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Quantum Computer
(Continued — Page 2)

Quantum Mechanics

Every wave (photon) includes an infinite amount of genes, which contain a wide array of information. In other words, every wave contains an endless amount of smaller waves (quants). However, further research must be conducted to secure a better understanding of the waves' properties (see picture below).

In photons, which are also comprised of two loops, we can clearly distinguish between the magnetic and energetic loops. In older energetic formations that have lost energy from their energetic loop (such as atoms) the loops of energetic matter are in a state of constant superposition.

Every formation of energetic matter is a virtual formation (see the paper on Schrodinger and Heisenberg). Differences between the various properties of waves or particles are entirely dependent on the amount of energy: the greater the energy the more wave-like the formation, while the loss of energy leads to a more solid and stable structure (particle).

Johnson’s beautiful book introduces us to a new era of computing. The author writes that the quantum computer’s primary advantage is that “while a switch in a conventional computer can be either on or off, representing 1 or 0, a quantum switch can paradoxically be in both states at the same time, saying 1 and 0…Therein lies the source of the power.”

According to wave theory, one wave contains endless smaller waves (quants) in a state of superposition. Consequently, one switch can easily process an infinite amount of information — quantum bits (quibits).

While it will indeed be possible to access endless streams of data with a few mere clicks of the mouse, this system will still be based on a binary intelligence system. However, all natural thoughts are arranged in an entirely different way, so that even quatum computers will not be able to think in the human sense of the word.

See the chapter on Life

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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2003. All rights reserved.