Summary of Wave Theory
(Continued —
Page 16)
Billions of years ago, when life was still at
its nascent stages, aquatic sources of energy forged organic
bonds that spawned "living" energetic formations.
Energetic bonds with enough energy in their surroundings formed
new formations and colonies. An endless multitude of life
forms have followed in their footsteps and many more are destined
to enter the world's stage. Bonds are constantly forming,
but many of them are engulfed by higher life forms before
they even have the chance to develop any further (for example,
plankton is devoured by other organisms). Water, which is
a highly energetic formation in its own right, is particularly
conducive to new bonds, because energetic formations that
inhabit aquatic environments are not rooted to the ground.
Consequently, they are free to float about in search of energy
with which to propagate energetic matter.
Every energetic movement within these bonds
arouses an energetic vibration. Sensitive machines, such as
the oscillograph, can pick up on the vibrations and produce
a diagnosis of their properties. In the future, such machines
will be able to evaluate the health of an individual cell
by interpreting the energetic motion within its bonds. By
analyzing essential life functions such as energetic activity
or the metabolism, these machines can point doctors to the
requisite course of action. Israel's Weizmann Institute has
already developed computerized devices based on these methods
and technologies.
Incredibly, living formations possess the same
structure as the most basic energetic formations. The structure
of the snail, for example, is identical to the Schwarzschild
swirl (illustration below). Everything in the universe shares
the same fundamental structure. There is no difference between
galactic and organic wave formations. All these swirls will
continue to create new life forms beyond our wildest imagination,
as the double helix is the ultimate creative machine.

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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2004. All rights reserved.
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