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Summary of Wave Theory
(Continued — Page 13)

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The Atom
In contrast to Niels Bohr's ingenious atomic model that is predicated largely on mathematical equations and related knowledge, I sought a more verifiable blueprint that derives from natural observations. According to Wave Theory, the atom is also aligned in a wave formation. After years of searching, I came across the following pictures of Stefan's Quintet, which includes a formation that consists of two huge swirls that are linked by energetic paths:

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Wave Theory

The heart of the atom is the proton, which corresponds to the black spots of the Sun and the black holes of galaxies. In all these cases, pushing, energetic matter creates energetic space in the form of a swirl. In a state of singularity, the condensed energetic matter is expelled via the energetic path (perhaps this is what Brain Greene refers to as strings). Its swirling movement that rotates horizontally like the proton enables energetic matter to reconnect with the proton or black hole. To follow, the energetic matter either forms a wave formation or disperses into space. Moreover, it engenders a positron in the process. The energetic matter proceeds onward and its movement forms a swirl at the end of the energetic path. This swirl is a cloud of energetic matter that is referred to as the positron. It already transfers energy to the other swirl, the neutron, which moves perpendicular to the proton. In contrast, the magnetic swirl attempts to preserve the energy and the entire structure of the atom by pushing as much energetic matter as possible inside. The excess energetic matter is also released by the path, but its movement is more perpendicular. At the end of the path, the energetic matter accumulates in the form of a cloud — the electron — which subsequently returns to the energetic source — the proton — where it rejoins the circulation process.

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