United Nature Theory:
Wave Theory
(Grand Unified Theory)
by Dr. Chaim H.. Tejman
We have decided to publish my entire book on the website.
Our valued readers will now have access to all my published
research on-line.
1 — Introduction to Wave Theory

Since the publication of the book
in 2001, wave theory has been (and continues to be) refined
All additions, adjustments, and changes appear on the pages
of this website.
ISBN 978965-555-093-1
Library of Congress: TX 5-572-750
Hebrew National and University Library document number 0065261
Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2001. All rights reserved
[Summary] [Book]
[Wave Formation] [Photons]
[Gravitation] [Time]
[Atoms] [Life]
[Cancer] [Fundamental
Force] [Gender/Why Sex?] [Sexual
Reproduction] [Schrodinger
& Heisenberg] [Creation]
[Supernova] [Dark
Matter & Astronomy] [Speed
of Light] [Cloud Formations]
[Natural Disasters] [Global
Warming] [Thermodynamics] [Backward
Time] [Quantum Mechanics] [Compton
Effect] [Equations] [Predictions]
[Academic Correspondences] [Contact]
[Links] [Mysteries] |