Astronomy: Dark Matter — Part II Back to Main Dark Matter — Part
II Page Energetic prominences emerge from every energetic formation in the form
of gravitational (magnetic) waves, including the magnificent auroras that
illuminate the polar sky and the brain and heart’s own magnetic
waves that are measured by electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrocardiogram
(ECG) technologies. Dark matter is produced by concentrations of energetic matter. The large concentrations of magnetic matter that are found at the outer borders of huge galaxies indicate that dark matter also appears as prominences. These flares ascend from their source in the form of an energetic path. Upon reaching their peak, energetic swirls are formed; thereafter, the prominences transform into magnetic paths and begin their descent back to their initial energetic venue. The energetic and magnetic paths endow the magnetic space with defined borders and also determine the level of energy (see picture below). In other words, each gravitational wave maintains its own clearly defined area, which is protected by the energetic and magnetic paths. In contrast to the relatively compact energetic path that launches off the point of origin, the magnetic loop maintains a looser and broader alignment. Moreover, upon touching down on the surface, the magnetic loop appears to disseminate in a disorderly, cloud-like manner.
The magnetic loop is comprised of swirling and spinning magnetic matter — invisible dark matter. The latter is found in waves of various sizes and densities. Although dark matter is usually transparent, there are visible manifestations: for example, the gray space or halo-like objects — containing highly-concentrated magnetic loops — that surround galaxies. Every energetic formation, including dark matter, is continuously involved in the shuttling of magnetic matter to its internal magnetic space. In contrast to its configuration in the energetic loop, the energetic path in the magnetic loop is rigid and protects its territory (pictures below).
A diverse array of wave lengths exists, and every energetic wave possesses a specific frequency. A particular wave’s properties depend on the amount of energy that is at its disposal and only formations with the compatible frequencies can communicate with one another (just as every radio station sits on its own frequency). Similarly, the energy in ascending energetic loops only proceeds along suitable energetic paths. Moreover, this framework ensures that individual loops do not interfere with other, unrelated loops, which is essential to the efficient functioning of the universe. Any change in the energetic activities in a wave formation’s vicinity is immediately signaled across its entire edifice as a rigid, energetic “impulse.” This process is characteristic of waves as large as the universe and those as minute as atoms or photons; namely, waves of all shapes and sizes. Consequently, Einstein’s prediction concerning gravitational waves even applies to atoms, and wave theory constitutes the realization of Einstein and Plank’s dream. Within the wave, distance is inconsequential. It takes the same exact amount of time for signals in each and every wave to reach any and all destinations, regardless of the size of the particular wave, be it a galaxy, solar system, or even an atom. The entire universe is indeed miniscule relative to the vast borderless space outside its boundaries. In fact, the variance between our universe and the undefined space may be compared with the proportion between a photon and our universe. Nevertheless, a signal that is transferred cross the universe reaches its destination in the same amount of time it would take for the signal to reach a neighboring planet, moon, or house. There is no notion of “things taking longer” within the realm of internal signaling. In other words, the internal signals of every wave are transferred immediately, as size and distance are inconsequential. Einstein determined that every wave travels at a uniform speed. Yet, a clear distinction must be made between the speed of a wave, which varies from formation to formation, and the speed within a wave, which is always the same for every wave. However, the method by which these internal signals are transferred is unknown and warrants the attention of researchers. The universe, and for that matter all other formations, contains a center, from which the magnetic waves depart in the form of wave prominences. Even the atom possesses this type of framework, which ensures that its neutrons and electrons remain on their orbit (see the article, the Structure of the Hydrogen Atom). Everything in the universe adheres to a clear hierarchy whereby larger entities engender smaller entities in an enduring cycle. Since energetic matter only moves in one forward direction along the energetic path and does not veer off its course, the wave formation must be a closed alignment. Formations do occasionally escape from the magnetic loop, but these ‘runaways’ are doomed for destruction. * * * The area of the magnetic-gravitational loop also serves
as the border of the entire wave. Similarly, the wingspan of the prominences
marks the extent of the wave’s influence. The pillars below are
apparently gravitational waves located at the center of our universe.
Like the solar prominences that formed the planets, these formations create
the galaxies; they are the progenitors of the stars and are responsible
for the expansion of the universe. The energetic paths of some formations resemble the alignment of galaxies M51 and NGC 7317-20:
These galactic formations depict the wave formation of energetic and magnetic swirls that are created by concentrations of energetic matter. Energy is transferred between the magnetic and energetic loops of the wave formation along the paths of the galaxies, all within the area of the wave. The invisible, gravitational dark loops are in perpetual motion. This, then, explains the existence of ghost galaxies in condensed, highly-magnetic areas. From these pictures, it is evident that energetic matter constantly creates different closed wave structures. If not for the wave formation, energetic matter would disperse, like lightening, due to its repulsive properties. The energetic loop is incapable of maintaining its energetic matter alone. The closed configuration of the wave thus serves as the guardian of the formation’s energy. The phenomenon that have been captured in these photos transpire throughout the universe in formations of all shapes and sizes. This only logical given the fact that, according to wave theory, everything in nature is aligned into the same type of wave formation, and all of its variations are governed by the same laws, including the properties and behavior of dark matter. Dark matter thus constitutes an ingenious network of magnetic loops. These energetic structures essentially rule the universe in an incredibly efficient manner, which demands further research. However, it is clear that galaxies do not propagate in a random manner: THERE IS NO CHAOS! The ongoing efforts to research the universe are a captivating and boundless story. This relatively new, unconsummated chapter on dark matter plays an essential role in the narrative: dark matter assumes the role of the gravitational-magnetic loop — the magnetic component of the wave formation — that preserves the structural integrity of the entire universe. - end - Please see the "Pictures of the Century" Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2004. All rights reserved. |