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Deuterium Atom Paradox: More Gravitational, Less Energetic Only wave theory's two-swirl formation provides a suitable explanation for the structure of atoms and all their isotopes

[The Hydrogen Atom]

Until now, deuterium atoms were thought to be more energetic than hydrogen atoms. However, this accepted fact has been debunked: off the frozen coast of Norway, hydrogen has been found to lose energy and turn into deuterium.

Despite the fact that the deuterium atom is less energetic than the hydrogen atom, it nonetheless remains the preferred and most effective material with which to build the neutron bomb. I contend that the reason for this seeming paradox is that the hydrogen atom is more dispersed. In other words, its energy is organized in a loose, cloudy neutron formation, and its pushing properties are greater than its gravitational forces. On the other hand, the gravitational forces in the deuterium atom are superior. Consequently, its energy is stored in a compact manner, which makes it a more exploitable source of energy than the mercurial hydrogen atom, even though it is less energetic.


As an aside, the deuterium atom has a poisoning effect on organic formations, as it obstructs their access to highly-energetic hydrogen atoms.

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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2003. All rights reserved.