The Fundamental Force
(Continued —
Page 4)
The Magnetic Loop
In magnetic loops (swirls), the energy and space are aligned
in shrinking concentrations, and the energy in the energetic
path (quark) faces towards the inside of the formation. Consequently,
the loop has pulling (gravitational) properties that enables
it to concentrate significant amounts of energy,
as postulated in the Pauli Principle, which safeguard the
structural integrity of the wave (picture below). The palpable
magnetic loop affords the wave formation with many opportunities,
including the creation of other formations, as seen in supernova

The Energetic Loop
In the larger energetic loop (picture below), energetic matter
has pushing and expanding properties (such as dark matter).
It is also endowed with pulling properties that are, however,
weaker than its repelling forces.

In contrast to the magnetic loop, the energetic
loop disseminates energy via its pushing properties, and its
electromagnetic force points outwards. Under ideal circumstances,
like the photon, the amounts of energy in the electric and
magnetic loops are equal, but the size of each of the loops
is nonetheless disparate.
Wave theory clearly shows that like every classic
wave, the photon has two distinct loops. This runs counter
to the scientific consensus, which assumes that photons consist
of only one indivisible unit. This misunderstanding stems
from the fact that the energetic loop is invisible; yet, it
has always been measurable (pictures below).

Polarized light (two planes of light

As such, the energetic loop disperses its energy
while the magnetic loop protects it. The two neighboring loops
are in states of perpetual competition as well as superposition.
We thus see that energetic matter with its energetic paths
create only two fundamental forces: pushing and pulling!
In other words, this virtual form of energetic matter always
appears in two states simultaneously.
Heisenberg’s remarkable intuition led
him to suspect that energetic matter is not distributed in
a classical formation, as was believed, and then proceeded
to prove it with his famous “uncertainty principle.”
In fact, this cardinal rule holds true for all energetic matter,
be it immense or minute. Einstein also felt that his theories
on gravitation were incomplete and thus devised his renowned
“constant.” Planck similarly introduced a group
of constants to overcome this problem. However, wave theory
provides a unifying solution for all the above-mentioned scholars
that is based on accessible observations from nature.
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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2003. All rights reserved.
[Summary] [Book]
[Wave Formation] [Photons]
[Gravitation] [Time]
[Atoms] [Life]
[Cancer] [Gender/Why
Sex?] [Sexual Reproduction]
[Schrodinger & Heisenberg]
[Creation] [Supernova]
Matter & Astronomy] [Speed
of Light] [Cloud Formations]
[Natural Disasters] [Global
Warming] [Thermodynamics]
[Backward Time] [Quantum
Mechanics] [Compton Effect]
[Equations] [Predictions]
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