Supernova Explosions
Type II supernova explosions provide solid proof of many
of the contentions that I have raised throughout my work.
Supernovas are “neutronic”/magnetic stars that
comprise the magnetic part of a wave formation. While a comprehensive
explanation of supernova explosions can fill an entire library,
I will limit this discussion to the facets which pertain to
wave theory.
The size of a particular energetic wave formation depends
on its energetic loop. Since the supernova is actually a magnetic
loop, its size before the explosion is rather
small. Its disintegration generates radiation that is emitted
in extremely short waves. The particles that it expels are
also endowed with the properties of neutrons, and we thus
refer to them as neutrinos (see adjacent picture). Neutrinos
are characterized by small energetic loops (space), narrow
wave bands, and extremely high rates of rotation (in contrast
to formations with large energetic loops that rotate at a
slower pace and have broader bands).
The gravitational-magnetic loop comprises the majority of
the residue of an energetic loop that has lost its energetic
loop. Consequently, it is essentially rendered a neutron that
has a substantial gravitational impact on a limited condensed
area. In fact, energy is constantly escaping from neutrons
in various ways. These formations of energetic matter align
into condensed areas of the particular star, and ultimately
precipitate an explosion that results in the collapse of part
of the star. However, this explosion — similar to the
startup fuel of an atomic bomb — merely sets the stage
for a second, emphatic blast in which the entire star disintegrates
into a sparkling array of energetic matter (quarks) and other
energetic formations.
Following the second, colossal explosion, the star’s
scattered energy/quarks begin to create a new formation, which
constitutes the nascent stages of a new life cycle (see pictures
below). In other words, the released energy produces a new
wave formation that aligns into a classic, two-loop formation,
and the latter's’ black hole potentiates energetic circulation
of the new entity.
Sheets of
debris from the explosion of Supernova N49
Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2001. All rights reserved.
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