Introduction to Cloud
(Continued —
Page 2)
The cirrocumulus clouds, which are small and puffy and are
found at an elevation of between 17,000-18,000 feet, are another
prominent illustration of wave structure (picture, below-left).
In these types of clouds, the energetic matter creates chain
formations (picture, below-right).
DNA is similarly aligned in chain-like wave
patterns (picture, right). This proves that all energetic
matter, both organic and inorganic formations, is governed
by the same rules
. In other words, there is but one energetic matter that creates
everything — vast and minute entities alike —
by means of its two swirls (vortex). All these structures
are aligned in an identical formation, and are only distinguished
by the extent of their ability to utilize energy from their
surroundings to create an infinite array of living formations,
which can take infinite forms. Therefore, there is a lucid
correlation between the behavior of water and its role as
the creator of life.
Another important phenomenon that is indicative of the highly-energetic
properties of cloud formations are the transparent (apparently
empty) space in their middle (picture, left). This putative
void stems from the energy that pushes the particles to the
sides. It is not merely empty space, as small feather like
formations have been observed that point inward towards the
direction in which the energy is heading (picture, right).
As I have mentioned on numerous occasions, energetic
matter created and creates everything, and water is but one
of its many vital manifestations. The circulation of water,
which takes place wherever water exists, is thus the most
crucial factor in the formation of "life creations."
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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2003. All rights reserved.
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Matter & Astronomy] [Speed
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