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Equation of Time — a Definition of Time
[Everything Equation] [Gravity] [Phase Transitions] [High Phase] [Low Phase] [Quant]

energy X space
oscillation *

* Frequency of wave rotation relative to other energetic formations  

Space, energy, and time function as one unit, which constitutes an integral part of energetic matter's activities. Space is expanded and time is prolonged, or expanded, in proportion to the increase in energetic activity. Since energetic matter is found in closed, spiral rings/quants, time is a obviously a component of these structures as well.

Wave theory provides a more natural explanation to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. In this work, Einstein maintains that time curves around a particular space that surrounds stars and other massive objects and that at great velocities time is extended. This is because time's very existence is dependent on energetic matter. In the absence of space or energy, the natural phenomenon of time is both irrelevant and impossible.

Wave theory convincingly argues that a high-energy wave has a greater energetic periphery than a low-energy (and thus smaller) wave. Furthermore, energy rotates along a larger circuit and time is consequently extended. If energy is added to a defined space, time also expands and vice a versa. A simple example of this is a pulsar (neutron stars) that loses its peripheral energy and subsequently rotates more rapidly. In other words, time decreases relative to the decrease in energetic matter’s space. Loss of energy means loss of time and space, while an increase in energy is synonymous with larger space and extended time. Time thus depends on the size of and amount of energy in a wave.

energy X space
oscillation *

* Frequency of wave rotation relative to other formations, as per Einstein's idea.

Due to the fact that energy only exists in wave formations (swirls), it appears that time is limited to such formations as well — quant formations (energetic space) — and is bound to energetic entities. The phrase “time is ticking away” in essence means that energy does away with time.

Every phase has its specific time. At the conclusion of every phase, “genes” of energetic matter are transferred on to the next phase.

This unbelievable ingenious creation that we call the universe contains various smaller creations that have “shorter” times. Therefore the universe contains separate times. Nevertheless, this diversity is not indicative of chaos: phases follow an orderly sophisticated pattern.

Every small formation belongs to a greater formation, which together comprise the entire universe that we also refer to as absolute time. That said, like all forms of energetic matter, even the universe undergoes life cycles and is not infinite. Consequently, absolute time is similarly finite and proceeds along its own cycle.

[Everything Equation] [Gravity] [Phase Transitions] [High Phase] [Low Phase] [Quant]

Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2001. All rights reserved.