This section will attempt to shed some light on some of the more puzzling mysteries of life by applying the principles of Wave Theory. Lamarck, Darwin, and Wave Theory on the Development of Species Jean Baptiste Lamarck and Charles Darwin both made immense contributions to our knowledge of the development of life. However, their theories were merely part of the most influential development in the annals of living organisms: the brain. The thermal vents located on the ocean floor are a wonderful example of the virtual nature of energetic matter. Their heads — or brains — are comprised of primitive bonds that preserve and regulate every action involved in the creation of organic bonds. Consequently, these bonds ensure the very survival of living organisms. Gradually, these sorts of organisms improved and formed an additional, larger, and more sophisticated brain — also comprised of virtual energetic matter — that took over other roles. For example, it operates all the particular organs that are needed at any given time, while ensuring that the other, non-requisite organs remain passive. Moreover, over a lifetime the brain evaluates the functionality of a particular organ and alters it is according to its analysis. Such changes are even noticeable within a single generation. The most ingenious aspect of the creation of energetic matter is that sometimes the same objective can be achieved in multiple ways. However, the putative “best way” of reaching the target does not always pan out at the end. Random changes that could not have been anticipated ahead of time lead to new genetic phenomena. The brain makes every effort to either accept or reject these changes. The body obviously does not accept everything that enters its system, even if the entire process is random, as it rejects whatever it determines to be unnecessary. At times, some sort of change appears in the enzyme or cell of a body that it is unable to digest, or a disruption occurs in the living process of nature. In such circumstances nature destroys the unwanted body in a savage manner: cancer. The creation of life and energetic matter (also a form of living material) is so sophisticated that as much as we study this field, a true understanding still remains a distant hope. The first life forms, organic bonds and organic colonies, were created in a random fashion, but this could only have transpired in a suitable environment. From the moment that the most primitive creature — even a small amount of organic bonds — took a central role in the regulation of energy and began to assert their control over the colonies of energetic bonds, it essentially dominated all subsequent creations. This formation ultimately developed into what we call the brain. Furthermore, these life formations attempt to create additional framework for the capture of as much energy as possible in order to adapt to the changes their bodies undergo and thus ensure their survival. For example, I know of white people who resided in Africa for years and returned with darker skin. Moreover, the average height of Israelis throughout the 1950s and 1960s hovered around 1.60 meters. We always dreamed of being taller. Today the Jews in Israel are reaching average heights of between 1.70 and 1.80. The thoughts in the brain have had an influence after only one generation! True, many other explanations may be posited, but it is clear that the brain plays a central role. This is accomplished by means of the energetic path (nerves) over which the brain sends energetic pulses and by the nerves (which operate like an electric circuit). I know that I will draw the ire of many established researchers, but according to Wave Theory life constantly continues to propagate in all conditions that are appropriate for organic bonds and thus enable these bonds to maintain their structure throughout the world. Not only does Wave Theory show the correlation and compatibility between Planck and Einstein but it also ties between the ingenious, complementary theories of Darwin and Lamarck. There are many other examples that support both Lamarck and Wave Theory’s claim that the brain, the most sophisticated creation of all, is capable of inducing incredible changes in its host. - end - Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2004. All rights reserved. |