Predictions and Proofs: Gravitation
Proof][Gravity Force - Weight
Despite the fact that Newton formulated the fundamental laws
on gravitation and Einstein enhanced our understanding of
this matter even further, to this day gravitation constitutes
a problem for scientists. Wave theory claims that energetic
matter only exists in closed energetic formations: wave formations
are composed of both a pushing energetic loop (swirl) and
a pulling magnetic loop (swirl). These swirls are in a constant
state of both competition and superposition in vast and minute
formations alike.
Energetic matter is apparently a living mercurial formation.
Since energetic and magnetic loops are in constant competition,
gravitation in any particular location is mutable. Waves are
in a state of superposition, but each one maintains its own
space. Experiments may yet prove that the wave formation is
in fact a living behavior (see picture).

Perhaps, light vibrations are caused by successive
pushing and pulling properties (see the upper-left picture
above). In the future, scientists may be able to discern these
vibrations with highly sensitive scales or other measuring
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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2003. All rights reserved.
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[Wave Formation] [Photons]
[Gravitation] [Time]
[Atoms] [Life]
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Force] [Gender/Why Sex?] [Sexual
Reproduction] [Schrodinger
& Heisenberg] [Creation]
[Supernova] [Dark
Matter & Astronomy] [Speed
of Light] [Cloud Formations]
[Natural Disasters] [Global
Warming] [Thermodynamics] [Backward
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Keywords: Predictions and Proofs, Gravitation,
Gravity, Weight, Paris, Iron, feather, aurora, wave formation,
quant, Ascending energy path, perpendicular magnetic path,
North gravitation, gravity and weight, equator gravitation |