The Fundamental Force
The prevalent and prevailing consensus points to four fundamental
forces — electromagnetism, gravitation, as well as strong
and weak nuclear forces — but I aver that there is only
one force: energetic matter. The energetic matter creates
wave formations are expressed exclusively by the two principle
behaviors (forces) of pushing and pulling.

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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2003. All rights reserved.
[Summary] [Book]
[Wave Formation] [Photons]
[Gravitation] [Time]
[Atoms] [Life]
[Cancer] [Gender/Why
Sex?] [Sexual Reproduction]
[Schrodinger & Heisenberg]
[Creation] [Supernova]
Matter & Astronomy] [Speed
of Light] [Cloud Formations]
[Natural Disasters] [Global
Warming] [Thermodynamics]
[Backward Time] [Quantum
Mechanics] [Compton Effect]
[Equations] [Predictions]
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