Chapter 9 — Wave Theory and the Universe Back to the Main Universe Page Nature follows the law of simplicity in the creation and behaviour of all its formations, big and small. Very complex formations are built of simple bonds and relationships. The primary formation was a simple energetic swirl, swirling inward and contracting until the Big Bang occurred. From the resulting nebula, quarks formed and eventually organized into an ingenious “simple” formation: a wave with two swirls and two paths. The primal force after the Big Bang was a strong pushing energetic force, from which a Schwarzschild swirl, a weaker, pulling magnetic force, was derived. Since then, these two forces and their behaviours dominate all energetic formations: 1. A strong, main, and pushing (inflating) energetic force, that with
its swirling movement pushes outward and pushes inward — thereby
creating a swirl, which pulls inward (picture below). The generation of the magnetic force by the energetic force is indeed the most ingenious of nature’s creations. These forces maintain the stable structure of energetic formations. The following picture illustrates the action of energetic forces. For further explanations, please see the chapters on photons and quarks. Wave formations in the universe can occur in different ways as seen in the three pictures below:
Two other known forces are electromagnetic forces appearing from the principal energetic force (in wave theory, electromagnetic matter), and gravity, (in wave theory) a combination of forces both internal (from within the object) and external (resulting from contact with neighbouring waves). In 1916, Einstein, in his theory of general relativity, suggested that the universe must be either expanding or contracting — it couldn’t just sit there. He was right on both counts. The universe’s energetic transverse loop will ultimately disperse (inflate) into space, while the magnetic perpendicular loop will lose energy, contract as a supernova and explode. These two possibilities are very extreme. Simple energetic matter creates
simple, but ingenious wave formations. The latter, in turn, create infinite
complex connections. Energetic matter creates a network of spiralling
energetic and magnetic paths, maintaining a tight hold on the universe’s
energetic matter. This rigid formation brakes the rapid decay of the universe
by loss of energy. In the very early universe, the energetic force was
very powerful and could have blown the universe into space again; its
swirling movement, however, created a semi-closed formation, pushing energy
back inside and restricting its rapid expansion. Our universe is slowly
and continually losing energy. As to how it will end - this can occur
in many ways. After the Big Bang, primordial vibrating swirling energetic matter formed rotating and vibrating strings, quarks and swirls that coalesced into our universe. The universe is comprised of clumps and clusters of energetic matter, as well as microwaves that filled the early universe. With the appearance of an energetic swirl (loop, universe), there appeared a magnetic counterpart that together formed a defined stable space. In 1921, the mathematician Kaluza posited that if we could formulate a fifth dimension, we might discover the shape of the universe. In 1926, Kaluza and the physicist Klein proposed that the fifth dimension is round and not large. In 1927, Lemaître presented his Big Bang theory. In 1979, Alan Guth developed the theory of inflation. These concepts are in line with wave theory, which, like all natural theories (for example, Darwin’s), pulls together many observations and experiments. Kaluza and Klein’s fifth dimension matches the properties of a magnetic loop. Guth’s inflation is the primary force and behaviour of energetic matter. Everything in the universe undergoes phases of creation, duration and decay, which vary according to the surroundings. Space, energy and time do not completely disappear; they shift to other life cycles. In the vast universe, energetic activity always occurs with new creations and old “genes.” With its different energetic levels, space and time are infinite and changeable. When new energetic swirls, time and space appear, “genes” from previous cycles are transmitted to these new creations. The universe, as with all energetic formations, could have been created in different ways. One possibility is the Big Bang theory. Wave theory maintains that every energetic formation appears as an energetic swirl and, in time, creates wave formations. To understand the behaviour of energetic matter, see the energetic matter life cycle chart below (picture below). The cycle is not closed, because the appearance and decay of energetic matter, space and time is a very complex issue. I will try to deal with this problem in later essays. Before the Big Bang, there were different energetic levels that created different energetic space. These spaces caused the appearance of an energetic swirl -- a concentration of energetic space. This concentrated space created, in turn, an energetic formation of swirling energetic space with a tendency to shrink nearly completely into itself, while its energetic levels increased almost to an infinite level (as seen in the previous illustrtion). This energetic swirl must have had a perpendicular or right to left rotation — opposite that of formations appearing after the Big Bang, which rotated from left to right. As the energy in this singularity had no escape route, at a criti-cal moment, it exploded. Could it be that swirls with the same directions of rotation are antimatter? After the Big Bang, a formation of energetic matter resembling an exploding supernova, swirling from left to right, dispersed into space like a nebula (picture at right). From this cloud-like matter, there appeared rope-like strings, paths, quarks and a pre-wave swirl. As organized energetic matter always takes on a stable two-loop behaviour, the quarks began to organize into a wave. Even at this early phase, the smaller, magnetic part began to form. The inflated energetic matter concentrated around swirling energetic universe formation. By its movement, this matter created many paths (strings, swirls). Our universe seems to be an open energetic loop, as it would shrink if it were closed. This huge, open, unidirectional cloud-swirl with its pushing properties, which dispersed energy accumulated prior to the Big Bang, created galaxies with an opposing shrinking property. This pulling force reduced the expansion of energy trying to return to the vast space it had occupied before the Big Bang. The speed of inflating energetic matter differs from the velocity of light, as matter tries to return to its previous space in a minimum amount of time. Our universe is a defined wave that expands into infinite universal space and will disappear in time. Since the Big Bang, energetic matter is accumulated and stored in magnetic shining loop formations in galaxies. It is slowly released and becomes energetic dark-matter loops. At the periphery of the waves, matter escapes as dark space, causing the universe to expand. Energetic matter from galaxies continuously escapes into space, thus enlarging intergalactic spaces and causing the universe to expand. The galaxies’ energetic loops slowly disappear and their magnetic loops shrink and explode. Thus matter in the universe’s energetic loop continues to disperse into space. A classic prediction of the universe’s fate is the ultimate disappearance of its energetic loop. The magnetic loop, deprived of the energetic loop it surrounded, will explode like a supernova and, like the Cat’s Eye Nebula, will create a new wave formation. This formation, in time, will also lose energy, as this is the life cycle of energetic matter. Energetic matter creates many different energetic formations. In all phases, it conforms to the cardinal rules governing energetic matter — swirls. Along the direction of its propagation, energetic matter creates concentrated swirls (galaxies) with two arms each. Although the continuation of the arms is invisible to us, we may conclude that they reach from the swirls toward energetic dark matter. In one arm, the flow of energy is from the swirl to the dark matter; in the second, it is from the dark matter to the swirl. The universe is not chaotic. As Einstein said, “God does not play dice . . .” Dark space, in a perpendicular position, maintains the universe in a rigid net-like wave formation with wave creations. The universe’s loop is a disc-like formation. As energetic matter passes through its phases, it retains information from previous cycles. The dark matter that maintains the universe also maintains its “genetic data.” Surrounding energetic formations, dark matter defines the space of the universe. There are many different ways in which the universe could have been created, such as the Big Bang, the explosion of supernovas resulting in concentrations of energetic nebulae or the decay of a previous universe. However it may have transpired, all formations derive from the same energetic matter and space that our universe is comprised of and have the same properties, the same dextral rotation, and the same life cycle: creation, duration and decay (into space). Varying energetic activity in space creates the huge formations we call universes. The formations’ space is always proportional to its energetic matter activity. Just as the concentration of energetic matter after the Big Bang was nearly endless, so was its space. In summary, the post-Big Bang primordial universe is composed of dispersed energetic matter, which cannot exist independently. It coalesced into independent, high-energy primary formations. These formations evolved into rotating vibrating quarks, strings, swirls and microwaves (closed, high energy spiral formations). With the creation of wave formations, magnetic properties and the dark matter that defines the universe’s space took the stage. The primary energetic formations of the universe are strings (paths), which coalesced and created swirling formations. A network of galaxies and other formations keeps the universe stable by braking its tendency to disperse its energy into space. Galactic space is dependent on the energy of the entire swirl.
The swirls are not like a matrix; each has its own character. From x-ray radiation, we know that some galaxies have different layers of energetic matter (picture below, left), while others have multiple magnetic loops (picture below, right). In the latter instance, the primary swirl periodically stores energy that it cannot absorb in its magnetic loops. As the energetic loop cannot grow, and as existing magnetic loops must maintain a proportional relationship to it, a new loop is created whenever existing magnetic loops reach their maximum size. The addition of neutrons to atoms, forming isotopes, resembles the scattering of energetic formations from the largest wave. Different formations seem to hang in the sky independently; every formation, however, has its place and belongs to an energetic path within a network of formations. This non-chaotic system of networks permits cosmic energetic spaces to be in contact with each other while preserving their independence. The appearance of high-energy “ghost” galaxies in the cosmos indicates that these dark spaces are active formations. The transfer of energy signals within and between universes may occur in different ways, such as contacts, vibrations, swirl movement, or in ways as yet unknown to us. The best relationship is obtained between same-phase formations. Swirling formations with strong shrinking properties continually appear in space. They cannot exist for long periods of time, as they explode even without contact with matter. These may be anti-matter formations. Their properties make them difficult for us to study. Since the Big Bang, the universe slowly cycles down though different phases: galaxies have appeared, followed by stars in their energetic paths, then planets, and so on, into intergalactic dust. Our universe may have two loops, one relatively concave and flat (energetic) and one more balloon-like (magnetic). The magnetic loop may not be a part of our universe at all. It may belong to another universe, in contact with our own. Every large energy concentration creates a swirl that creates a wave proportional to its energy and space. It seems that dark matter keeps galaxies together and connects them to each other. From time to time, energetic activity in a galaxy, like a naughty boy, threatens the universe’s stability; nets of dark matter, however, restore order. As described above, galactic swirls have two arm-like extensions. Along these arms are alternating light (magnetic) rings and dark (energetic) rings. Besides the dark rings on either side, each light ring is enclosed by a dark ring. The light rings contain energetic-magnetic formations. The function of the latter is two-fold. First, they keep its energetic matter in its path. Second, they hold in place both the dark rings surrounding the shining rings and those on either side of them. Besides these rings of dark matter that are located in the arms, the galaxy’s rigid formation is maintained by dark matter both within and in the immediate vicinity. As this galactic dark matter blends into the dark matter in the universe, it enables signal transmission at a speed so high that it may even be unknown to us. While all formations are made of the same energetic matter, they behave differently in various energy phases. The invisible dark matter rings are also composed of energetic and magnetic matter. The creation of the solar system The paths in our solar system are swirls. The rules governing them apply to the satellites in their paths. Even when a planet explodes, its remnants continue to circulate in its path, and do not fall into the sun, thus maintaining the swirl’s equilibrium. The phenomenon whereby sophisticated, multi-faceted energetic matter appears is still beyond our understanding and imagination. Despite our knowledge of some natural laws, we are only beginning to comprehend its various formations and behaviours. The theory of energetic matter is very much open to all. The creation of the stars Another possibility is the creation of stars in nebulae. The picture below may explain some of the mysteries of their formation. Gravity The continuous competition between pulling and pushing forces is called gravity. Gravity is the energetic activity of a formation and maintains its existence. It affects small and large formations alike - subatomic formations, galaxies and universes. The equations of Newton and Einstein relating to gravity are well known. Here I will try to show the behaviour of gravity in different phases.
If energy is highly concentrated in a small space, gravity is correspondingly high. If energy is low, gravity is low as well. We can think of gravity as concentrated energetic matter in a particular space; the more concentrated the matter, the greater the level of gravity. This property is best applied to low-energy phases. In high phases, other factors may contribute to gravity. Every energetic formation accumulates energy to survive. To escape from a swirl, an energetic formation must accumulate additional energy. The outcome of this energy accumulation, however, is a paradox. One would think that high-energy formations would survive longer than low-energy formations. The reverse is true. High-energy formations expel their energy rapidly, as their waves cannot grow. For example, a mainly energetic binary star has a shorter life span than a magnetically dominated star. Magnetic properties enable the storage of energy, which insures a longer lifetime. Males of all species seem to be more allied to the energetically inclined side of our universe, while females seem to be more attached to the magnetic side. Perhaps, this is why they live longer than males. As will be discussed, behavioural genes are part of all natural formations from their inception. (See the chapter on wave theory and life.) Gravity is essentially the relationship between formations in their energetic paths to their swirls. Many factors influence gravity. 1. The main Kerr swirl (vortex) has attraction properties. If, however,
another energetic formation enters its space, it also demonstrates repulsion
properties. Gravity also includes both attraction and repulsion properties. Wave theory is only the beginning of the road to understanding this marvellous phenomenon. Although nature’s creations and their behaviours are spread out before us, we are far from achieving a complete understanding of them. In time, by observation, we will learn more and more. The issue of gravity is very complex, as it addresses forces both within and between formations. We see the expulsion of energetic matter in pictures of the sun. This matter, with its inflationary energy, seeks to escape from the sun, which simultaneously pulls it back. Therefore, its path is one of linked swirls, describing a half-circle back toward the sun (see picture to your right). This swirling propagating motion is active, not passive. The matter moves by its own impetus and demonstrates true energetic behaviour. Gravity is much more than the pulling properties of a magnetic loop. Two objects of equal gravitational strength will repel each other. With two objects of unequal strength, however, the stronger takes on wrapping properties. Objects fall along energetic paths; this is the reason that they fall in a parabolic path. Their fall is influenced by their own energetic and magnetic loops, as well as those of the stronger object. It is much easier to understand gravity intellectually than to formulate its principles mathematically. Gravity is the relationship between the energetic interaction of two objects and the distance between them. The equations of Newton and Einstein are correct in broad terms, but for strict mathematical equations we must consider many parameters. This is due to the following factors: 1. Every object is composed of waves with two swirls inside each wave.
Each wave consists of different forces. The laws of nature are based on simplicity. After the Big Bang, the swirling properties of energetic matter became the wellspring of the universe’s behaviour. As in volcanoes or earthquakes, gravity constantly changes its proportions when the wave cannot accept accumulated energy. it explodes. Vortices in water (picture a), cyclones (picture b) and volcanoes (picture c) are created by concentrations of energetic matter, and their creation of independent energetic formations.
Tornados (picture below, left) are high-energy waves that strongly resemble the Cat’s Eye Nebula (below, right). Everything in the way of the wave’s energetic path circulation will be destroyed by its energetic matter activity, which is a simple movement along a complex path formation. By studying energy accumulation, we can prevent natural disasters and channel these huge amounts of energy for our needs.
Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2001. All rights reserved. |