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Furthermore, wave theory takes into account Faraday’s experiment
whereby a moving magnet bar induces electric currents and vice a versa
in space without a connection. By dint of this expansion, it creates galaxies, stars, planets, atoms, and other forms of shrinking energetic matter. These varied structures, as distinct as they may be, are aligned in the same unified structure: the WAVE FORMATION. The Wave Formation is Essentially
a Photon-Structure Formation
According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the earth losses its energy to “space” (see picture) as does every other energetic formation. Over time, the earth cooled down due to the loss of energy, and its outer layer solidified into the earth’s mantle and crust (picture below, left). The latter makes it difficult for the tremendous amount of energetic matter within the earth’s surface to depart. Energetic matter attempts to escape by all possible means: volcanoes, geysers, and the tectonic shifts , which is of course the reason for earth quakes (see picture, right).
Our universe is comprised of one energetic formation with two perpendicular energetic swirls (loops): one energetic and one magnetic form. This dual formation of the universe was also postulated by Kaluza and Klein, whose theory was approved of by Einstein. Moreover, the planet (its energetic matter) is similarly comprised of two properties: magnetic and energetic/electric (see pictures below).
As noted above, since its inception, our planet has constantly released
and attempted to release stored up surpluses of energetic matter, but
copious supplies of energy are tied down inside the earth’s mantle.
The earth will continue to discharge energy until its ultimate destruction
(an event which I hope to miss). This dismantling process is part of the
life cycle that all energetic matter undergoes, including our universe.
According to wave theory, every energetic formation — including solid formations — appears in the form of a wave structure, which are endowed with vast amounts of energy. It stands to reason, then, that an identical situation exists within the earth (see picture below). In wave structures, energetic (electric) swirls move horizontally and the magnetic swirls move vertically (see picture). The phenomena also take place in the atmosphere, where the energy is free and relatively unrestricted. However, as aforementioned, within the earth these forces are defined by a stronger inter-connection. Energy escapes by swirling waves that simultaneously move along two planes (see picture). This form of motion and escaping energy is responsible for the movement of plates at the earth’s faults — its transverse and vertical modes — that precipitate earthquakes. The dual planes are responsible for the unique and unpredictable behavior of earthquakes. The energetic waves search for alternate gaps or crevices
in the crust from which to escape. Huge amounts of discharged energy pound
away at the tectonic plates, and the areas where the plates meet are simply
the most efficient routes. If scientists can locate significant buildups
of energy, perhaps they can reduce the amount of energy by facilitating
the release of pent up energy. These efforts would considerably limit
the destructive scope of a potential earthquake. Animals are sensitive to the immanent arrival of earthquakes and attempt to escape ahead of time. Perhaps, the changes in temperature and vibrations — even minute changes — signal to these animals that disaster is on the way. Until today, the reasons behind the phenomenon of after quakes are unclear. However, this phenomenon is consistent with wave theory, whereby every energetic wave is composed of smaller waves.
Each quake corresponds to energetic waves that are comprised of magnetic and energetic loops (swirls), which are connected to neighboring waves. Consequently,every earthquake must be followed by an after quake, as the latter is merely the completion of the entire wave (see picture). Moreover, earthquakes, which are evoked by escaping energetic matter, operate on both horizontal and vertical whirling planes (picture below). This duality explains why earthquakes are so lethal and why they are so difficult to prevent or contain. As discussed above, every energetic wave is composed of ever smaller waves — ad infinitum — and contains both an energetic (electric) and magnetic component. Perhaps the utilization of the smallest energetic wave will prevent the catastrophic effect of the biggest waves ( picture below). We certainly cannot change the profound and colossal behaviors of the earth’s energetic matter (picture below). However, with the utilization of technologies such as satellites
and sensors that gauge changes in temperature and vibrations, we can map
out the The scientific community must establish a program to utilize
this vast source. However, nature conforms to its own laws, and we do
not know what danger we may stir up as a result of our meddling intervention.
Mankind must approach this problem cautiously under the supervision of
the appropriate international bodies. - end - Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2001. All rights reserved. |