


Name: Helium
Symbol: He
Atomic Number: 2
Atomic Mass: 4.002602 amu
Melting Point: -272.0 °C (1.15 K, -457.6 °F)
Boiling Point: -268.6 °C (4.549994 K, -451.48 °F)
Number of Protons/Electrons: 2
Number of Neutrons: 2
Classification: Noble Gas
Density @ 293 K: 0.1785 g/cm3
Color: colorless /

Atomic Structure

[Bohr Model of Helium]


Number of Energy Levels: 1

First Energy Level: 2




Half Life




Date of Discovery: 1895
Discoverer: Sir William Ramsay
Name Origin: From the Greek word hęlios (sun)
Uses: balloons, deep sea diving

 Electron Dot Model


Smallest recognized division of a chemical element


Mass :

≈ 1.67 × 10-27 to 4.52 × 10-25 kg

Electric charge :

zero(if the number of electrons equal the number of protons in an atom)

Diameter : (data page)

50 pm(H) to 520 pm(Cs)


















·                     Coefficient of lineal thermal expansion/K-1: N/A


·                     Conductivity

Thermal: 0.00152 W/cmK

·                     Density: 0.1785g/L @ 273K & 1atm

·                     Description:

Light, odorless, colorless, tasteless noble gas.

·                     Enthalpy of Vaporization: 0.083 kJ/mole

·                     Flammablity Class: Non-flammable gas

·                     Freezing Point: see melting point

·                     Heat of Vaporization: 0.0845kJ/mol

·                     Melting Point: 1.1K -272.05°C -458°F

·                     Molar Volume: 31.8 cm3/mole

·                     Optical Refractive Index: 1.000035 (gas) 1.028 (liquid)

·                     Pysical State (at 20°C & 1atm): Gas

·                     Specific Heat: 5.193J/gK

The half-life is the measured prediction of the time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample to decay and turn into something else in a radioactive process.


Crystal Structure: Hexagonal

·                     Electron Configuration:


Electrons per Energy Level: 2
graphic of Helium's shell model

Image:Helium atom QM.svg


The structure of Hydrogen and  Helium atom I based on similar formations that appear in nature.

Pair of gravitational waves {from solar prominence}


Click to enlarge; NASA



efan’s Quintet was an inspiration for Hydrogen atom structure



Description of Hydrogen atom behavior. {side vieu}

1 hydrogen atom

2.View from side

 3 e. path circulation


Two Hydrogen atoms form Helium atom.


Helium atom which space is two Hydrogen atoms {two quanta}



Helium atom which space is two Hydrogen atoms {by side view}


In every formation the primary hydrogen photon became energetic properties but second gravity-magnetic properties.

More explanations


Pictures from space {taken from}

There is stable quantum formation composed by two Quanta formations}.

Quanta formations have different shapes and behavior.


Every quantum formation composed from two properties energetic semi-loop {strong force} and gravity semi-loop {weak force}.


Text Box:




All works show that quantum formation is composed from two parts and for understand the wildest behavior of energetic matter we must have a lot of common sense and imagination.


From James S.Trefil works, known physics




In every quantum formation one part must be energetic (strong force) and the second magnetic – gravity (weak force). The energetic part in photon phase transition has larger space.




From all the pictures above we have seen very important phenomenon: that those two semi-loops are not identically alike, and according to unite nature theory every quantum formation is composed by

two semi-loops.

The means: That in Helium nucleus one proton has electric properties

And the other has magnetic properties. And also electrons are less active than energetic part. That may be a paradox? NOT! That is the ingenious, sophisticated behavior of energetic matter. That allows to atoms create different bonds.






Pictures from space {taken from}

gives some imagination of Helium behavior.

M97, NGC 3587, Owl Nebula              M 76 (NGC 650)


WZ particle, WZ bosons are high energetic open quantum formation. Energetic matter creations don’t have limited borders and the same energetic condensed space and matrix structure. 

Explanation Helium isotopes






Open quanta formatios {telescope pictures}.






Open quanta formations in nature




Every stable {quantum} formation must have two behaviors: Electric {strong force} semi-loop and gravity-magnetic {weak force} which must be in equilibrium behavior in all phase transitions.


Tejman equation of quantum energetic matter behavior:








Schrodinger quantum equation:



Feynman’s “the sum over paths method”:


Feynman, Schrodinger and Tejman clearly shows that Quantum totality {M. Planck} has two space geometry behaviors {A. Einstein} for continue energetic matter circulation

Hydrogen is a classic unclosed {C. Tejman} quantum

{M. Planck}, Gravitational wave {A. Einstein} formation.



*All the pictures and some of the text in the articles are exclusive to the internet sites they were taken from. All the use of those pictures and papers are for scientific purpose only.


I copy different quantum structures that may be can help for understand helium atom structure and behavior.


For understand energetic matter behavior we needs a lot of common sense, because spontaneous, wildest behavior of energetic matter 


{Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle  and Schrödinger’s Superposition}.

never create matrix formation only like formations. but they  have the same vibration because every atom is independent unclosed quantum formation


Helium atom {a particle} is the most stable creation.

Helium atom as every composed quantum formation has two properties energetic semi-loop {strong force} and gravity semi-loop {weak force}.


Only by nature observation we can explain the helium atom structure and the energetic matter behavior.




© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry august 2007


The theory of everything




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