The Movement and Propagation
of Energetic Matter
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The vortices that are found in the arms of galaxies
are characteristic of all phase transitions and formations,
from atoms to galaxies. The motion of energetic matter, which
is characterized by an energetic path and two distinct swirls,
is a common attribute of all stable formations. This is commensurate
with Einstein's idea whereby both small- and large-scale formations
behave similarly.
Small, new vortices appear in the
arms of swirls. |
In swirls, the energetic paths alter
their movement and behavior. |
The Hubble Telescope also captured
the manner in which energetic matter moves. To follow are
a series of photos and attendant sketches that elucidate the
nature of this movement:
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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2005. All rights reserved.
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