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Quant Constants:
The Proportions of Energetic Matter

[Movement and Propagation]

The energy of a drop of water that falls into a larger body of water is dispersed within the formation of a wave, or quant, and each new wave is an exact copy of the previous wave. Each quant is composed of an energetic semi-loop and a magnetic semi-loop.

Magnetic Semi-Loop
Electric Semi-Loop
Electric Semi-Loop
Magnetic Semi-Loop

1 = 1

Energetic semi-loop + Magnetic semi-loop = wave formation (quant)

This sort of formation is imbued with a natural symmetry as see in the following picture from space.

Electric-Enegetic Semi-Loop
Magnetic-Gravitational Semi-Loop
Natural Symmetry

The energy of each wave (quant) is thus tantamount to the previous wave, and the energy disperses in the manner of wave formation, as set forth by the second law of thermodynamics (see relevant chapter in Wave Theory).

According to wave theory, energy within the wave formation must be constant; however, according to the second law of thermodynamics, energy disperses into space, primarily from the energetic semi-loop, via phase transitions. This dispersed energy increases the space of the electric loop. Correspondingly, the magnetic semi-loop's rotational frequency accelerates (see Phase Transitions), so that the total amount of energetic matter within the quant remains the same, even though the size of each of the semi-loops gradually changes relative to its counterpart.

Wave Theory has thus formulated tthe Equation of Gravity as follows:



Or to put it differently:

E =
Gravity · Space
= const =
Quant of
Energetic Matter

The above equations are equivalent to A. Einstein and M. Planck's renowned equations:

E = MC2 = M 300,0002 km/ sec2 (Time)

(Energy ~ M (Gravity) 300,0002 (Space)/sec (Time)

E = hv

Where h = Energetic semi-loop, and v = Magnetic semi-loop.

All the above equations are linked to Schrödinger's equation:

I am aware of the fact that wave theory demands a considerable amount of common sense, but in sense the Physics of the 21'st century is a virtual physics. Therefore to comprehend it and discerns connections accurately, one must understand the behavior of energetic matter.

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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2005. All rights reserved.