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Possibilities for Utilizing the Principles of Wave Theory for Treating Cancer
November 20, 2003

[Introduction][Origins ][Prevention][Autoimmune Diseases]

Cancer is obviously one of the deadliest natural phenomenon. It develops in injured cells and organs that the body is unable to repair, due to a compromised immune system. While the body does occasionally succeed in encapsulating the infected region, the cancer can potentially spread to the entire body. The reasons behind cancer's development are numerous. Nevertheless, it can primarily be attributed to a failure of the enzymes that are involved in the regulation of the “energetic metabolism.” Wave theory, which explains the role of energy in the cycle of life, may be utilized to develop treatments that may help the body ward off cancer, respond to a damaged metabolism, and recuperate.

That said, this paper does not offer a comprehensive treatment process, as there are no prefabricated remedies for completely natural occurrences. Moreover, due to the endless variety of cancerous growths, the specific treatments available should be at least as numerous. I merely raise some possibilities that may galvanize our struggle against cancer and provide researchers with the impetus to improve upon existing methods or, perhaps, discover entirely new treatments.

Before I begin to outline some of the many different therapeutic and curative ideas that stem from wave theory, I will briefly summarize how cancer develops in the first place. The struggle against cancer is essentially an attempt to cope with nature. According to wave theory, everything in the universe (including humans) is essentially a formation of living energetic matter. Wave theory provides a coherent description of these ubiquitous, — albeit largely unknown — “virtual” forms of energetic matter. Given the significance of energetic matter, any change in our energetic equilibrium is liable to impair the normal functioning of our various systems. As explained in my article on the Origins of Cancer, living formations are occasionally stripped of their ability to properly digest food and other sources of energy. One of the possible ramifications of this deficiency is the onset of cancer — a super-energetic, living DNA formation (see picture below).

These immature formations create primitive (yet extremely sophisticated) life formations that contain more energy and are thus stronger than the other formations in their vicinity. Subsequently, the new formations devour everything that they encounter, including entire organisms. They, then, proceed to suck in energy and create highly-energetic DNA and abnormal cells, which proliferate with a reckless abandon. Furthermore, the immune system is unable to defend the body because the cancer also devours the immunologic proteins.

Possible Treatments
First and foremost, an effective treatment entails periodic checkups and scans so that the cancer can be identified as early as possible. This is indeed an expensive proposal, but costs will gradually fall as the technology develops and such procedures are accepted by the medical community as a legitimate part of the general preventive process.

It is commonly known that a fire can be extinguished with a larger fire. Treatments that attack cancer with radiation and mechanical coagulation, as well as chemicals that stimulate local coagulation and encapsulation are thus logical and are the best available methods. Both radiation and coagulation are most effective when the cancer is detected at an early stage.

Given the advances in ultrasound and scanning technologies, researchers should devise miniature devices for injection into the body with the ability to pinpoint the precise location of the cancer. These tools will also be capable of incinerating pockets of cancer without inflicting serious damage to the surrounding area (unlike radiation), and the body can then independently clear away the debris. Furthermore, these devices will enable doctors to clog the energetic suctioning points of the cancerous formations by unleashing a wide array of chemicals into the body — such as heavy metals resembling platinum bonds — that will block off the cancer and prevent it from spreading any further.

Technology has vastly improved its ability to diagnose and treat many forms of cancer. However, the misery that cancer continues to inflict on mankind is a sad reminder that much work still remains. Wave theory propounds that cancer is not only a genetic disorder or an infectious disease, but is an independent and highly personal development — in other words, a natural phenomenon! Consequently, many factors, both internal and external, are involved in the creation of these super-energetic DNA formations, and each individual will react to the same elements and treatments in diverse ways. This diversity raises serious questions with respect to the efforts at generalization and the search for all-encompassing cures. Therefore, treatments must be flexible enough to evaluate and care for every cancer patient in a unique manner.

I am certainly not calling for the replacement of existing cancer treatments or the reeducation of oncologists. I merely wish to enhance the vast reservoir of knowledge that has been diligently assembled over the years by focusing the research community’s attention on wave theory. Without a central guiding concept, it is unlikely that we will bear witness to any major advances in the struggle against cancer.

Wave theory does not profess to have found a comprehensive or revolutionary cure. However, a synergy between mainstream knowledge, state-of-the-art technologies, and the principles of wave theory will certainly improve and add to the tools at our disposal. We can only hope to eradicate this treacherous scourge by integrating a broader perspective that attempts to understand cancer as a full-fledged, active member of the natural world.

Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2003. All rights reserved.