The Compton Effect
Wave Theory offers an explanation for the puzzling Compton
Effect. Every wave is comprised of two loops and each loop
contains three primary layers (quarks), as represented by
the three colors in the picture below.

If we were to break up a whole energetic wave, we would be
left with a total of six quarks, three per loop. However,
these components would immediately cease to exist as independent
undulatory (wave) units, because each quark compliments the
other half of the wave (the second loop) and cannot exist
on its own. Together they form a complete wave (as seen in
the illustration below), which I believe can be located with
a spectometer.

The outer layer of the energetic loop is the most energetic
component of the wave. It lacks a defined border and is endowed
with the capacity to communicate quite easily with all types
of energetic formations. In contrast, the magneitc loop, which
maintains the structural integrity of the wave by holding
on to the energy within the formation, has difficulties interacting
with other formations.
Electron at Rest
Despite the prevalence of the term “electron at rest,”
there is actually no such thing as inert energetic matter.
Instead, we will use this expression to refer to a high energy
formation that is capable of receiving additional amounts
of energetic matter and ascending to the next energetic level,
like an atom. However as physicists well know, since the energetic
equilibrium is skewed, it releases the energy in the form
of a photon (see adjacent picture). The electron regulates
the energy within an atom by absorbing energy, ascending to
other levels, releasing energy in the form of a photon, and
returning to its former level. The Compton Effect is essentially
the same exact process.
Furthermore, these events can be represnted by means of the
following formula:

The picture and equation thus depict a collision between
a photon with excess energy and an electron that has room
for more energy. The photon essentially hands over its excess
energy to the electron and thus regains the energetic eqilibrium
between its two loops. Meanwhile, the electron obviously becomes
more energetic and ascends to another energetic level. Thereafter,
it gradually releases its own excess energy, just as the photon
did. In fact, it stands to reason that researchers will be
able to locate the new photon by identifying its color on
the spectrometer.
As such, the Compton Effect offers a beautiful explanation
of Wave Theory and vice a versa. Both ideas illustrate the
elegant behavior of the photon, which constitutes a wonderful
example of the general behavior of energetic matter. Nonetheless,
it will probably take us generations to fully understand the
wonders of energetic matter and its wave formation.
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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2004. All rights reserved.
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