Chapter 3 - Wave Theory and Quarks Michael Faraday thought that space is not empty, but connected by a line of forces. Charles Augustine de Coulomb discovered that two like-charged matters could pull or push each other without being connected, depending on their polarity in space. Hans Christian Oersted found that a current-carrying wire created magnetic fields that influenced the orientation of nearby compass needles (picture below). Furthermore, he discovered that an equation of gravitational force established by Isaac Newton could also be used for electric forces.
In wave theory, I attempt to prove that these invisible forces are energetic (electro-magnetic) matter, and that space and the universe are composed of this matter. It appears everywhere in space, and creates the primary formations, which were given the name “quarks” by Gell-Mann Murray (picture below). In bubble chamber experiments, we see spiral formations when particles are destroyed by collision. These formations may be quarks, because basic energetic matter cannot exist by itself for more than a brief time and must form a stable wave formation. All waves are composed of two loops to give them stability. All energetic matter is composed of two clearly visible loops; especially in polarized light we see each one separately. These two loops are unstable light forms; conjugated, they are stable, natural forms (wave) of light (photon) and create an electro-magnetic wave (particle). They appear more clearly in lower phase formations and their magnetic properties are stronger. To explain the structure of waves and their behaviour, I will use the photon as a model, because it is both a particle and a wave and it is well known to physicists. A photon has a loop with energetic properties and another with magnetic properties, but each takes on some of the properties of the other (subsequent picture). Depending on the amount of energy in the swirl and the energetic paths,
the relationship between the loops may be strong or weak. In a high-energy
wave, the relationship is very loose, as in polarized light, and its space
is In a low-energy wave, the link is strong because the magnetic loop has magnetic (attracting, pulling, gluing, gravitational) photon properties and is dominant, creating a more solid object (wave, particle). The photon is more like a particle. On the other hand, a photon with more energetic matter is larger (even though invisible to us) and behaves more like a wave. A photon with a low-energy loop is smaller. Although magnetic loops have a great deal of energy, like neutron stars, their gravitational properties act only within a small range inside magnetic loops. We can separate the two loops and get a polarized stream of loops. In high-energy photons, these two loops are in more transverse positions. The relation between mass and energy is well established by Einstein’s equation E = mc2. From this, we may assume that a phase transition depends only on a change in the proportion of energetic and magnetic properties in a wave. When a formation loses energy, its space shrinks and its gravity increases. Despite the fact that dark energetic space is invisible, it has its own properties and behaviours. Einstein writes that photons carry energy from place to place. Wave theory shows that photons are not only carriers, but also creations of pure energetic matter. Every basic formation is formed of photons of energy. Energy appears as swirls and waves (photons). Energetic matter causes behaviour such as gravity, electricity, magnetism as well as strong and weak forces. By different swirl configurations and their relationships in energetic paths, it creates everything in the universe. A photon (wave) is the primary organized particle structure and the basis of all creation. These waves may be as small as neutrinos, as large as the universe, or even larger. Energetic matter can be infinitely small or large, and so can its formations. What this marvelous, ingenious matter can do is beyond our imagination. Energetic matter may seem to have a very simple structure; its “genes,” however, hold information about all previous formations (from both infinite time and finite periods within it) and are the basis for endless research. The relationship between energy and space determines gravitational properties. Energy = Gravity When a photon’s energetic loop has a great deal of energy, it is in a high phase, and its magnetic loop is small and its gravitational force is weak. When the energetic loop’s energy is low, the photon is in a lower phase and its magnetic loop and gravitational pull are greater. These formulae show that energy in energetic loops disappears gradually, while magnetic loops retain energy, like neutron stars. A distortion of their energetic balance causes them to explode, because they do not have the “glue” (energetic matter) to keep them whole. This is the fate of old objects. The structure of a magnetic loop enables it to exist alone; an energetic loop (swirl), however, immediately creates magnetic loops (waves). Waves with more energetic matter are in a high phase. They contain more pulling and pushing properties, greater space, and a great deal of energy, like galaxies and waves. The photon is accepted as a dual form of matter, a particle-wave. By adding energy, we can separate its rings. The loops then resemble waves, but maintain their relationship by their energetic path. In an experiment, when a photon was passed through a slit and around it, crests and troughs appeared on the screen on the other side of the slit (picture below). Energetic loops can traverse anything. Magnetic loops can only do so when they are as small as neutrinos. Energetic paths may be stretched by adding energy. Although its energy level is higher, the wave remains the same. In low-energy waves, energetic loops are more allied and have a smaller space and a stronger gravitational force, like atoms. This complex of two loops in perpendicular and transverse positions gives all waves the possibility of being in contact with other waves. It depends on the configurations of paths, on the swirls and on their positions relative to other loops. Energetic matter flows in one direction, creating its own energetic path. By its serpiginous, swirling motion, it creates loops: one consists of energetic repulsion and attraction properties; and the second contains mainly magnetic attraction properties with only slight repulsion properties (picture below). The swirl is not homogenous, but is composed of energetic paths that
create loops (picture, below right). Energetic matter, because of its
inflation properties, always tries to escape the formation and return
to space. The magnetic loop has more pulling properties and maintains the wave. Although the two loops are made of the same electro-energetic matter, they are in perpetual competition because of the position and direction of the paths and because of their properties. The energetic loop has inflation properties, tries to expand, and disperses energy; the magnetic loop tries to maintain energy and the wholeness of the wave. This endless competition and energetic activity continually change the wave’s energy level and behaviour. Its active matter is always in motion, flowing in vibrating package-swirls. Active matter’s energy level is in constant flux. Wherever energetic package-swirls pass, both the swirl and the path vibrate and expand. After they pass, that segment of the path continues to vibrate and shrinks. Magnetic and energetic paths connect energetic loops to other loops. Due to vibration, nearly the same amount of energy that escaped through neighbouring paths comes back in the same mode, making the paths vibrate again, like the strings of a violin. Magnetic loops always “fight” to hold matter in their swirls, causing vibration (picture below). Energetic matter vibrates as a result of its swirling motion. In pictures obtained of the sun, we see the movement of matter along its paths. The next illustration shows the motion of energetic matter that has escaped from the sun.
Waves with the same frequency of vibration maintain contact even over large distances via energetic (dark) matter, indicating that dark space transfers different vibrations because they react with those of the same frequency. Because magnetic matter surrounds energetic waves, and the latter is invisible and fades in space, it may be that all dark space is connected by magnetic and energetic matter. The flow of matter in energetic paths (rings) is unidirectional, but its serpiginous flow creates different directions of energetic flow and different forces. The behaviour of energetic matter since the Big Bang is an expanding, repelling, swirling movement (picture below). By this movement, however, swirls pull everything from their surroundings inside themselves. The appearance of gravity is only secondary in an organized energetic matter wave, by virtue of the different configurations of its energetic path.
The shrinking behaviour of energetic matter that precluded the Big Bang will be discussed in the chapter on the universe. Although there is an accepted definition of gravity, I believe that the issue of gravity is far more complicated, because every object has its own swirl behaviours, its own space and attraction and repulsion properties. This will be discussed more fully later on. The movement of energetic matter in a wave and in its path, as well as its momentum, creates opportunities for the wave to achieve wholeness. Energetic matter has only expansive, swirling behaviour. Every concentration of energetic matter creates an inclination of space, a defined energetic space like a funnel, pushing energy into itself (as in water or tornados or black holes - huge swirls). At its bottom, the funnel’s swirling, inward-pushing motion creates, , a concentration of energetic matter the nature of which is difficult to understand (a singularity). This energy is expelled as a path that forms a coil (loop) perpendicular to the swirl, which is composed of magnetic and energetic half-opened loops. In the coil, the energetic loops face inside, so that energy is condensed and stored, as in an energy storage tank. The coil is smaller than, but in proportion to the swirl that created it. It cannot adopt more energy or grow greater than it was when it was created. Excess energy is expelled in the form of perpendicular rings that create another path with magnetic properties (picture below). This path moves back toward the inclination, where energetic matter is sucked inside. An electro-magnetic wave is consequently produced, which is a closed formation with energetic and magnetic properties. The inclination (swirl) creates two paths and two formations in one wave. Pictures from astronomic observations showing waves give us an abstract
idea – if we use our imagination – of how the process occurs
(picture to the right and illustration
This can be a discussion in only the very broadest terms of the behaviour of energetic matter. The beauty of energetic matter is that similar formations are not exactly like a matrix, but each has its own “character.” I believe that no behaviour is more beautiful than that of energetic matter. A hundred years ago, physicists thought the atom was the smallest particle and were disappointed that they had reached the end of the road. I think energetic matter is the infinite basis of creation and that wave theory is not the final theory. By its paths, the swirling motion of energetic matter in waves creates spool-like formations with rings in different positions. The magnetic swirl is high-energy, because the energetic rings face toward the inside and raise the energy level (temperature) in the formation. Because energy is concentrated inside and cannot disperse, the internal pulling, magnetic properties are increased. The energetic path is a closed coil formation. Its space is very small and contains highly concentrated pulling forces, with strong pulling and weak pushing forces outside the swirl as well. Energetic matter comes mainly from the energetic loop, which has both attraction and repulsion properties. This is why magnetic neutron stars are small spaces of high-energy activity and gravity. “Pockets of energy” inside neutron stars cause them to explode. The magnetic swirl is proportional to the energetic swirl. Magnetic swirls do not rotate, because the energetic path that creates the formation is perpendicular to them. In a wave, energetic matter is active on all dimensions, which is beyond our imagination. There is no chaos, however, because every movement and reaction is controlled by its swirls, by neighbouring waves and surrounding constellations. In every phase, the basic behaviour of energy is to maintain its space and energy. There is no more ingenious creation of energy conservation. In this cycle of the circulation of energetic matter, the matter itself creates two swirls. The first is energetic and, like a Kerr type swirl, has pulling and pushing properties. The second is a perpendicular swirl and, similar to a Schwarzschild type swirl, has more pulling properties (gravity) and serves as an energy storage tank. These two swirls maintain stable energetic proportions, but in time, as with every energetic object, they lose energy and vanish. The two paths between the swirls in which energy circulates are not like streams of water, but like streams of energy packages (photons) — ever-changing living formations. Here I describe the principal formation of waves, but waves, like people, vary. Similar formations in the same phase are different. The extent to which they vary depends on energetic behaviour and the behaviour of energetic matter of neighbouring paths of the same flow. We have two swirls, one Kerr and one Schwarzschild type, and two paths connecting them (picture below). The Kerr type swirl cannot be detached from the wave, as it defines it. The path from the Kerr to the Schwarzschild type swirl is shorter. The path in the opposite direction is longer, less strongly connected and is sucked back into the Kerr type swirl. The swirls create a closed structure. Each energetic path has magnetic and energetic unclosed rings that are connected to each other and through which energy flows. Every object decays into a basic photon-like structure, which is the basis of every formation. Even the smallest amount of energetic matter that escapes from an object appears immediately as an energetic swirl and creates a photon-like wave. The photon’s structure of two swirls and two paths is the basic structure of organized energetic matter. A quark is unbound, raw energetic matter, which can exist only briefly before it must become a swirl. The atom is a wave with four main energetic formations – two swirls and two paths. When we split the atom, we get six (and not four) packages of unbound energy. We get three quarks from the energetic swirl side, and three anti-quarks from the magnetic swirl side (following picture). Energetic paths create various currents, signed as either positive and negative polarities, meaning that different directions create different spins of electro-magnetic energy. Simple changes of direction and space relationships change the properties and functions of loops and paths. We also sign quarks as positive and negative (picture below). In energetic rings, the flow is transversal and proceeds in the direction of the energetic paths. In magnetic rings, the flow is perpendicular. Thus, energy does not move in one transversal continuous flow. It travels up and down perpendicular loops and across transversal ones. The perpendicular rings enable energy to move, as do the transversal rings, which also establish the flow’s direction. The two loops in an energetic formation are in continuous competition. The gravitational (perpendicular) loop tries to maintain energy and the integrity of the wave. The energetic loop, with its pushing and pulling properties, can either disperse or maintain energy. Energetic paths near the centre of the swirl are impossible to detach from one another. The further they are from the centre, the weaker the paths’ forces. For this reason, these strong forces are in very condensed spaces. The behaviour of energetic matter is inflationary; its swirling propagation creates swirling, closed formations. The forces pushing toward the inside of the swirl create a singularity (picture to follow). In a magnetic loop, the energetic paths face the inside of the swirl,
so that everything around the loop is attracted to it. All objects that
do not have enough Before the Big Bang, the universe reached the point in its cycle in which its energetic matter had swirling and shrinking properties. Ever since the “Big Bang”, the universe has inflationary properties. This will be described in the chapter about the universe. Swirls create magnetic and energetic loops that are in continuous competition
with each other. The first swirl is a Kerr swirl. From its singularity,
it expels energetic The current of energy in the energetic loop has a tendency to escape, but also has pulling (wrapping) properties. The magnetic loop has a tendency to hold energy and maintain the wave’s autonomy. The paths of both loops create forces in all directions and a net-like structure composed of all these forces (picture to follow). In galaxies, we see waves with different layers (periods) of energy. Apparently, the main Kerr swirl has acquired a new amount of energetic matter and has created a new energetic space, because the first magnetic space is sealed (picture below). It may be that atoms with several neutrons to one proton, as in high-energy atom waves, are the result of the dismantling process in the same galaxy. Every object has its energetic space, guarded by its own energetic paths and swirls. From time to time, external energy reaches the independent object, which accepts this excess energy only briefly. I want to stress that a wave cannot be reborn; its space and energy can be enlarged for a short time only. The circulation and activity of a wave continue until it has enough energetic matter, until an energetic swirl exists. The disappearance of the energetic swirl means the disappearance of the wave structure. What remains is the magnetic swirl (like neutron stars), which has a long life and can exist independently. It settles itself on energetic paths, maintaining order in the universe. Summary The circulation of energetic matter creates different phases. Every energetic object has the following phases: 1. Creation (birth) Because energetic matter creates swirls, it is the basis of every formation. Thus, the fate of all formations is the same. A wave cannot rebuild itself, even by the addition of energy. Objects with greater energetic activity disappear more quickly, as is the case with binary stars. High gravity stars (neutrons) disappear slowly, because they have “keeping” properties. The connection (bond) between rings and loops occurs mainly via energetic matter. A classic example is the neutron star. Its gravity is very strong, but its energy field is very small because it has lost energetic matter. When we observe a rainbow, we see colours that have no clear border, because the energetic matter has no border. Every loop (half wave) has pushing and pulling properties in different
proportions. Paths are always connected to their swirls, even at a distance. The flow in energetic loops has a high affinity to their swirl, even at a distance. Energetic activity in a wave sometimes causes temporary chaos, but the wave returns to its natural behaviour very quickly. This is the wonder of the behaviour of matter. Within the laws of nature, energetic matter can even change constellations, great or small. It then reverts to its structure, but with altered levels of energy. Nothing is stable in the presence of energetic activity. With time, waves lose energy, as does every object in the universe. The waves shrink to the smallest wave size and by phase transitions pass over to other energetic relationships and form other atoms or the two smallest atoms, depending on the constellation of energetic matter. I have studied and worked on this theory for about fifty years. Every day I have a new idea, obliging me to change even basic concepts, so that everyone can add constructive ideas at will. Recent research proves this theory, which is now becoming a reality. But reality is complex, and because this theory is about endless living energetic matter, its concepts are endless. - end - Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2001. All rights reserved. |