Supernova Explosions
(Continued —
Page 2)
Its energetic paths, by dint of their peculiar movement,
create a swirl that induces the energetic matter to return
to its source (for more information on this process, please
refer to the articles on Photons
and Gravitation). Type II supernova explosions are thus fabulous
two-step processes.

Supernova 1987A Rings

As mentioned above, supernova explosions resemble atomic
explosions. Therefore, much of our knowledge on the supernova
explosion applies to atomic blasts as well. Scientists have
claimed that, given earth’s considerable mass, atomic
explosions do not have much of an impact on our planet. However,
this is a profound mistake!!! Earth is merely an energetic-magnetic
formation that is comprised of living energetic streams, and
most of the planet’s energetic activity derives from
the earth’s core. Excess energy that is produced by
these activities is assembled into compact storage points
before being released by natural channels, such as volcanoes
and earthquakes. Therefore, the potentially apocalyptic possibility
exists that the thrust of a subterranean nuclear explosion
will collide with a condensed energetic accumulation.
Interestingly, our solar system contains an assortment of
debris (an asteroid belt) that may derive from the explosive
disintegration of an entire planet that was apparently located
between Mars and Jupiter. Although it is unclear what precipitated
this hypothetical explosion, the extinct planet’s energetic
path that was engendered by the sun has remained intact, which
has enabled the residue to continue orbiting around the sun.
Due to the singular behavior and ubiquitous presence of energetic
matter, wave theory asserts that many ostensibly distinct
natural phenomenon are actually quite similar, if not the
same. Our ability to discern these correlations may lead to
significant advances in many disciplines and help mankind
avert some of the disasters that we seem to be heading towards.
- end -
Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2001. All rights reserved.
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