Cancer: Autoimmune
December 1, 2003
Living energetic matter aligned as a wave formation
strongly resembles the primary formations of the universe.
It is indeed the formation of life (see pictures below), as
even DNA formations are configured in this manner. It is only
logical, then, that a thorough understanding of energetic
matter’s inner workings will lead us to a comprehensive
understanding of autoimmune diseases and the development of
effective treatments.
Photon (wave formation)
Sequence disturbing the circulation
of energy
As discussed in earlier papers, cancer is essentially the
failure to complete a closed wave formation, whereby unrestrained
accumulations of energy engender cancerous bodies, reminiscent
of natural black holes, which devour everything in their vicinity.
Compared with cancer, the damage to DNA segments caused by
autoimmune diseases is less severe, but the immune system
nevertheless attempts to neutralize the aberration from its
DNA sequence as if it were a foreign body. During this process,
however, the body actually harms its own DNA formation. Since
the repair or replacement of a faulty DNA sequence is primarily
dependent on RNA research that is yet to be completed, current
treatments attempt to prevent antibodies from attacking their
own organism. These procedures use cortisone and other treatments
to remove the disease, but they cause the body harm.
Coping with energetic matter is an extremely complicated
affair, and wave theory provides the best approach to this
highly-sophisticated, ubiquitous entity. One productive step
that can be implemented immediately is the preparation of
genome cards for every newborn child containing all the pertinent
genetic information: such as blood types, stem cells, and
other vital statistics that can be taken from the umbilical
chord. Perhaps, genetic engineering can provide us with a
natural approach to autoimmune diseases. Moreover, salutary
nutrition habits are also significant factors in the prevention
of such diseases.
Admittedly, wave theory does not offer any tangible cures.
It mainly provides a theoretical framework for understanding
many of the terrible autoimmune diseases and other scourges
that afflict mankind. But without groundbreaking ideas no
advances can be made. I thus urge the medical community to
put these ideas to work. |