

Chapter 3 - Wave Theory and Quarks

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Michael Faraday thought that space is not empty, but connected by a line of forces.

Charles Augustine de Coulomb discovered that two like-charged matters could pull or push each other without being connected, depending on their polarity in space.

Hans Christian Oersted found that a current-carrying wire created magnetic fields that influenced the orientation of nearby compass needles (picture below). Furthermore, he discovered that an equation of gravitational force established by Isaac Newton could also be used for electric forces.

Every experiment describing “empty” space suggests that it contains invisible pulling or pushing forces, which connect various entities to each other. We can conclude that this connecting matter is not static, as it causes magnetic needles to rotate. It transfers energy by existing paths in space or perhaps it creates them.

In wave theory, I attempt to prove that these invisible forces are energetic (electro-magnetic) matter, and that space and the universe are composed of this matter. It appears everywhere in space, and creates the primary formations, which were given the name “quarks” by Gell-Mann Murray (picture below).

In bubble chamber experiments, we see spiral formations when particles are destroyed by collision. These formations may be quarks, because basic energetic matter cannot exist by itself for more than a brief time and must form a stable wave formation. All waves are composed of two loops to give them stability.

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