Summary of Wave Theory
(Continued —
Page 9)
Once I had attained a detailed hypothesis on energetic matter
and the wave formation, I was able to turn my attention to
gravitation. The discovery of an accurate accounting of gravitation
has evolved into a challenge of near mystic proportions. Again,
I turned to pictures of natural phenomenon in order to divulge
gravitation's elusive properties.
The solution that I eventually extracted from
the pictures turned out to be quite a shock: no human thought,
mathematic formula, or computer could have reached such a
conclusion without bearing witness to the pictures below (picture
and accompanying illustration).

Click to enlarge (NASA)
Over the years, NASA has provided many pictures
of prominences jettisoning off the surface of the sun. These
mercurial bodies are widely perceived as vehicles for the
release of energy and are reminiscent of the bubbles produced
by boiling water. Some of the prominences are configured into
parabolic alignments, while others assume different shapes,
as seen in the following pictures and accompanying illustration.
The spectrometric reading of the first picture
(the second picture above) led me to a radical breakthrough.
However, before jumping to conclusions, let us review the
activities that the spectrometer has divulged. The energetic
matter forms an energetic subsidiary that can only be a magnetic
loop. Astonishingly, the picture shows an ascending and a
descending arm, which are magnetic loops, bursting out of
the surface of the Sun. The sudden shift in the behavior of
energetic matter is underscored by the change in the colors
of the arms. The arches or paths that form the prominence
draw the classical forward movement of energetic matter (red).
Its energetic ascent (in red) pushes upward by dint of its
own forward, spiraling movement. Upon reaching its apex, the
prominence creates a swirl, which reverses the direction of
energetic matter and returns to its source (this time by virtue
of the magnetic swirl's vibrant, pushing motion).
At the apex of the energetic path, the energetic
matter creates a swirl and adopts magnetic properties. Everything
that is encountered within the vicinity of the swirl of the
magnetic path is pushed inside the loop. The descending arm
subsequently returns to the wave formation's energetic source.
If the prominence had, in fact, been "pulled back"
by gravitation, it would have preserved its color and maintained
its primary spinning motion. However, the transformation from
red to blue indicates that the sudden about face is, in fact,
the result of the energetic matter’s own active, swirling
and propensity for shifting the direction in which it rotates.
As a result of this movement, the prominence pushes everything
in its vicinity back to the source of the energetic swirl.
The gravitation is not exerted by the Sun or some other external
body. Instead, it is accomplished by means of loops replete
with magnetic properties that are produced by the energetic
swirl. Consequently, gravitation is actually a pushing
force that behaves according to the principles that
govern the behavior of waves.
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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2004. All rights reserved.
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