Astronomy: Dark Matter
— Part I
(Invisible Matter, Cold Matter, Expanding
Matter or Pushing Matter)
(Continued —
Page 7)
II] [Proof
of Wave Theory] [NGC
2207 and IC 2163 Galaxies]
Matter is not static; it is an electric, perpetually-active,
and mobile medium. Every energetic concentration creates wave
formations (for example, galaxies), which produce
shinning and dark rings. In the adjacent picture of the galaxy,
we see that dark and light paths extend out of the hot energetic
center . As they reach the galaxy’s periphery, the arms
disappear. Every concentration of energetic space gradually
disintegrates into dark space (matter) where it continues
its wave-like behavior. This is the life cycle of all
energetic swirls. Dark matter thus constitutes one of the
steps in the cycle of life.
As such, dark matter essentially
derives from the transformation of visible matter into invisible
matter: a metamorphosis from a hot dense center to a diluted,
rigid, and transparent formation. In other words, every formation
is composed of both visible shinning matter and invisible
dark matter — Schrodinger’s superposition of one
matter. (Even Schrodinger himself was not aware of how ingenious
his ideas were.)
The Second Law of Thermodynamics similarly postulates that
every element loses heat (energy) into space. To be more precise,
energy is released from a shrinking form to an expanded form
(from the magnetic to the energetic loop). Material cannot
simply disintegrate into invisible matter without leaving
any traces of its existence. This is impossible! Every element
is composed of energetic matter that enters other phase transitions.
It is reasonable to assume that dark space does not just instantly
transform into a solid formation, but that this process involves
an amalgam of different waves that derive from various formations
and times. A classic example of this is the analysis of microwave
radiation from space, which deciphers the different formations
that comprised ancient universes, including their ages. Everything
follows its own cycle that concludes with its disintegration
into space (dark space/dark matter).
In galaxies, signals that are transmitted from a particular
region are immediately picked up by every other part of the
galaxy. Due to the immense size of many galaxies, energetic
speed (wave propagation) cannot possibly produce this instantaneous
transmission. There must be an alternate means of communication.
Perhaps the transmission is executed by magnetic formations.
This phenomena indicates that our entire universe rotates
in the form of one rigid formation whose unified integrity
is maintained by dark space (dark matter).
Dark matter — like every energetic formation —
is the superposition of energetic and magnetic properties.
However, the details of this phenomena are very complex. These
same properties can also be found during the nascent stages
of the creation of energetic matter: for example, a huge swirl
(black hole), which simultaneously consists of pulling and
pushing properties and vigorously sustains its galaxy’s
As we discussed above, released
energy disperses into space. Consequently, the energy that
is released enlarges the space around its formation (expansion
properties). This is exactly what Einstein and the Hubble
searched for.
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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2003. All rights reserved.
[Summary] [Book]
[Wave Formation] [Photons]
[Gravitation] [Time]
[Atoms] [Life]
[Cancer] [Fundamental
Force] [Gender/Why Sex?]
[Sexual Reproduction]
[Schrodinger & Heisenberg]
[Creation] [Supernova]
[Speed of Light] [Cloud
Formations] [Natural Disasters]
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