Back to main Summary Page The fifteenth century witnessed an epic revolution in thought and science, which was spearheaded by Copernicus and substantiated in the seventeenth century by Galileo. A similar thrust forward transpired at the beginning of the twentieth century with the birth of Max Plank’s Quantum Theory and Albert Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. These profound works redefined the way in which we perceive the world. Moreover, these works heralded many technological advances that have transformed the face of human society. However, the scientific community has failed to unify these two seminal ideas despite repeated attempts by many leading thinkers. The quest for a single, multi-disciplinary theory capable of explaining every phenomenon in the universe, from a physical, biological, and chemical standpoint lured me in as well. While relying on the extant scientific literature, I turned to nature, pouring through documentation and pictures of natural phenomenon in the distinguished tradition of Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel. Nevertheless, the basis of all my endeavors was predicated on Einstein's renown equation, e=mc2. I simply had a gut feeling that these universally-accepted letters would provide me with some insight as to the fundamental nature of our universe. By turning the equation around into m=e/c2 we see that energy is the primary ingredient in matter. The fact that energy travels at the speed of light (300,000 km per second) indicates that space and time are also components of matter, as energy travels over a certain distance in a particular amount of time. Consequently, according to Wave Theory, the fundamental component of every entity in the universe is what I refer to as energetic matter, which is composed of time space, and energy. Moreover, any unit of matter would cease to exist should any one of these three elements be removed. Interestingly, none of the abovementioned components — time, space, and energy — are tangible. In other words, matter is actually virtual, yet there is no denying that it exists. For years, I was unable to come up with any firm evidence that proved that these entities are responsible for everything in the universe. As astonishing as it might sound, a virtual coalition of elements forms the very foundation of our universe! My observations, especially the inspiring picture of the
M51 Whirlpool (adjacent picture, click to enlarge), ultimately led me
to the conclusion that everything in the universe is aligned Every concentration of energy creates an energetic swirl, the positron, with an energetic path heading out of the swirl. The positron forms a magnetic loop with a magnetic path and an electron at its tip (we will examine this issue in greater detail in the section on the structure of the atom). On its own, energetic matter is a living, mercurial entity that is given to constant changes in direction. Moreover, energetic matter is capable of producing similar formations due to the natural behavior of energetic matter. This stems from the fact that it moves exclusively along a path that it created on its own, in accordance with Feynman's idea that an electron recalls its own route. Since galaxies are neither produced on the basis of some sort of matrix nor share the same framework, every galaxy possesses a unique structure. Consequently, each galaxy offers energetic matter a unique opportunity. The same logic also explains the vast diversity within the human species, as no two individuals are truly identical. To follow is a gallery of various galactic formations — the Galactic Gallery. We see that the energetic matter in young, highly energetic galaxies is completely transparent, practically virtual. The dimensions of these galaxies depend on the amount of energetic matter that they contain and the particular phase transition they are in. Galaxies maintain a permanent distance from each other, which varies according to the amount of energetic matter and gravitation in their source. Moreover, space is linked to the energetic loops to which they belong. In other words, the wave formation has borders but the expanse of its gravitational space is infinite. The energetic and magnetic loops interact in what can be
termed a spousal relationship involving the synergy between two perpendicularly-aligned
loops with a central swirl that is located either between, or in each
of, the two loops, depending on the phase transition. The magnetic component
corresponds to the Schwarzschild swirl, while the energetic portion corresponds
to the Kerr swirl. Both components are in what Erwin Schrödinger
referred to as a constant state of superposition. In some formations,
several magnetic loops emerge from the energetic swirl (picture below,
left). The energetic matter that flows in each loop constantly changes
its configuration.
From this analysis of the M51 and other galaxies, I surmised that a quant must similarly be comprised of two components. When Planck developed his idea of the quant, the major stumbling block was the absence of an energetic component. He intuitively solved this problem by formulating his renowned mathematical equations. However, Wave theory introduces the notion that even the quant is comprised of two parts (which calls to mind Paul Dirac's strange idea of two positive and two negative segments in every state). This dichotomy is illustrated brilliantly in Schrödinger's notion of superposition and Werner Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. Now that we have mastered the dichotomous structure of the wave formation, let us turn our attention to the behavior of energetic matter. The following pictures of a hurricane (NASA) provide a beautiful example of how energetic matter flows within the paths (arms) of the swirling wave formation (pictures and accompanying illustrations below).
Notice how the streams of energy flow perpendicular to the borders of the paths within which they reside, while advancing forward, like a spinning propeller. By dint of its "superpositioned" behavior and unique motion, energetic matter completes a 720° route that engenders a closed wave formation. To follow is a series of illustrations depicting the steps in which energetic matter takes form:
To bolster the notion of a dichotomous universe, I have provided examples, such as the discovery of the dual nature of calcium carbonate by Erasmus Bartholinus and Etiene Malus's work on the polarization of light. In 1669, a Dutch physician, Bartholinus (1625-1698), discovered that a crystal of Iceland spar, a transparent form of calcium carbonate, produces a double image (illustrations below-left). Apparently, light passing through the crystal splits into two rays. This simple observation indicates that light has two components and is thus a fundamental facet of wave theory. Together with other observations, it proved that light can appear in two forms In 1808, a French army engineer, Étienne Louis Malus (1775 -1812), discovered polarized light. Some optically active systems rotate the plane of polarized light in a clockwise direction. This is viewed as a right-handed turn; such systems are dextrorotatory. Others turn light in a counter-clockwise direction and are levorotatory. Later observations revealed that some plastic devices polarize light waves in a supine position, while other polarized light waves are upright. In whole, non-polarized light, those two forms always appear together and it is easy to split them into two rays (illustration below). However, the most important contribution as far as Wave Theory is concerned was Michael Faraday's remarkable discovery. The latter ran a magnet through the loops of an electric wire without actually making contact with the wire, and vice a versa. Whenever Faraday nudged the magnet, he noticed that the movement induced an electric current to flow through the wire; and every time he ran an electric current through the wire, the magnet moved. This experiment proved that electricity and magnetism are the same virtual entity, as magnetism transforms into electricity and vice a versa (illustration below). Subsequently, Faraday's ideas were consolidated by James Maxwell in his famous works on electromagnetism. Faraday's ideas thus depict the behavior of energetic matter in every energetic formation. Before we can begin implementing the principles of Wave Theory within the basic premises of science, we must grasp one final characteristic of energetic matter: All wave formations are comprised of smaller wave formations. In fact, every quant is a subunit of a larger quant, and is comprised of ever smaller quants (please also see the Second Law of Thermodynamics). Wave Theory contends that energetic matter transmutes to other wave formations by means of its energetic path and phase transitions. Neighboring phase transitions are always linked to one another, and abide by a hierarchal system in which communication is constantly maintained in manifold ways. Consequently, the network of loops in any wave formation, including our universe, communicates with loops from other wave formations. Fundamental Forces The duality of energetic matter — the most ingenious creation of nature — enables wave formations to simultaneously occupy two different realms or express two mutually exclusive characteristics. It is this capacity that allows for the wide array of available dimensions throughout the universe. Similarly, the differences between these alignments are responsible for the panoply of behavioral patterns. Therefore, according to Wave Theory, the four fundamental forces are actually manifestations of one force, which is the progenitor of everything in the universe. The Big Bang Like any other formation, the universe must consist of two loops, as posited by Theodor Kaluza and Oskar Klein (Einstein indeed agreed with their contention). The energetic matter that disperses from the expanding universe will once again construct an energetic loop. Consequently, new swirls will continue to be formed, and this may very well lead to yet another Big Bang. Gravitation The solution that I eventually extracted from the pictures turned out to be quite a shock: no human thought, mathematic formula, or computer could have reached such a conclusion without bearing witness to the pictures below (picture and accompanying illustration).
Over the years, NASA has provided many pictures of prominences jettisoning off the surface of the sun. These mercurial bodies are widely perceived as vehicles for the release of energy and are reminiscent of the bubbles produced by boiling water. Some of the prominences are configured into parabolic alignments, while others assume different shapes, as seen in the following pictures and accompanying illustration. The spectrometric reading of the first picture (the second picture above) led me to a radical breakthrough. However, before jumping to conclusions, let us review the activities that the spectrometer has divulged. The energetic matter forms an energetic subsidiary that can only be a magnetic loop. Astonishingly, the picture shows an ascending and a descending arm, which are magnetic loops, bursting out of the surface of the Sun. The sudden shift in the behavior of energetic matter is underscored by the change in the colors of the arms. The arches or paths that form the prominence draw the classical forward movement of energetic matter (red). Its energetic ascent (in red) pushes upward by dint of its own forward, spiraling movement. Upon reaching its apex, the prominence creates a swirl, which reverses the direction of energetic matter and returns to its source (this time by virtue of the magnetic swirl's vibrant, pushing motion). At the apex of the energetic path, the energetic matter creates a swirl and adopts magnetic properties. Everything that is encountered within the vicinity of the swirl of the magnetic path is pushed inside the loop. The descending arm subsequently returns to the wave formation's energetic source. If the prominence had, in fact, been "pulled back" by gravitation, it would have preserved its color and maintained its primary spinning motion. However, the transformation from red to blue indicates that the sudden about face is, in fact, the result of the energetic matter’s own active, swirling and propensity for shifting the direction in which it rotates. As a result of this movement, the prominence pushes everything in its vicinity back to the source of the energetic swirl. The gravitation is not exerted by the Sun or some other external body. Instead, it is accomplished by means of loops replete with magnetic properties that are produced by the energetic swirl. Consequently, gravitation is actually a pushing force that behaves according to the principles that govern the behavior of waves. I found other pictures that exhibited energetic swirls with powerful black centers that swallow up photons (like a black hole) and prevent their escape. The swirls are surrounded by transparent, nylon-like prominences that are obviously comprised of energetic matter. They similarly jut out and return along the arms/energetic paths of the wave formation (please refer to the pictures and accompanying illustrations below).
In other words, the prominences are gravitational waves, just as Einstein predicted!!! These loops contain ascending energetic arms. However, after beginning their return to the source they suddenly re-ascend at mid-route, reaching an even higher peak than the initial thrust. Only after the second elevation do they descend back to their source, as a result of the swirling movement of energetic matter (previous picture). After literally spending decades developing a theory based on two loops, this picture revealed that the actual wave formation is much more complex and uncouth than my rather neat and simple illustrations. Reality thus corresponds with Feynman's Postulate whereby an electron remembers the path that it once took. As we already know, condensed energetic matter (energy, space, and time) can only exist within the framework of a wave formation. Consequently, the motion of energetic matter is not defined by some sort of generic matrix, but is endowed with endless possibilities all of which operate according to the laws that define the behavior of waves. Although this picture certified my theory, much work still remained. It was the pictures above of prominences with swirls at their apogee that finally put all the pieces together. Following the creation of its swirl, the energetic path returns directly to its source by dint of its own spinning and swirling movement along the path of the wave. Unlike the path of a missile that is powered by an external source and always takes a parabolic path, the energetic matter belonging to the wave returns by dint of its own force, and is distributed along the energetic path in the wave's loops. Moreover, it does not necessarily take a parabolic route, as it times it shoots straight up and then falls straight down. Energetic matter circulates exclusively in energetic paths that the matter creates on its own. Everything in the magnetic wave pushes towards the inside. In fact, the swirl at the apex of the gravitational formation is responsible for the creation of planets, which are all situated on large gravitational loops. The planets then create the moons along their own gravitational loops in the same manner, etc. These swirls thus constitute the gravitational-magnetic component of energetic waves, whose existence Einstein predicted some one-hundred years ago. The wave contains an abundance of visible, virtual matter that apparently possesses a perceptible boundary, but these putative borders actually merge into space. Both small and large waves come in contact with space. Waves can exist in different sizes, depending on the energetic source at their disposal. Accordingly, the planets rotate around the sun while attached to a particular wave, and the moons are likewise bound to the forces of the planets. In other words, there is no chaos, and every entity is afforded its own particular space. Moreover, anything that is removed from or abandons its location is destined for destruction. All the galaxies, stars, planets and moons only react to their own, specific gravitational wave. Consequently, gravitation is only configured in the form of waves that are attached to their energetic sources. These waves come in various sizes, each of which is subject to its own appropriate gravitational wave. Waves interact with the other waves in their vicinity, as they tend to have compatible wave lengths. There are manifold swirls (vibrations), each of which similarly react to particular wave lengths. The swirl on the peak of the gravitational wave induces the wave to change course and create a magnetic path. Planets are essentially swirls that sit at the edge of extremely large magnetic waves. Moreover, planets form moons with their own magnetic waves. The gravitational loop takes up a considerable amount of space and clearly contains magnetic gray matter, which is commonly known as dark matter!!! Due to the increased condensation, matter is more detectable the closer it gets to its source. However, mankind has yet to develop tools capable of detecting all forms of gray matter Every wave possesses a specific vibration rate/wave length, which resembles a radio wave. The litany of possible wave lengths prevents one wave from usurping the next. As long as the intersecting waves each contain a different frequency, they can transverse each other without incurring any damage. However, an encounter between waves that share the same frequency is potentially disastrous. Experiments have shown that the vibration of one molecule causes other molecules to vibrate as well. Therefore, a gravitational wave can apparently elicit the vibration of other waves that share the same frequency, even from a great distance. Perhaps these are the signals that Newton had in mind when he stated that every signal instantly reaches every point in the universe. A distinction must be made between a wave's internal oscillation
rate and the speed at which the entire wave moves. Only vibration signals
are capable of instantly reaching all the receptors throughout the entire
wave, regardless of its size (such as the rather large wave known as our
universe). Bear in mind that the message will only be received by corresponding
wave receptors. The huge waves that reach the margins of the universe
also possess particular frequencies for communicating with the central
energetic loop. This system thus serves as a universal distress system,
which is capable of reacting immediately to a remote call for SOS. All
the waves in the universe are connected via a central energetic loop —
the largest single wave that serves as the heart of the universe, a sort
of central logistics center that oversees all its ancillary components.
In fact, there is no difference between large and small waves as far as
the transmission of signals is concerned: the signals all reach their
The adjacent illustration of the solar prominences shows that the closer matter is to the surface the more condensed it becomes and the shorter its wave. In addition, it shows how small entities react to larger ones, such as planets. The following formations from the fringes of the universe all feature magnetic waves that disseminate throughout the borders of the universe and are connected to the primary formation: These waves induce the propagation of new galaxies and are thus responsible for the expansion of the universe. The final picture in the series is the picture of the century! A gravitational wave creates a colossal swirl on its apex, which then forms galaxies before swirling back to its source. An energetic path creates the descending, gravitational portion of the wave. Due to the pronounced condensation of energetic matter, the wave swallows up all the photons and is completely opaque. In addition to Newton and Einstein's formulas, I have also provided an equation that explains the function of gravitation:
The Atom
The heart of the atom is the proton, which corresponds to the black spots of the Sun and the black holes of galaxies. In all these cases, pushing, energetic matter creates energetic space in the form of a swirl. In a state of singularity, the condensed energetic matter is expelled via the energetic path (perhaps this is what Brain Greene refers to as strings). Its swirling movement that rotates horizontally like the proton enables energetic matter to reconnect with the proton or black hole. To follow, the energetic matter either forms a wave formation or disperses into space. Moreover, it engenders a positron in the process. The energetic matter proceeds onward and its movement forms a swirl at the end of the energetic path. This swirl is a cloud of energetic matter that is referred to as the positron. It already transfers energy to the other swirl, the neutron, which moves perpendicular to the proton. In contrast, the magnetic swirl attempts to preserve the energy and the entire structure of the atom by pushing as much energetic matter as possible inside. The excess energetic matter is also released by the path, but its movement is more perpendicular. At the end of the path, the energetic matter accumulates in the form of a cloud — the electron — which subsequently returns to the energetic source — the proton — where it rejoins the circulation process. Everything in the universe is conducted in this manner. The M-51 galaxy and NGC 7317-7320 below are also classic examples of atomic structure in which energy flows between the magnetic and energetic loops. The magnetic loop (neutron's properties) safeguards the formation's energetic matter and space. However, over the course of millions of years, its energy gradually escapes into space. In fact, all wave formations, including the atom, lose their energy in a similar fashion. The blue sections of all the pictures in this chapter mark the gravitational/magnetic loops that firmly maintain all their areas. On the other hand, the red sections evince the dispersal of energy that is indicative of the energetic portion. The natural ability of energetic matter to simultaneously unite and divide as a result of the contrasting properties of the two loops never ceases to amaze me. As noted in the section on Fundamental Forces, the magnetic loops in an atom are more commonly referred to as weak force. They are actually quite strong, but their purview is limited to a very small area. The magnetic loop preserves and controls its energetic component by means of Schrödinger's superposition. The nucleus of the helium atom conserves its energetic matter most efficiently and is thus designated the alpha formation (pictures below). The atom's energetic matter is thus the primary factor in the efforts of the magnetic loop to maintain the wave formation's, and for that matter the entire universe's, structural integrity. DNA and Life The two energetic paths of a DNA double helix consist primarily of organic molecules (bonds). Throughout the universe, organic bonds are constantly being formed wherever there are stable supplements of energy and concentrations of water. Life forms even exist in thermal vents located along the ocean floor, where primitive life forms (such as, aquatic tube worms and tiny microbes known as hyperthermophiles) find sustenance, despite the lack of oxygen and temperatures that routinely exceed 250°. Billions of years ago, when life was still at its nascent stages, aquatic sources of energy forged organic bonds that spawned "living" energetic formations. Energetic bonds with enough energy in their surroundings formed new formations and colonies. An endless multitude of life forms have followed in their footsteps and many more are destined to enter the world's stage. Bonds are constantly forming, but many of them are engulfed by higher life forms before they even have the chance to develop any further (for example, plankton is devoured by other organisms). Water, which is a highly energetic formation in its own right, is particularly conducive to new bonds, because energetic formations that inhabit aquatic environments are not rooted to the ground. Consequently, they are free to float about in search of energy with which to propagate energetic matter. Every energetic movement within these bonds arouses an energetic
vibration. Sensitive machines, such as the oscillograph, can pick up on
the vibrations and produce a diagnosis of their properties. In the future,
such machines will be able to evaluate the health of an individual cell
by interpreting the energetic motion within its bonds. By analyzing essential
life functions such as energetic activity or the metabolism, these machines
can point Incredibly, living formations possess the same structure as the most basic energetic formations. The structure of the snail, for example, is identical to the Schwarzschild swirl (adjacent illustration). Everything in the universe shares the same fundamental structure. There is no difference between galactic and organic wave formations. All these swirls will continue to create new life forms beyond our wildest imagination, as the double helix is the ultimate creative machine. Sex Cancer According to wave theory, living, mercurial energetic matter configured as a wave formation creates everything, including DNA — which is itself a sophisticated, living highly energetic wave. The DNA subsists and replicates by continuously absorbing energy. New strands of DNA similarly share from the surrounding energy. Occasionally, an excess amount of energy gets stuck in the DNA chain, which for various reasons can be neither “digested” nor expelled, and results in super-energetic DNA. These paradoxically parasitic, super life formations voraciously suck in energy in a manner that resembles the most virulent viruses to the extent that they destroy everything else in their vicinity, including the original host. In fact, it is these super-energetic DNA formations that we refer to as cancer. There are many types of cancer: from benign tumors that
engage in symbiotic relations with their hosts to extremely malignant,
high-energy forms that exterminate their host and themselves. Cancer is
dependent on its specific location in the body, which dictates the virulence
of the particular cancer. Different organelles in the cell are capable
of producing cancerous growths, all of which adhere to the same basic
principles of nature (behavior of energetic matter). Apparently, this attack from within stems from our attempts to interfere with nature. We assume that we have the uninhibited right to dominate and alter nature for our own needs. This is mankind’s gravest error. For millions of years we lived in a close symbiosis with nature, but for the last 150 years we have arrogantly tampered with the very source of our existence. Cancer is nature’s lightly veiled hint that the time has come to reevaluate our attitude to the environment and our treatment of the earth’s natural resources. Wave theory, which is based on observations of nature, provides a roadmap that will help researchers navigate the extensive knowledge that they have already produced in order to develop an effective treatment for this lethal natural creation. However, we will only defeat the terrible scourge of cancer by resorting to a harmonious relationship with nature. The Brain and Thought The brain is comprised of one wave that consists of two loops/swirls, which is hermetically sealed in a vessel surrounded by liquids. In most cases, the right-hand side is energetic and the left is magnetic. Both parts — like everything else in nature — are connected by energetic paths (see illustration below-left). This aquatic environment is especially conducive to the transmission of signals. For example, the acoustic site in the right (energetic) side of the brain is linked up to the acoustic part on the left (the magnetic loop), and together they comprise a single wave. The gyrated alignment of the brain resembles the structure of a supernova explosion (picture above-right). Ascending energetic paths form a swirl before descending to the left side (similar to a magnetic/gravitational wave). From there, the path heads back to the energetic loop. Upon its arrival, the energy proceeds to circulate throughout the wave. Due to its abundance of sulci and gyri (folds and grooves), the human brain is equipped to receive and process the greatest amount of signals. All incoming signals enter the cerebellum (smaller brain), where they are amplified before being transferred to the cerebrum (larger brain). For example, the signals of a musical note pass from the ear to the cerebellum. It is simultaneously transmitted via amplification to the apposite site at the cerebrum, as the signal can only be absorbed by suitable loci. Accordingly, every type of signal has corresponding loci on both sides of the brain (picture below, please click on the picture for a detailed chart).
The most beautiful aspect of our brain is its ability to instantly arouse any of its parts to recall a past experience. The energy in the cerebellum enables the brain to locate the site. We can then shuffle back and forth instantaneously like a VCR, remembering all sorts of details, even as far back as the distinct smells of our grandmother's apartment. As discussed, the activities of energetic matter are not bound by defined borders, and its energetic movement can be deciphered from a distance. This phenomenon enables us to pick up emitted waves with devices such as the EEC or the EEG for the heart. Our ability to comprehend the inner workings of these waves is steadily improving. In fact, it is only a matter of time before man devises a diabolical contraption capable of brainwashing others via wave transmission. Time Wave Theory is the first platform that allows for the coexistence of Newton's absolute time with Einstein's idea of the space-time curvature around large bodies. Absolute time, which essentially entails the link between wave formations and closed loops, has neither a beginning nor an end. It wanders about perpetually with energy and space. Einstein's notion of time proceeds in a skewed manner as well, and is also linked to a wave formation. Since wave formations come in a wide assortment of varying sizes, individual units will similarly be distinct. So although on a more general level, Einstein's notion works within the framework of absolute time, the infinite amount of smaller formations that comprise the universe indeed have a beginning and an end; and thus are measured on the basis of a relative time. Huge universal waves lack a beginning or an end because the energy can not exist outside the framework of the wave formation and because it is constantly changing phase transitions. Absolute time is located in the loops of the wave, and it is difficult to pinpoint where it starts and where it ends. Time is thus eternal and every wave is a part of it. An absolute wave thus encompasses all times, both the past and future. Given the circular, closed structure of loops, past and future can meet and even trade energetic matter in a manner that exceeds our wildest imaginations. In my article on Backward Time, I outlined the manner in which energetic matter leaves its source and eventually returns. Although time, space, and energy ultimately return to the source, they all undergo transformations along the way. Time does not revert back to its old form; it simply returns to its starting point in a revised form. Similarly, the energy released in the aftermath of the Big Bang cannot disseminate into space and then return in the same imploding manner. The released energetic matter enters different phase transitions and formations and will eventually engender a new Big Bang: a new time within a colossal wave formation, but all under the purview of absolute time. Energetic formations retain all the energetic elements that they have accumulated along the universe's endless wave, including time. Elements from previous waves are preserved even after entering new phase transitions or the disbanding of the current formation. In other words, the genes of energetic matter are passed on to future generations. This phenomenon is similar to the concept of atavism in which a gene that has been dormant for generations suddenly reappears. The day will come when researchers will be able to determine the time period from which a particular gene derives. As such, Wavy Theory provides a theoretical and practical basis for the notion of "life after death," "reincarnation," or the existence of "ghosts." Energetic matter from the brain disperses into space in the form of quants of energy (a wave is one quant, which according to Paul Dirac is composed of two loops and two hidden formations — positron-neutron; positron-electron). On their way back to the source (see my article on Backward Time), they may encounter waves that have been emitted by the progeny of the person that originally released that wave (pictures below). Since members of the same family share certain characteristics, including wave frequencies, all the waves within a certain family are likely to prove amenable to energetic interactions. Therefore, waves carrying the thoughts of a grandfather can meet up with and arouse the waves of his granddaughter long after the former has departed from the phase transition known as life.
The wave formation and the peripatetic wanderings of energetic matter along the vast array of phase transitions provide a novel approach to understanding the universe. The wonderful pictures of cosmic phenomena, which my predecessors were not privy to, have enabled Wave Theory to unify many of the seminal theories of the past millennium. Wave Theory thus constitutes a new approach for the researchers of the twenty-first century. This theory does not claim to close the door on theoretical science; it merely paves the road for others. In fact, given the sophisticated characteristics of energetic matter, I cannot envision the day in which mankind will have attained a complete understanding of the inner workings of our universe. - end - Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2004. All rights reserved. |