Everything Equation —
Wave Theory
[Phase Transitions]
[High Phase]
[Low Phase]
The universe was created by a single entity of energetic
matter, which by its spinning and swirling motion formed two
swirls (loops) that together comprised a wave. These two swirls,
which are the primary components of every wave, adhere to
the following equation:

Mg. |
= |
En. |
En. |
= |
1 |
En. |
Mg. |
Mg. |
This equation also corresponds to the principles
of quantum mechanics.
The best examples of this are highly-energetic photons, whose
two loops contain nearly identical levels of energy. This
equation holds true for all the formations that exist in the
universe. However, in different phases, the proportion between
the energetic and magnetic loops varies.
[Phase Transitions]
[High Phase]
[Low Phase]
Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2001. All rights reserved.
[Introduction] [Book]
[Wave Formation] [Photons]
[Gravitation] [Time]
[Atoms] [Life]
[Cancer] [Fundamental
Force] [Gender/Why Sex?] [Sexual
Reproduction] [Schrodinger
& Heisenberg] [Creation]
[Supernova] [Dark
Matter & Astronomy] [Speed of
Light] [Cloud Formations]
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