Academic Correspondences: Letter to NASA
to the Swedish Academy
NASA Headquarters
300 E. Street SW
Washington, D.C.
May 20, 2002
Dear Sir or Madam:
I was very glad to see the picture in the May 1, 2002 issue
of the International
Herald Tribune, obtained by the Hubble telescope. This incredibly
beautiful picture (as are all such pictures) is more than a
masterpiece - it explains wave theory and vice versa.
In page 60 of my work, United Nature Theory: Wave Theory
(Grand Unified Theory), pictures 2a – c explain how
the universe expanded (inflated) after the Big Bang. The primary
and sole force - the inflationary force of energetic matter
(see Alan Guth’s ingenious theory) is the basic creation
that formed all other forces and, indeed, everything in the
The universe expands by a swirling motion. Along the universe’s
energetic paths swirls continually appear, which ultimately
create new galaxies and stars. This propagation of energetic
matter appears mainly on the equator of the universe, where
we must search for such occurrences, which appear like pole
formations of new and old energetic matter.

Your marvelous picture shows such a pole formation of dark
matter, with a high-energy galaxy appearing at its top. In
the space surrounding this pole are many new galaxies that
are similar to a photon with two loops (and look like a collusion
of galaxies).
In my wave theory, I also describe other forms of energetic
concentrations that usually appear after the collapse of old
formations (see the works of Jacob Bekenstein, Roger Penrose
and Stephen Hawking). The old formation, together with energetic
paths existing from the time of the Big Bang, merge and create
swirl concentrations which cause the expansion of the universe.
All those creations are composed of recycled energetic matter,
which creates new swirl formations and new life cycles having
the “genes” of previous formations. It is remarkable
that nothing in the universe is lost.
This beautiful picture shows how the universe expands in
a swirling mode and that it is not chaotic. The universe is
a closed formation composed of energetic paths.
Sincerely yours,
Chaim Henry Tejman
Letter to the
Swedish Academy
Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2002. All rights reserved.
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