The Movement and Propagation of Energetic Matter

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May 27, 2005. Energetic Matter creates the wave formation by dint of its peculiar, unidirectional revolving and rotating movement. This formation is comprised of two semi-loops: an electric loop with pushing properties and a magnetic loop with pulling properties. These two components function simultaneously and in tandem, and nature explicates this phenomenon in a most beautiful manner.

There are pictures that are worth a thousand words and there are pictures that are worth the entire world. To follow, I will present a series of immensely valuable photos of natural phenomena. However, an in depth understanding of the principles of Wave Theory is required to truly comprehend these pictures.

The magnetic (gravitational) component of a hurricane's wave formation, with protruding arms.


Part of a swirl along an energetic path

The angle of the first picture offers a view of the perpendicular movement of energetic paths that are situated within the hurricane's arms (the superposition of energetic matter, whose forward and spinning movement is reminiscent of the propeller of a plane).

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The vortices that are found in the arms of galaxies are characteristic of all phase transitions and formations, from atoms to galaxies. The motion of energetic matter, which is characterized by an energetic path and two distinct swirls, is a common attribute of all stable formations. This is commensurate with Einstein's idea whereby both small- and large-scale formations behave similarly.

Small, new vortices appear in the arms of swirls.
In swirls, the energetic paths alter their movement and behavior.

The Hubble Telescope also captured the manner in which energetic matter moves. To follow are a series of photos and attendant sketches that elucidate the nature of this movement:




The energetic source is black because it is extremely energetic and swallows up light. It expels energetic matter in the form of packages (quants or photons). The size of these packages is dependent on the size of the energetic source, be it light streams or galaxies.

The configuration of a galactic formation
The M51 Galaxy

Energetic Matter is expelled in the form of quants from the point of singularity in a black hole. Subsequently, these quants form a closed wave formation that is comprised of two semi-swirls ("galaxies"), which are connected by a path that enables energy to flow between the two loops (as depicted in the above picture of Galaxy M51). The path connecting the two semi-swirls is also an integral element of all stable formations.

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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2005. All rights reserved.